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Freakstyle Mini Girls- Salome and Eve

Jul 9, 2014

    1. I got my Salome back from the face up artist a few days ago but I wasn't able to get any pictures until today, so here she is!
    2. My gosh! She's a real beauty! I like her so much!
    3. wow, she looks really pretty!
    4. Nice! ^__^

      I did a faceup for mine today... nowhere near as nice as anyone else's. :sweat
      I was fast losing daylight, but her wig came in today, so I wanted her to have a face... not that you can see it very well here.
      Anyway, she's not blank anymore! Yay!

      [​IMG]aernath - FreakStyle Salome by aernath, on Flickr
    5. Wow...they all look great!
    6. Did a quick comparison shot:

      Left to right:
      Blue Fairy Tiny Fairy Kyle
      Soom Idealian 51 London
      FreakStyle Salome
      Unoa B-el
      Angel of Dream (IpleHouse Luis head)

      [​IMG]BlueFairy, Soom, FreakStyle, Unoa, AoD by aernath, on Flickr
    7. I really like how she looks next to the Soom Idealian, he could be a boyfriend to her!

      I'm waiting for my own Eve in copper oriental, are there more people here who are waiting for her? I saw her sculpt at Ldoll and she is so beautiful, especially her lips, just so perfect, I can't wait to have her here! :D
    8. If you like the Idealian 51, the SoulDoll Vito boys are similar in stature (and easier to acquire! :lol: ). I used to have one, but he's since moved on - otherwise he would have been in the photo.
    9. will you be doing other heads on that body or is the body discontinued as well?
    10. There will be other heads at some point, it's Salomé that is going to be discontinued, not the body. I'm just not sure when I'll do a new pre-order for a 45cm girl as I'm currently busy with a few other projects.
    11. that's ok, unfortunately i just couldn't swing it this time. but it's the body i want not that head per se, so i'll just stay on this thread and hope it works out next time.
    12. I'm trying to work out if this beautiful girl could fit in with my lot here, is there anyone here who happens to have a B line MNF boy, or a kid delf boy they could get a comparison shot of their Salome with, please? I'd be really grateful since everything I've seen seems to show her being rather too big to make it work but I'd like to know for sure before I'm forced to rule her out altogether and just quietly sob in a corner...
    13. So many pretty Salomés <3 Aernath, I love the style you've chosen for yours, she looks great.

      Lulu, I can get you a photo with a A-line MNF boy (I think the regular, non-muscular body is the same as the B-line, just more articulated(?)) and a kid delf boy tomorrow, if that would be good? I know off the top of my head that their heads are quite a bit bigger and rounder, so that might make them look odd together, but I personally think they look good together heigh-wise. Unless you need her to be shorter than them, that is...

      I got my Salomé's head back from AngelToast last week, and finally had the time to pick up the wig I made for her today to get a photo. It's the simple version of the wig, but the complicated one will definitely take me a few weeks to finish, so she has something in the mean time (and I'll probably use the simpler version for pictures with gowns and lingerie etc. anyway).

    14. is your girl the copper? i think the features are perfect for the way you styled her, the nicest i have seen
    15. No, she's pale tan. The image just looked better in BW :D
      Thank you so much, that's quite the compliment! I'm really happy you like her <3 She's quickly turned into one of the favourites in my collection.
    16. That would be AMAZING if you don't mind! Thank you so much!
    17. Oooh, Winona, your girl looks GREAT! Wonderful wig, I don't think it looks simple at all.
      And thanks! Mine is sort of my mini-me. :sweat
    18. Aww, thank you, aernath. I'm really happy you like her, and the wig. It is not very simple, but definitely simpler than the one I'm intending her to have most of the time ;)

      Ah, that's cool! I don't have any mini-me dolls; instead I write certain character traits of mine into every one of their characters. I like to see mini-me dolls though, it's a very cool idea.
    19. Sorry doublepost.
      Lulu, I got the photos for you. My Kid delf is on the new multi-body, but it looks pretty much the same as the old one, it's just more mobile.

      There are also two shots of the dolls when completely nude and wigless and one more in clothing from the side in my stream, but I figured one of the ones in clothing would be better for the thread since some people may possibly browse it at work.