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Favorite wig/eye/resin combinations?

Nov 15, 2016

    1. I was thinking lately about how I always seem to metaphorically drool over pictures of dolls with green eyes and brown or reddish wigs. Does anyone else find that there's a specific "look" you like to see in dolls? I've read that tan dolls with pink hair have been a trend lately, and one of my minis, Halogen is sorta-tan and I think he looks absolutely great in pink, though that of course is subjective. I'm not really here to talk about trends in dolls though, more what you specifically like to see/own in regards to doll appearance. I guess it could be similar to having a "type" in regards to attraction, except in this case more of personal preference in regards to dolls. ;)
      (I don't blame you if you are attracted to yours or others' dolls, I kinda feel the same about my Spencer :P)

      So? Are there any common traits you've found you prefer, in your dolls or others'? I don't mean sculpt features(there are other threads for that), though, more like what kind of hair and eyes you think look good on dolls.

      Myself, I've taken a liking to green eyes with natural haircolors, and, of course, tan and pink, as mentioned above.

      I'd love to read about other favorite looks though!
    2. It all depends on the character for me, but I really like various shades of brown eyes and dark brown or black hair on dolls with normal yellow, tan or brown skin. Justin, Jayden, and Hailey follow some form of this combo.

      Looking at my crew, apparently I like blond hair and blue eyes a lot too, though it just happened to fit the characters and wasn't really something I'm crazy about!
    3. *U* I agree that both pink hair with tan resin and green eyes with reddish-brown hair are gorgeous!

      I myself most certainly don't have a "type" when it comes to my own dolls as they all have distinct color schemes; none of which have the exact same hair/eye/resin combo.
      That being said, there are certain looks I do tend to favor in other people's dolls and in general, particularly golden/pale blonde hair on tan resin, bonus points if they have similarly golden colored eyes. *U* Souldoll's Ossian has more or less exactly the hair/resin combo I'm taking about and gosh it just makes me melt <3 (*Special ball jointed doll for you, SOULDOLL*)
      Also primarily black and white combos with a small touch of color is beautifully striking. Withdoll Eliza Snow Queen is a good example (:::::::::: WITHDOLL ::::::::::)
    4. White skin, dark hair and purple eyes.
    5. I definitely favor red hair and blue eyes (or green, as a runner-up)-- I've read that red and blue are the rarest combination, though that's not really why. But I also like pretty much any combination of pastels.
    6. Blond wig + Blue/Pink/Green Eyes + Normal Skin
      Black wig + Green Eyes + Tan Skin
      Black/Dark Brown wig + Gold Eyes + Tan Skin/Light Tan
    7. I definitely favor creme or white haired dolls with normal white or natural skin and amber or hazel eyes. I know I'm going to be having an odd time deciding what to do for my atelier momoni reira since she is lavender pink. XD
    8. I like the russet-haired blue/green-eyed style myself, but I also like the pale skin, dark hair, colorful eyes style (a la vampires).

      Most tan skins don't really interest me, but I agree that light pink hair can look very striking with tan skin.

      I would never want a grey-skinned doll, but I do admire them from afar, especially when grey skin is paired with white hair and bright (pink, lavender, blue, etc.) eyes.
    9. Similar to the tan plus pink thing, my current obsession is dolls with tan or grey skin and a mixture of very bright pastels in the wig and eyes.
    10. I LOVE Tan (especially the really dark tanned) dolls, I might never get one... I've heard to many bad stories about the darker resins... but after I have some dolls that I'm not selling, I might think about doing some research into it. I really would love to have some darker skinned dolls. I tend to love them in either natural hair colours like the dark browns, or sun bleached blond. However, I also adore white, blue, or yellow-green/dark green hair on them! I would want darker eyes for them I think.

      I also adore the opposite, white skin with white hair and really pale eyes! Though I'm not sure I ever want this one, it's more that I just love seeing it in photos.

      I love plenty of others, but these are the ones that draw me in most when I look at photos. Right now though... I'm not getting either!xD
    11. I adore tan (light or dark) dolls with white hair,I find the contrast interesting and beautiful.

      I also admire white skinned dolls with very light or very dark hair,very pretty combination~
    12. i have a special addiction to combination of pastel and unnatural fantasy hair colors with magenta eyes.
      Second favorite is cold-colored dark hair (like dark purple or blackish blue) with light eyes of cold shade

      It looks best of all to me when the skin is not too yellow because yellow looks even more yellow with cold shades. So, i prefer light skin, thought not completely white. I doubt if i ever want to own tan doll, but if i do this can only be some arab character with black hair - for me skin cannot be darker than hair (unless hair is white and even light skin is darker))
    13. For dolls with dark brown skin, I really like crimson hair and eyes if we're going with a fantasy colour scheme :)
    14. I also really love tan dolls with pink hair!! It's a popular choice. My tan Momocolor Lucy has pink hair and amber eyes. It matches her so well. I love white skin dolls with pale colors. My BW minifee has a pale lavender wig with pale blue eyes and I love the combination on her. I also tend to pair black hair with blue or gray eyes. I have gray eyes myself and dye my hair black because it makes my eyes pop. It's something that has carried over to my dolls. I probably have 5-6 dolls with this particular combo. It's terrible and I really need to mix it up more. One combo I'd love to try is a tan skin doll with white hair and pinkish red eyes.
    15. My pair of Cheshire cats from Pipos are both bald and blue eyed.
      Most of my dolls are darker skin tones with dark brown eyes and hair. Kind of boringly normal, but what I like, I guess?!
      I originally thought all of my dolls would be black haired, but that has turned out to not be the case.
      I have no dolls with unnatural hair colors, which is totally weird, as I adore brilliant colors, and constantly hunt for the perfect blue wig.
      I will never own a pink doll wig.
      My three black haired dolls have really bright, unnatural eye colors: purple, silver, and emerald green.
      I am still searching for the perfect brown eyes: translucent root beer colored, a reddish but very clear brown. All the eyes I find are too dark, too pale, too muddy, too gray, or just too opaque. So frustrating!

      I too need more variety. A white haired doll with lavender eyes, a green eyed red head, or wouldn't a blue haired doll with blonde eyes be stunning? Or one with dark purple hair and fluorescent lime green eyes?!
    16. My absolute favorite is brown-tan skin with blue eyes and black hair. I have four girls with this combo. I'm also partial to realistically-colored dolls with albinism.
    17. My favorite combo is one that I rarely see, a look that I've dubbed the "Bradbury Martian." In his works Ray Bradbury described Martians as dark-skinned, golden-eyed, and with russet-colored hair. For a ball-jointed doll this would likely mean tan resin, golden or dark yellow eyes, and a wig in a natural shade of red. I've seen exactly one doll colored in this manner, and I plan to put a second one together in the not-too-distant future. I've got the eyes and the wig. Now all I need is the doll!
      • x 1
    18. Blonde hair, hazel or some shade of blue or green eyes, pale skin.
      I'm in a rut.
      But I have one white skinned girl calling for black hair and violet eyes and two tan hybrids in progress though so I will break out this year!
      #18 mimimontoya, Feb 9, 2017
      Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
    19. Oh goodness, definitely black wig/green eyes/white resin. Half my dolls look like this now, and it wasn't intentional!
    20. Looking around at this crew... I seem to like dark hair, blue eyes and normal skin tones together.