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Freakstyle Mini Girls- Salome and Eve

Jul 9, 2014

    1. I can't wait to see more pictures of this girl!
    2. could you possibly measure the head circumference in cm for me? then i could compare it to some of my other dolls to see which of my wigs might work
    3. I think Silk said her head was 17 cm on the page she linked. So that would put her at a 6-7 wig right?
    4. it should, maybe she just needs a wig cap
    5. Just had a quick measure before getting ready for work and I make it 16.5cm.
    6. Ah so it's a bit tinier. I guess that's why the 6-7 is a little bigger. I hope a wig cap helps with the fit. I'm still really excited about seeing those pics. :)
    7. I think she has a very realistic head size compared to a lot of dolls so I don't want to cover her face too much.
    8. i tend to like the dolls with smaller heads proportionately, - except for a few of my dolls that have obviously exaggerated proportions, so that is nice to hear. none of my minis wear bigger than a 6-7 so far.
    9. Yeah - plus the smaller head makes her look like a woman rather than a little girl. I'm debating on getting a mohair wig or a synthetic one for her.

      Salome will be my only mini once I get her. My family is really excited to see her. They aren't normally very interested in my dolls but they really like her proportions.
    10. thats probably why i like that proportion. my minis are all the adults in my collection and the tallest dolls i collect
    11. Couple of quick photos taken in my workroom when I got home from work, the blonde wig is a mohair one I made to fit DIM Gayane who has a 17.3cm head and the long one is an Iplehouse 7/8 which though big on the crown looks fine proportion wise as their wigs tend to only fit their doll heads and are on the small size. I have tried on some of my limited stock of 6/7 and they are quite large so I think I will have to improvise a wig cap for underneath as I don't have any small ones.
    12. which color is your girl? and are you doing the faceup yourself or sending her out? i cant wait to see one painted!
    13. @Auntbear: Two of my own are being painted right now and I'm expecting to receive them somewhere in September. I really want to see them painted as well!!

      @Avrilpeony: I really like the proportions of that last wig! Maybe their B.I.D wigs might fit her?
    14. I will be sending her out for painting as my skills are more towards the sewing side, I could have a try but it would never be good enough in my eyes. I wondered about the B.I.D. size wigs as well, I will have to try and find one on the MP and see what it is like. She is freshskin by the way.
    15. Ooh I love the mohair wig. I think that's sealed the deal for me.

      I'm too afraid to have my dollies sent out - so I will try my hand at it. You guys are so brave. I'm not very good at painting yet but I'm scared I'll send them out never to be seen again.

      I think I'll get the light tan and try to make her look like Momo from Peach Girl. My favorite manga growing up. :)
    16. oddly enough i find the iplehouse wigs fit quite big (or their heads are quite small) 'cause i use the bid or 6-7 size wigs on all my iplehouse dolls from bids thru kid and jids so they probably would fit better. (the few jid wigs i tried were way too big for any of them.)

      just out of curiosity, do you know how the fresh skin compares to the iplehouse normal skin?

      i don't paint mine 'cause i'm too scared, i just live too far from any face painters to make it affordable, so started doing my own and now wouldn't do it any other way. the first ones were pretty awful, looking back at them, but i've had lots of practice now, and while i'm not a pro i can at least do a reasonable job and love the freedom to do what i like and change them when they need re-doing. i'm really looking forward to playing with salome. 'cause she is different from any other doll i've worked with before.
    17. I can't wait to see some of these girls with faceups! I already know who I'm going to send mine too, but it's going to take a while to decide what I want her to look like, especially since I have no idea what the copper oriental looks like in person.
    18. Mine should be getting here sometime this week! I plan on siting down and doing her faceup the moment I get her out of the box! My girl is in the pale tan.
    19. :aheartbea Oh please take lots of pics Tilly. I want to get her in pale tan too and would love to see your pictures of her.
    20. You people asked, so Ara* delivered:


      I LOVE how fierce she is. Never imagined she could turn into this much of a (lady)killer.
      • x 1