1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Finding The Motivation to Finish Doll Projects

Aug 31, 2018

    1. Anyone else have trouble with this? Much as I love sewing and other doll projects, it’s too easy to get distracted soon as I run into a road bump. :c
      Anyone else have trouble with powering through? How do you curb the temptation to keep jumping to the next thing and keep motivation up?
      Hopefully this isn’t a duplicate topic!
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    2. I find myself in the same boat. When I got my first doll in late 2004, I was okay sewing things for her every other week or more often. Now that I have a few more dolls and have gotten a lot older, I don't feel as motivated to finish stuff for them anymore. I loved repainting and modifying them at the beginning when I first got them, but now I struggle to complete anything. I joined the DoA anniversary contests in past years specifically to get the motivation to sew for my dolls, and joined again this year the face up challenge; I was already thinking of redoing a bunch of my floating heads for a while, but couldn't find the motivation to do it. For me, I think it's mainly because I am older (I discovered BJD when I was around twenty-three, I am thirty-seven now!). I even lost interest in looking into the BJD hobby for a while a few years ago -- I never intended to have more than ten complete dolls, so I am not talking about purchasing more, but I lost the interest in reading news about them, and looking at them online (like coming to DoA, or searching on Tumblr, Flick, etc.). I really love the dolls I own however, so I never have any intention to get rid of them. Dolls have always been a huge part of my life, so I intend on keeping them en if I don't do anything with them. I hope however, that I will be working on them this year. Hopefully I won't get discourage or lazy, as I am a huge procrastinator and it's only gotten worst with age. DX
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    3. Honestly I move onto the next thing and give the trouble project some breathing room. I've found that forcing something is a good way to make it feel like a chore, so I just do what I feel like in the moment. If that means leaving an unfinished wig or an unpainted doll on my shelf for a month, that's ok. It's not like I have a deadline.

      I do like keeping my unfinished dolls on my shelf though as a reminder that I still need to work on them. Having a half-finished project staring me in the face tends to motivate me to action eventually.
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    4. What works for me and what I've found out in the last few years is that if I have 3 or 4 bjd projects going at once then when I loose enthusiasm for one its perfectly fine to switch to another. That way I circle through all 3 or 4 projects and sometimes finish off at least a couple almost simultaneously. Right now there are 4 projects I'm working on, three bjd based and one art based. When my hands get too sore to sew I work on the art project. There's also Netflix and books to read, sometimes a break to just relax is good too :).
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    5. i tend to go off projects when im having dificulty especially in sewing im trying to make msd sized sets of clothing but not having a msd doll along with working on a small scale pattern gets very difficult for me n my machine hopefully when i get around to adjusting the pattern it will make it easier to work with and i wont make so many mistakes <3 and i dont get very distracted as i tend to set myself tasks and if i can try to sew a finished piece every day (getting very good at shorts) once you do that alot you tend to get into a system and your brain turns on to project mode all of a suddenx3
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    6. I find it helps to have a well-organized, bright and welcoming space to work. My ‘craft area’ for 2.5 years has been a small coffee table (also serving as a dining table) in a crowded basement suite, so that hasn’t been possible. A nicely organized storage caddy that put everything at arm’s reach helped a lot, however. Your hesitation could be a sign it’s time to take a break and organize your space for clearer visualization.

      Beyond that, though, I set myself a time or goalpost requirement. Work on this for one hour, finish the pattern for the shorts. After that one hour my interest in the project is often renewed, but if not, I don’t kick myself over it. The next day I’ll do an hour again, so at least there is progress even if my head’s not 100% in it. It could be the project itself just isn’t that fun. In that case I just need to get through it.

      I’m one who likes to work on many projects at once, but my workplaces become cluttered if I allow it to run past like... 2. (I also like to do dishes and tidy the house and start laundry and sweep a front walk all at once, and then realize I left the faucet on and forgot the laundry soap and the oven’s been on for 30min with nothing in it yet.) In my case some pruning is definitely required, even if my brain tells me I’m getting more done if I do it ALL RIGHT NOW. You may have too many projects and it is overwhelming you.
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    7. I have this problem too. I have successfully finished projects, but there are quite a few that are still unfinished. Like almost a decade unfinished... Motivation is something I’ve lost over the years. I’m trying to get it back! I have found that making a clear list of what I want to do, helps me keep on track. I love checking off things. Also having the unfinished project somewhere I see it every day makes me more likely to finish it. I see one right now on my work table that is 90% done, I just need that one final push. I think today is that day!
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    8. I think it's totally normal to go through phases where you feel less motivated or lose motivation for a project - especially if you have to work for a living. Sometimes, work and family - or school - just doesn't leave a lot left over at the end of the week. And, there are always household chores that have to get done. I find that, like ObsequiOus said, it helps me to bounce around among several projects and take a break when you get overwhelmed or frustrated with one and come back to it later. You're still enjoying the dolls even if you're not constantly projecting for them! :)
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    9. Having depression I lose motivation not only with the projects but with the dolls and hobby itself, is quite annoying, but there is always a moment when the motivation comes back so I kind just wait for it :XD:

