1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Fairyland MiniFee MNF discussion part 68

Aug 25, 2023

    1. Do minifee use 6/7 or 7/8 sized wigs?
    2. In my experience, if the wig cap is *very* stretchy a 6/7 will work - or if the
      company’s wigs run large like Leekeworld a 6/7 will work. Otherwise a 7/8
      seems to fit the best. For hardcap wigs, 7/8 seems to be the way to go as well.

      It may be that some of the newer minifee heads are smaller than the older - so
      that may change the fit possibilities. Easier to make a slightly large wig work
      than one that is too small tho.
      • x 3
    3. hey, are the hands interchangeable between active/moe and fairyline bodies?
    4. Yep! :)
      #324 Littlebirdzoom, Apr 21, 2024
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
      • x 1
    5. It really depends on the sculpt. Fairyland has been moving towards smaller heads, so sculpts like Mio, Luha, Lami, and Lookback all use 6/7" wigs but Sarang19, Celine, and Chloe use larger wigs. It also depends on the wig maker as well.

      I have been able to get some 6/7" wigs onto the larger noggen ones but they may not sit right, like you will have hair gaping by the temple or side burns. Personally I would always err on the side of a soft cap versus a hard cap unless the artist has the exact size you are looking for. You can also pin the back if you need a temporary fix.

      I always buy one or two wigs from a maker to just test it out.
    6. Hello! Does anyone know what can a be a good hybrid head with the Minifee boy body? :kitty1
    7. I was having some doll time this weekend and dangit, it should be illegal to be this cute!

      • x 7
    8. She's so precious ;__;


      I'm interested in both vampire Hwayu and vampire Jiyu... But I have small issues with each of them ahaha. Jiyu's fangs are so teeny tiny. I love the size of Hwayu's fangs, but I'm not a fan of the human teeth and would prefer a closed mouth.

      There honestly doesn't seem to be too many of either sculpt around, which surprises me!
    9. @astromayhem
      I actually have two vampire Jiyu boys, one as a full set which he never wears, and the second was from the blue skin event not long ago. The blue one has no face up yet so not really worth sharing a photo of yet, however the other has a couple of pix on my flickr.

      So as here might as well share a photo of my first Jiyu. This is Vairius or Vee for short he is mostly a sweet heart.
      • x 7
    10. A precious baby ❤️
    11. I'm so smitten with my mnf trio, but especially this little one. Roo and her curls just make me smile.

      • x 5
    12. I’m so pumped— my friend and I split a Phoeb fullset, and the elf head is coming my way soon! :D

      Also a question; I’m sorry if this has been asked already (I’m sure it has somewhere). Are MNF boy and girl hands interchangeable?

      I love seeing everyone’s minifees :)
      • x 1
    13. Yes the hands for all MNF are interchangeable, though some look more masculine and some look more feminine. I have a pair of the older heart hands that work for either perfectly. In Feeple 60 and 65 the hand size differences are more noticeable then in MNF sizes.

      Also I have female high heel feet on one of my motion line boys. The fits vary a bit between dolls and parts so that is always something to keep in mind even if the parts are meant to work things can be a little off based on actual casting.
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    14. "MNF Hybrid A La Carte" what does this mean?

    15. So curious about this "hybrid" thing!!!
      • x 1
    16. Same. Like are they going to add neck connecters with heads? Or open up like option parts for fairylines as an anytime thing so you can like buy some wings or a mer-tail? Like it's such unique wording.

      Edited for another what if thought. Like maybe busts and other spare parts by themselves?
      • x 1
    17. I recently discovered that my hanging plant shelf is a perfect spot my bjds. Here is my Moira (mnf Dina) chilling there in her new lingerie set.

      • x 19
    18. I think I need to buy some plant holders. That looks so cute! Like a tree swing :whee:
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    19. Oh, you just give me an idea for some outdoor photos with this "tree swing"! :D

      I just wish I had bought more when they were on sale. I could have had all my dolls just hanging on the wall.
      • x 1
    20. Dina is my favorite girl sculpt ever and I just love this. Fits her so perfectly. Your Moira is gorgeous!

      Very curious about the hybrid thing as well. It's a very specific word choice. I thought maybe they would offer heads for sale alone, but that wouldn't make any sense for the word choice? If they open permanent fairyline parts or hybrid parts with that I'm going to lose my mind!