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First doll regrets?

May 14, 2010

    1. I feel so lucky that the first sculpt hat I fell in love with was inexpensive, so I didn't feel I was taking a big risk with my first doll. I occasionally wish I'd gotten her in normal, rather than white, skin, but I still adore her.
    2. I feel just the opposite about my first doll. I wish I had gotten him in white rather than normal. Though I do still love him and his sculpt so very much. Other than that I have no regrets when it comes to my first doll.
    3. I visited lots of BJD sites when I started thinking about buying one, and had put a few on a list, but I just couldn't fathom spending so much money on any doll. After lurking around a bit more I started to get more excited about the possibilities for painting faceups, learning to sew clothes, make wigs, etc... and decided to take the plunge, but still didn't want to spend too much. Fortunately I genuinely liked Resinsoul Mei very much, plus she wasn't (relatively) very expensive. However, while I was thinking about that I think I saw some YouTube box openings where people kept getting Mei's head on Rong's body, and I looked into Rong (felt bad for her that nobody was ordering her head) and I think I saw some owner pics and decided I liked her face and big ears more than Mei. I saw Denver Doll Emporium actually had a Rong in stock and ordered her. I did my research and got a lovely interesting doll at a good price and didn't even have to wait more than three days :)
    4. I decided to get an MSD-sized bjd as my first doll mostly because of the price, even though the one I really loved (from site pictures) was a still affordable SD-sized one. Now I have three different sizes and I love them all, but my first is still the best poser and gets the most attention. He can hold some really amazing poses, even though I'm not particularly good at posing them. :D I have never restrung him since he arrived and he still has his default faceup in almost perfect condition. ^^ I got him in 2005. Heh.
    5. I got mine pretty fast and the deciding factor was a lot to be desired.
      Now that I think about it, I really went revers-logic. I saw an outfit I really wanted. The company had a particular doll modeling for it. I checked the doll company out and picked the sculpt that I liked best.

      If I could pick my first doll again, I would have done it differently. Except the company just happens to model for two clothing brands that I particularly like. So at that time, it was a good idea for me.

      I still love my first BJD, so I still think I made a good choice. Hell, she won over the hearts of my mum and my sister, she's that cute.
    6. Well, I did definitely agonize over my choice for a long time. From the moment I started looking into BJDs, all through the period of time that I was saving, I looked at so many dolls I thought would be the one.

      But then I saw KDF An and knew that was Vince, and while when he arrived there were angles at which he looked quite different from the company photos, I had no regrets-- he was adorable and he was mine!

      I still do a lot of bouncing around between different sculpts when I'm in the planning phases. Oh, the many dolls I said would be my second doll, before Pete and Billy... Oh, the many dolls I said would be my fourth before committing to the boy I'm saving for now! But hesitation and indecision now don't always mean regrets later-- so whatever you pick, I hope when your doll finally gets to you, it's exactly what you want! Sometimes you just need to hold it in your hands at last to really fall in love and know you made the right choice.
    7. Although I wanted a doll for many years I couldn't bring myself to buy one sight unseen.
      In the end I waited until I was back in Japan so I could browse through the large selection of second hand dolls available.
      I ended up buying the first doll in the country I saw.
      There were days of searching through other stores before I went back and got her but it was like she was destined to be mine.

      The only regret I have with her is not rescuing her years ago.
    8. I bought my first from eBay simply because it was the first I could afford and I have no patience so I couldn't wait to get my hands on one and find out about them for myself, my neighbor collects bjds and I loved looking at his but would not really touch them because I didn't know much about them, (he and I are dating now ;), but after getting her I was very disappointed she is a msd dollzone shyo and I feel she is not as good a quality as I would have liked nor do I much care for my msd Volks Maggie in fact I'm looking to give them both away now! :) But I have loved my two more recent purchases, a Soom Gem Gena and Orion from angel-street.com! I guess my point is you learn through trial and error!
    9. I sold my first doll, but I wouldn't say that I regretted the purchase or even owning the doll. I bought the first doll that really caught my attention visually. I waited a long time for the doll to be manufactured and shipped out, and at the time there was little information about the company that made that doll. I owned her for slightly less than a year, and then I sold her. Looking back, I'm glad that I bought that doll at that time. I really liked having her around for the time period that I did, but I'm also glad that I sold her when I sold her. It was a nice experience.
    10. With my first doll, I felt this way for a bit, but then I saw my Nana, and everything sort of fell into place--I just knew she was "the one." I actually struggled more with this on my second doll. There were a couple different sculpts I really loved, and worried that I might order the wrong one. I haven't received it yet, so I don't know for sure if I made the right choice or if we'll bond, but even if we don't, that's ok. I can sell it and get the other one, and all I'll be out is time. (As much as I tell myself this, I do still worry about it XD)
    11. The only reason I've considered selling or trading my RS Ju (or at least her head) is because I'm just not too fond of the elf ears. There's just something about the particular shape of them that is admittedly a bit annoying in terms of putting a wig on her. There are times when I very much wish Alba had human ears and yes, I have thought about altering them to suit. I love her face, but I just don't like the ears much. Right now my Narae is on her body and that's how it's going to stay until I can find Narae another RS body that fits. Oddly enough after searching all over the place for the "perfect" body for her it turned out that Alba's damaged and slightly off color RS body was the only one that matched her skin tone. Neither Alba's head nor Narae's head fits my Miro girl body color-wise so at the moment Alba is a floating head. I kind of do want another body for her but I've also considered stripping her head of her warpaint and maybe swapping it for a human mini head of some sort, re-shelling Alba with a head that might fit the Mirodoll body instead of reshaping her ears and that.

