1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Fairyland Pukifee discussion part 28

Mar 24, 2020

    1. So cool to see both Pio and Cupid! When FL added Cupid as a PukiPuki I was tempted, but thought I'd rather have him as PukiFee size. And as I was about to order Pio just before FL discontinued the PukiFees, I now caved in and ordered a tan Pio and a normal skinned Cupid. I hope it won't take too long for them to arrive. I only have one Pukifee (PongPong) and he'll be happy to get some new friends.
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    2. [​IMG]Tuppence 05/24 by Ali MacTavish-Riach, on Flickr

      A wee photo of my Tuppence, my Pong, and a friend. I have a few more photos but haven't processed them yet and laptop is about to run out of battery (ugh I hate laptops....what's wrong with a good old-fashioned chunky tower system pc...). I only noticed while looking at the pictures I took that her faceup is cracked, I probably rushed the sealant when I did it years ago so it's just as well I'm planning to redo it.
      Tuppence will get moved onto the Vanilla I'm waiting for and this Pong will become a different character....or at least that's the plan. We all know plans tend to go out of the window when the dolls actually arrive and we realise they have their own ideas!

      Oh my goodness @Xanadu Dolls those props, especially that trike, are fabulous! Pio and Cupid are such cuties too although personally I've never been too struck on Cupid, I think I prefer it as a Pukipuki. Don't get me wrong, I think all PKF are cute as hell it's just that some appeal to me more than others.

      @JinCIncy she looks worn out poor little dear!
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    3. I bought them years ago and haven't seen them anywhere since. So many have asked where I got them and I think I found them at a doll / teddy show. All my Radio Flyer props I found on Ebay.
      I have so many PF's it's not funny, I think I'm addicted. I think you should definitely get a Cupid though, perhaps you can catch up with me. :dance:hug:
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    4. Congratulations! It's nice to see someone else has caught the bug! :mwahaha Hope they arrive soon and we can see photos of your trio. :hug:

      Tuppence is a cutie, though I don't have this one myself. I agree with you about laptops, the battery always runs out at the most inconvenient times. I shall look forward to seeing what you do with both PF's.

      I'm glad you like them, one can never have enough props! That's okay, we all have our own favourites, it would be a boring world if we all like the same things. :hug:
    5. Could I ask what's a good size for wig and eyes for mio or just general pukifee, please?
    6. I use a 5-6” wig and 10mm eyes on my Pukifee, this is my Mio.
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    7. Thank you so much! Your mio is seriously adorable oh my stars ♡♡♡
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    8. Hi, I don't know if it's the right place to post it but does someone have a picture of a pukifee ante in tan skin tone with the company faceup ? A friend saw a doll on secondary market that is mentioned as legit but the seller said she can't find the box and CoA. She sent my friend a copy of an email from denver doll confirming the order for a tan pukifee ante with company faceup and she is from 2015 apparently. I don't know what company faceup looks like on a tan pukifee doll and couldn't really find pictures online so if you have one, that could be helpful for me to make sure the doll is indeed legit
      Thanks by advance :)
    9. I have a tan Ante with company faceup but this one is from 2023. If you need help verifying legitimacy of a doll that you are looking at buying you can post in Ask the Moderators.
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    10. @NineOneThree Thank you for the picture, and the tip, I had no idea we could all the moderators directly, so it might be helpful if I do that !
      Your doll is adorable by the way :love
    11. Happy to help, Ask the mods is in the help section
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    12. I'm waiting for a Pukifee vanilla tan, she will surely be there in about 4 months.
      Can i have a shower of Vanilla tan pictures, please? It will help me to wait :lol::love
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    13. My Vanilla is an older one that I found before Pukifee came back
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    14. She's so cute! Thank you!
    15. I posted a free knitting pattern for Pukifee/Lati Yellow on Ravelry. It's SUPER easy!
      Happy 4th of July! Stay safe!

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    16. Thanks for that @Answer42 , my girls need some new knits.:hug:
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    17. Aloha has been here over 10 years now. Time flies! She was my first tan PKF.
      Aloha 1
      by clochette62, on Flickr
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    18. She's so cute!
    19. Did anybody order any Pukifees when Fairyland added more molds to their selection in the spring?
      When Fairyland released Pukipukis and included Cupid, I was tempted but said that I'd rather have Cupid in Pukifee size. And when Fairyland added new Pukifee molds to their a la carte list, they included Cupid, and I just had to get him. And I had been just about to order Pio fullset when Fairyland suddenly put all Pukifees on hiatus, so I decided I must now have him, too, though the fullset was no longer available.

      The two Pukifees arrived today. Now they need names and clothes because they are just wearing borrowed clothes for now.
      [​IMG]New kids on the block by spih_2, on Flickr
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    20. @spih Congratulations on the new arrivals! Oh my, your new cupid is so adorable. That little face just oozes character.:)