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Fairyland MiniFee MNF discussion part 68

Aug 25, 2023

    1. I would guess, probably? I'm also going to guess that the horn may be magnetic.

      Here is my tan skin Alicia.


      @IzabethS I love yours on the Impldoll body. She's very pretty and the skin match is perfect.
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    2. Your Alicia is so cute! I’m a sucker for tan skin haha

      And thank you! I’m so happy the skin tones match well, Impldoll did say that real skin was a good match for fairyland natural. I’d say it’s about 95%!
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    3. Hey, does anyone have any minifee hybrids they could share? I'm specifically looking to see if there are any taller bodies they work on for a character I want to shell.

      Thanks a bunch!
    4. Alicia is on my wishlist. I planned have her in NS... But seeing your beautiful tan Alicia, i may change my mind and have a tan skin for mine :love
      #404 Lady Gabrielle, Jul 9, 2024
      Last edited: Jul 9, 2024
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    5. One of my mnf’s is on an Impldoll 1/4 Plump body, which makes her quite a bit taller than my full Mnf.
      I have a 3D printed neckkey on the body, but the neck is thinner on the Impldoll body than a Mnf one, but a wig hides the gabbing perfectly. Head is fairyland natural skin and the body is Impldoll real skin from 2024

      Let me know if you’d like pics of her standing next to my full Mnf with head on
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    6. @IzabethS Oh wow! She looks great on that body, thank you for showing me! Side by side my brain is trying to tell me there is no way she's a minifee, she has to be a F60! Lol.

      Does Imple have a small bust option by any chance? I have never ordered from them before.
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    7. Thanks! She’s definitely a Mnf haha! And yes, there is a small bust option for the body which looks lovely too, I just wanted my Alicia to be super curvy

      I’m personally a huge fan of the body, and it has an easy change system for the hands and feet, though jot magnetic on either part. Very solid though!
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    8. @IzabethS My hope is to find one that is taller and slim, the character prefers a more androgynous look, but it's good to have this idea too!
    9. @LiselT - oh that’s fun too! I’m sure there’s some other good hybrid bodies out there, it just needs to be taller than a Mnf and lithe from stature, right?
    10. @IzabethS Yep! But not so svelte that she looks bobbleheaded! :lol:
    11. Wow! this hybridation is really gorgeous! I like the "presence" it gives to your minifee. Do you have some pics with wig and clothes? I'm curious ^^
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    12. @Lady Gabrielle izabeth has pictures just one page back. :D

      Here are my two hybrids. They are on Doll Leaves "Teenage Dreams" bodies. My aline minifee is in the middle. I used the minifee neck connector from Denverdoll to make it work.

      The Dollleaves body is a lot taller. The minifee normal skin is peachy compared to Dollleaves. So if it matters, the head will need to be blushed lighter. It doesn't matter a lot to me. The only thing I don't like about the bodies are the hands, but I think they work for these characters.



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    13. The Therian event head is super cute, I think I might end up getting it to make a deer boy or something!

      On the subject of hybrids, I don't have any hybrid ladies, but I do have a couple boys if anyone would like to see them. I wanted my guys to be different heights, so I put one on a DollZone body and one on a Doll Family H.
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    14. I don't suppose anyone here has or has seen a minifee head on a coral reef body? I like to hybrid this but it's hard to tell if it would work/look good so i'd love to see it
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    15. I personally don't think this will work well, the gap between neck circumference of head and body is too big for this combination. When you are looking to hybrid a minifee head, you better look for a body with 6.5-7cm neck circumference.
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    16. Ahh that's a shame, I love the body but i'm not particularly fond of the heads, I love the minifee body too thankfully
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    17. I plan on getting one to make a faun girl, with a moe body ^^
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    18. You used DFH yellow for one of your boys, right? Is the color a close enough match without adjusting the faceup? I have a minifee I wanted to switch to a DFH body but Alice said DFH won’t color match to fairyland anymore and my doll already has a faceup I don’t want to wipe.
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    19. Yup! Honestly, I think it's a pretty decent match, not perfect, but barely noticable difference, especially in photos!

      Here's a few pictures of my dude!
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