1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Fairyland MiniFee MNF discussion part 68

Aug 25, 2023

    1. Figured I'd share her here - my minifee soony color matched to a myou doll body in coffee <3 She was color-matched and painted by @Myuuchan :)

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    2. Me three! I'm really hoping for a summer doll that will knock my socks off!
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    3. Every day there's not info about the summer event I feel empty inside (not really but kind of!) - I'm just really ready to find out what the dolls and event heads will be!!! The problem with Minifees is that they're all so beautiful, I have to wait for one that really sparks something when I see it (like last year's summer event head) or else I'd end up with all of them! :XD:
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    4. My Layla arrived today :) A la carte with Moe body. She is beautiful, I am really impressed with her face up :love
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    5. @Ashemanu Oooh! Congrats! It gives me hope my girl will ship soon!

      Post a picture of her when you can, please? I'd love to see her in non-company photos!
    6. Wait, is all of them bad? Oh no I don't think I got the memo :XD: Staring down my collection that needs to be thinned and then at my wishlist that only grows.

      Also hoping for a fun summer event!

      EDIT: New Minifee announced, but no information. Nervous for my wallet
      #386 Littlebirdzoom, Jun 28, 2024
      Last edited: Jul 1, 2024
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    7. [​IMG][​IMG]
      Just some photos of my MNF Mirwen, named Willow.

      I would like to ask if there was some MNF Alicia owners around? I plan to purchase one next year, and i would like to see some pictures please, just to have an idea of her potential :lol:
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    8. OMG the new minifee is a unicorn!!
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    9. She's soooo pretty!! I haven't been tempted by a female Minifee in a very long time but I might have to snag her fullset depending on price..
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    10. Willow is beautiful! I have a soft spot for such poofy mohair wigs

      Here’s my Alicia, but she’s on an Impldoll 1/4 Plump body as I wanted more body diversity between my two MNFs (I also own a Ryeon)
      I need to take a pic of both my MNFs together
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    11. She looks great on this body :love
    12. Omg she's so pretty! She looks so beautiful on this body! I so love MNF Alicia's face, can't wait to order one ^^
      Thank you for my Willow! I must admit i have a soft spot too for poofy mohair wigs. If i was listening to myself, all my dolls would have one :lol:
    13. Wow, the new Minifee is gorgeous. Love the sculpt, faceup and the outfit. I think I might grab the fullset, depending on the price. Oh god, my wallet.. :...(
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    14. Welp, my wallet is already mad at me. The Ciel sculpt is amazing!
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    15. OMG right she is a Unicorn <3

      Huge need for her!!
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    16. Thank you! I think so too, I need to post in reference the posing and fit of the hybrid still haha
      Thank you! Alicia is only my second Mnf sculpt I’ve ever felt the urge to have, and do have! She towers of my Ryeon on this body which is fine for me.
      I have a bunch of dolls with mohair wigs like that too, none of my fairyland’s though…
    17. Ciel is so refreshing to see for me. I absolutely adore her. She's the epitome of everything I love about Fairyland (whimsy white and pastels). Very excited for her! This event is very exciting so far.
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    18. Maybe I’m in the minority, but I feel like the Ciel outfit looks unfinished :sweat The pieces she has are pretty don’t get me wrong. But it looks like undergarments and a petticoat and that the skirt is missing. Maybe it’s just the angle of the skirt in the pics I dunno *_*
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    19. I love the beast event head! So adorable. Her feet also look like they’re going to be amazing.

      Fullsets are nice, but I usually end up just using parts of it. I like my dolls in layers upon layers and it kind of messes any posing I want to do. :XD:
    20. Do we think Ciel will be available to order as a human? (no horn)