      I do have a RS Lu that has been altered to be more human like and I know it can be done but it seems like a lot of work and I'm just not sure if I want to do it. I think I'd almost rather swap out the Ju head for a human head instead. I still love "Alba" as a character but I kind of want to regenerate her too. I feel rather bad that Narisse has taken her body sometimes. I mean she was "first doll" and all but then again honestly I'm so totally into my Narae (and all her little clones) and there is just no way she can't be on a body. She's a major priority, that doll. I just have such a thing for Narae that it's got to be that way. I keep thinking that one of these days I might find another RS girl body for her, but then again I've also just thought about making the Miro Mini Wind into "Alba" too and trading away the Ju head. I'm kind of tired of looking around for RS bodies and other mini heads I like better. I think I might just want to work with what I have instead.
    12. I had a dreadful time deciding on my first (and only) doll. I only ever planned to have that one boy and he was to be a character of mine, who is very precious to me, and I just couldn't decide, even after narrowing it down to two. My head eventually picked one, but my instinct told me to go for the other. I eventually went with instinct, a Migidoll Cynical Yujin, and I am SO happy I did. He is perfect for my character and I adore him. :)
    13. I did Volks FCS for my first doll, so if I have any regrets it's that he just cost so much money. I've never felt disappointed by the doll though. I started to lose interest in him when I got tired of the original faceup, but I commissioned a new faceup for him and now I like him even more than I did originally.
    14. I recently got my first doll and I am beyond happy with my choice! I WAS super indecisive though, I originally ordered a different sculpt, changed that and then changed again >.<

      So glad I did though! No regrets!
    15. I was actually terribly certain about my first doll... until I got him. His faceup was terribly vapid, and his wig didn't suit the look I had in mind. I felt like I'd wasted the money on him, and plunked him down on an out of the way shelf dressed in some spare clothes from the rag dolls I was making at the time. About two weeks later, after seeing him over there every day with his horrible blank look, I grabbed him off the shelf, wiped his faceup and redid it, took a pair of scissors to his wig, and put him back together, and finally found the doll I wanted hiding in there! I still have that same doll, in spite of the initial regret I had for buying him; he just needed some work to be who I wanted.
    16. I will never regret my first doll. I was looking for a doll and just couldn't ever settle on the right one. They all felt wrong despite liking them very much. I kept switching back and fourth between a couple of sculpts. I probably searched two years for my first doll. I had to save up the money, so having the time to look and really think things over helped out a lot. I think I settled on an Iplehouse Iris, but while saving up the money Iplehouse released Soa and I knew that she was the one. I've had her for a little over two years now. She's the favorite of my bunch.
    17. My first doll regret is that I was stupid and didn't do enough research and accidentally bought a recast and now I'm $169 dollars in the hole with an untrackable return.
    18. My first doll I loved.
      Even though he had the head cap that was attached AT the head cap. I think I only ever got it off 2xs.
      Not to mention he was strung so tight it ended up cracking his back.
      After that...SOLD him as a damaged doll.
      Never bought from that company again.
    19. I didnt regret getting my first doll. When I saw him, i knew that i will really like him. He passed my 'modern-traditional' features standards; like yin yang quality that i'm looking for ahaha. His face up was also perfect <3. he's definitely worth it.
    20. Before I got my first doll, I did tons of research for about 8 months. I even tried to convince myself "I don't need such a doll." It went that far that I made a doll myself. By then, I knew firmly which type of doll I wanted. Basically, a big, manly guy. However, I bought a slightly smaller version. There was not much looking at owner pictures (in fact, I found exactly two of them). And I ended up reselling the body, but kept his head. I changed his personality, and now he is just perfect. Tried to sell his head several times, but just couldn't bring myself to really finish the task. That proved to me that I really love this arrogant, stubborn guy, I guess.