1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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.::~*~ Feedback for the-sinister ~*~::.

Aug 21, 2008

    1. I commisioned the-sinister to paint my Sard's head, horns and hooves/leg parts. It was a huge job but she was enthusiastic, polite and friendly and kept me updated all the way through the process.
      When he arrived home the day after she had posted him I was speechless; the quality of her work is impeccable, I couldn't be happier!! :aheartbea:aheartbea:aheartbea

      Thank you so much for an incredible job, it has brought my Sard to life!! Recommended to everyone out there looking for an amazing artist to paint their doll :aheartbea
    2. Sold a few pairs of boots to the-sinister, communication was smooth and payment was very prompt too. Highly recommend ^^
    3. I commissioned the-sinister to paint two of my boys and I couldn't be happier with the outcome. She is so lovely to deal with and such a sweet, friendly person too! The quality of her work is fantastic and I'm impressed with how quickly she finished the commission. Communication was excellent and she kept me updated regularly with progress pictures. I will definitely commission the-sinister again in the future and I can't recommend her enough! Thank you so much for making my boys adorable! You're awesome!!! :)
    4. the-sinister painted my Ganga head, she was so easy and pleasant to deal with. I received my head back today and it is exquisite! Already reccommissioned her,very happy with the service this artist offers...thank you so much
    5. the-sinister did the face-ups for my Minifee Nanuri and my Yumi faceplates. I am delighted with them and would certainly ask her to do one of my dolls again. She kept me updated, worked quickly and did beautiful work.
    6. the-sinister just finished painting my seola head,she was painted beautifully and work was completed in a timely manner. I was kept informed of progress throughout..I cannot recommend this artist enough, very happy, thank you
    7. the-sinister painted my KDF Cherry head and she did such an amazing job! Everything turned out better than I could have imagined and I'm so happy with the whole process. Communication was great and the shipping time was super quick. She even sent an adorable little gift and note back with my boy. I would definitely send any future dolls to the-sinister for a face up!
    8. I commissioned the-sinister for a faceup for my DoD Krot girl, and I am overjoyed with the work she did :)
      She kept me updated and even sent both a sketch and progress photos of my girl to make sure the work turned out perfect, and it certainly did, and she was even kind enough to include a gift for my other girl :D

      Thanks for being the best experience I've ever had with any face-up artist, would definitely recommend to everyone!
    9. Del bought a doll from me!

      I would leave a really positive feedback.

      She was really politite, cooperative and she anwered really quick to PM's!
      Even I screwed it up a little bit, she still didn't get mad and was really understanding.

      I would definetly recommend her to everyone!

      Thank you ♥
    10. Del created my dream Mirwen for me and she's currently working on two other dolls. I cannot rate her highly enough.
      Gorgeous Gwen by chocchip, on Flickr
    11. Del / the-sinister painted two of my heads to life. She did wonderful job! I will commission her in the future again.
      Highly recommended to everybody!
    12. Del is a miracle maker! She worked on two tan minifee heads for me. My Ryeon is gorgeous, Del has really bought her character to life. My tan Luka had fading in the middle of her face and I was really worried that I would have to get rid of the head. Del did an amazing job of covering up the fading for me and created a really sweet face-up. She showed me photos as she was working on them which was really helpful. I've now had 4 dolls done by Del and I love every one.
    13. I commissioned Del to paint my Fairyland L-Line Ruru for me - she had the added difficulty of the fact, that I needed him painted as the child version of my other Ruru (who was painted by another artist) but she absolutely exceled the job! He looks absolutely perfect, the face-up is very well executed and I'm blown away by her attention to detail.

      Communication was absolutely flawless throughout the communication, I was always kept informed about the status of my boy and she managed to get him to me in time for a personal deadline (which I sprung up on her kind of in the middle of things, still sorry about that!). He was quickly and secured shipped back to me and arrived save and sound.

      All in all I can wholly recommend Del as an amazing artist if you are looking for a new face-up for your doll :D
    14. I commissioned Del to give my April Story Minggu a Face up and it was a overall satisfying transaction. Del made a sketch out of my rough concept for the character an created a perfect face up on this small head, I'm totally amazed how detailed she worked and how perfect every line came out. I'm so thankfull that she was able to fullfill this wish of mine to give the little one a clown face up and the communication was excellent, I would really recommend her!
    15. I bought Del's Crobidoll Nia and the transaction was flawless. She worked with me to help pay him off in installments and to get the cheapest shipping possible from the UK to the US. He's so beautiful and I'm so happy with him and with Del. I'm so pleased with how well it went I even want to commission her now!
    16. Del did a superb job on my iplehouse Carina, her lips were better then I had hoped!
    17. Del adopted Little Monica Giselle from me and the transaction was so smooth and the communication was friendly! Prompt payment! It was a good experience!! I will definitely recommend her to everyone!! Thank you very much!! :) <3
    18. Bought a Luts head from the-sinister,

      Perfect all 100% possitive :)
    19. Del did an amazing job painting my Minifee Shushu head. The communication was fantastic and the results are breathtaking. I highly recommend her.
    20. I commissioned Del to paint my Ninodoll Bada and the results were beyond anything I could imagine. They were amazing. Great communication, very willing to help me work my ideas into a beautiful face-up, and even helped me when I needed his head measurements.I can't recommend her enough. She takes great care and keeps you fully updated every step of the way. One of the smoothest face-up commissions I've been apart of. Thank you again for my amazing boy!