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Freakstyle Mini Girls- Salome and Eve

Jul 9, 2014

    1. She looks gorgeous!
      I feel like she has the kind of face that can look totally fierce (like the above picture) or super sweet and innocent.
    2. Wow! I never imagined Salome's face having the ability to have that strong look. She seems so cute and innocent without the faceup but with that picture... If looks could kill!

      She really has an amazing versatile face. You should be really proud of her Silk!
    3. wow, she looks amazing! that's the tan right?
    4. Hehe, thanks guys :)
      The oriental skin one is actually supposed to look sweet and innocent, I wanted to paint them completely differently to show how versatile the mold is.
      I hope to finish the other one today, so stay tuned for more pictures.

      @auntbear: That's the pale tan one, yes.
    5. Keep the pics coming Ara - you did a beautiful job with the tan I can't wait to see what you did with the oriental skin. :aheartbea
    6. looking forward to seeing how you do the other one ara
    7. [​IMG]

      Here's a WIP for the oriental skin one. She still needs the details, i.e. lid lines, lip lines and white highlights on her eyebrows to soften them up.
      Oh, and she'll get freckles :)
    8. She is so cute Ara. I can't wait to try my hand at giving her a face up. It won't look near as nice but it looks like a lot of fun to try. I really wanted to get a tan but oriental is cute too. So torn.
    9. i was thinking tan at first, but the oriental skin is really pretty and it's much easier to mod if i decide i want to do any minor touch ups. tan skin shows sanding marks really badly and i like to have the option to change mine a bit to personalize them. i can never leave well enough alone ;)
    10. My girl is here!
      She so big compared to other minis, I was actually kind of surprised. The color is perfect, and she's so much prettier in person! I won't be able to get her painted until probably October, but I'll probably take pictures in a few days once we get an outfit made for her and her wig comes.
      She's already becoming my favorite and I've literally only had her for less than 5 minutes.
    11. can you do some comparison pics?
    12. Sure, I have DZ, Noble Dolls, and Doll Leaves girls, and a few boys from other companies. Do you want comparisons with just girls or with boys too?
    13. i'm mostly interested in seeing what she might look like with my other girls but i wouldn't object to any pics you want to put up ;)
    14. I'm so glad she arrive safely, Becs!

      @Auntbear: I you're looking for comparison pictures, you could also visit my Tumblr, as I have a few comparison pictures with a (headless) Salomé together with a huge buch of minis owned by Raouken.
    15. Thank you for posting that picture. Check out those hips! I bet she can wear sd skirts and underwear. I'm really loving the smaller head too comparing her to the other girls. She really does look like a woman.

      I might stick with tan even though oriental looks great too - if I can't manage to do a good faceup I might breakdown and get her face done. I don't think I have permission on the forum to commission yet so I'll have to look elsewhere.
    16. I tried on some SD sized bloomers from this shop and they fit perfectly. Unfortunately the seller only sells them in sets and the tops are way too big, but if you have SD girls you can just use the tops for them.
    17. thanks becs and silk for the pics i knew she was heftier than my other minis but hadn't realized she was so much taller as well. i was hoping she would fit in with my other girls a bit better, since i seem to be getting quite a few "one ofs" lately, and i like my dolls to be able to interact for photos. unfortunately for me i like her shape enough that it looks like i'll be getting one more "loner" ;)...
    18. Hm - she has some broad shoulders too (comparatively). I wonder if a loose fitting or baggeir (long) msd sweaters will fit her? I've got my eye on a few things but I'm trying to be careful getting her stuff because I don't have other MSDs to gift items that don't fit her.

      I have found a ton of shoes that should fit her on MoC. I have like 3 outfits I want to get her as well. I even found a faceup artist on DeviantArt that I think would do a good job and seems to be trustworthy (she seems popular) if I run into a jam.

      This is the first doll that I've actually sat down and planned to get things for. Usually my doll gets here then I figure out where I want to go with it.
    19. Oh no...... I am in love with her in pale tan!!! I really, really want her but I promised: 1. No more dolls over $300 2. No more dolls this year!:...(
      What to do?????