      I love @Havra advice, but its kind hard to find a workspace when you dont really have a lot of space. I will try to clean my room and see if I can make any space at all.
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    10. I will sometimes get frustrated with a project, go do something else for a while and come back to it. A table prop I'm working on for my dolls needs an annoying amount of sanding, so I'm also working on an art project and cleaning my art space. I've taken a break from doll clothes to work on a human- sized quilt project.
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    11. I totally get it, with my crafting area also being the kitchen table and so forth. Leaving things out to come back to later just wasn’t an option. Shelves and wall storage options are great if all you can manage is a corner of a bedroom, though, and that way things are easy to grab. I find even if the space is very small, if it’s tidy, bright and calm then I feel much more free to work. I wish you the best of luck.
      #11 Havra, Aug 31, 2018
      Last edited: Aug 31, 2018
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    12. I find it's so much easier to go on-line and see what everyone else is doing rather than even starting to finish one of my many doll projects that have been sitting around for years now. I've even considered turning off the wifi connection to help me curb my on-line surfing but haven't done it yet.
    13. The only way I can do it is by having a really life deadline. If I don't I never get then completed. I have spent hours prepping for doll projects and ordering the stuff, but will never finish it. I use doll meets and friends as my main force to push me forward. So I find a deadline a big help. But what the others have said are good too. I'll have to try some od their techniques out... but keeping my craft area clean is a near impossibility. Lol
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    14. I do like what Havra said, too. She does have a point. If every time you want to sew for or paint a doll or make something, you have to take down your supplies (or FIND THEM?!) from all corners of your home, and then set them up in a space you know you’ll have to clear off soon, it’s really easy to just decide to put it off until another day.

      Not everyone has a space to permanently dedicate to doll projects. But, at least figuring out where to store your supplies all in one place might give you fewer barriers to getting started. Lots of times what’s stopped me is that ONE thing that I remember is in an inconvenient location and is going to be a pain in the butt to get to.

      It’s always really enjoyable once you get going! And, it’s so much easier to get motivated if your really excited about the project.. :)
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    15. My biggest motivation is that I can't stand clutter and unfinished projects. I will force myself to finish things just so they aren't sitting around. If I'm not that interested or excited about it, then I probably won't care that much for it once it's done either.

      It helps me to have a list of things I want to make. Like an actual handwritten list, so I can cross things off as I finish them. I am so much more productive when I can visibly see the list shrinking, and the number of things that are finished growing.
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    16. I am really feeling this at the moment... not just with doll projects, but other creative things as well. I'm having to force myself, which isn't exactly fun, and doesn't always produce the nicest results. Although, if I can get myself into a routine, then I think I'll be a bit better? Easier said than done though ;A;
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    17. It never turns out well when you force yourself!! :( I hate feeling like that - when I have to make myself finish a project. The doll doesn’t even want to cooperate when you’re feeling that way.

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    18. I cant force myself to do something cause I always end up ruining whatever I did before.
      At this moment I cant sleep and I am feeling like continuing some projects, but for the one I really want to do, I cant remember were I stored the material UGH. Guess I will have to do the second option or nothing. So frustating!
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    19. I usually will keep two projects going at a a time. One that I can finish quickly and one that’s mroe time consuming. That way, when I feel like the time consuming one is bogging me down, I switch to the quick one so I can feel like I’m getting stuff done.
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    20. It is something I am struggling through. I tend to sew and craft more for my dolls while I wait for a new doll. I know that each time a new doll arrives, I concentrate on her/him for a few month, so it is a bit like a deadline: ''if you don't make whoever's pants now, he'll never get any!'' . I am not waiting for any new BJD, so my pace has slowed down considerably.

      At the moment, I try to motivate myself by watching videos showing people detailling how they make things. And look at the piles of materials I've stored away to make lovely things for my BJDs. Just the sheer volume of it often spurs me into action. And I hate having unfinished projects. Which means that anything that has been started tends to grab my attention at some point.
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