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Freakstyle Mini Girls- Salome and Eve

Jul 9, 2014

    1. hmm. put her on layaway so that no payment will be over $300 and she won't arrive till next year? ;)

      i bet the baggier stuff will fit her radish as long as you make sure it is for regular msd's or even the boys but not slim msd's (which is what i mostly have right now) i'm sure i will have to develop all new patterns for her since most of mine fit my minifees and she is a lot bigger than them!
    2. Oh..that is clever auntbear! Why didn't I think of that?
    3. always glad to help :)
    4. [​IMG]

      The second face-up finished, also done by Ara* (she also styled the doll and took the picture). Look at those tiny freckles!
    5. Hehe, thanks silk :)
      She's such a cutie, I'm still surprised how cute she turned out.

      This is by the way the finished picture for her pale tan sister:
    6. Ooh Ara - you did a great job! With the clothes and stare it makes her look even more fierce - like she is going to kick someone in the face.

      I'm impatient to get her home but I'm so happy her preorder is in oct-nov. :dance I have time to get the down payment together. She is so pretty. Mollie - I pretty much had the same issue about getting another dolly and going over $300. My husband didn't want to get another $600 doll until next year... But he didn't mind paying the down payment in November and having a 6 month layaway. I turned my no into an okay.
    7. Awww, Silk and Ara* your Salom?'s are so great, this mold has so much potential, it is so versatile!
    8. New pre-order has started :)!

    9. The face is really unique and pretty but it's the body that I really love. I've got to buy her! She seems so realistic.
    10. I love Salome and I plan on ordering her later this month. Are you considering making a male sculpt that size who could be her companion?
    11. [MENTION=55544]siteblock[/MENTION]: Yes, I'm going to make a boy too. When LDoll is behind us, I'm going to start on him.
    12. That's awesome news!

      My Salome just arrived! No faceup yet, but I got lucky and found wig/eyes/clothes for her.
      The top is MSD sized, the jeans are SD(13?) sized, and shoes are MSD sized. The jeans had to stretch a little bit to get over her hips, but they went!
      They are a bit long of course, but I don't mind.

      [​IMG]aernath - FreakStyle Salome' by aernath, on Flickr
    13. does anyone know how the oriental skin compares to the normal skin of some of the other companies like dimdoll, luts or fairyland for example? i really love the body, but i'm not sure the head would fit in with my other girls, and i'm wondering if it would be possible to hybrid her with one of my (far too many) floating heads?
    14. Wow, those clothes look great on her, Aernath!

      [MENTION=13596]auntbear[/MENTION]: I know that Dollshe Oriental skin is a decent match to Volks NS. Most of my own hybrids are of this combination. From what I know, Fairyland is far too pink: Dollshe's skintone have more yellow in them.

      If you'd like to see what might match your dolls, I'd suggest to go to the photo request subforum. Look for Dollshe Oriental; there should be quite a bit of info on resin match with this skin color there :).
    15. Doll Chateau/DollZone Normal Yellow is a great match. I was pulling heads for spraying yesterday, and my mephisto head resin matched this Oriental perfectly by my eyes. Might be different in photos - resin is fickle like that sometimes.
    16. ^That's right. I've heard more people say so. There are some customers who've put a Drazen head on top of a Doll Chateau body.
    17. Salome looks amazing all painted up! Especially the faceup on the pale tan version :aheartbea She reminds me a lot of Unoss, both the face and the body (those thighs!).
    18. are your heads fairly new? dollzone keeps changing their resin color, but that is a definite possibility. there are a couple of dollzone heads i like, but i wasnt that thrilled with the bodies, so that sounds like a definite possibility.
    19. New-ish. I ordered him as soon as he was released last December. Took him about five months to be made, so he arrived to me on the 28th of April. He's been kept in a dark room behind a blackout curtain along with my other dolls. No fading that I can see.
    20. hopefully the color is still the same then, runs off to find yet another floating head....