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Freakstyle Mini Girls- Salome and Eve

Jul 9, 2014

    1. THANK YOU! You're a star, that's exactly what I needed, so thank you again and your girl is really beautiful! Congrats! :D
    2. I've gone through a couple hundred dolls in my years in the hobby, and never really liked the girl dolls, but the second I saw the body on this one I thought: that's MY body! So I had to bring her home and give this a try.
      I have to say, it has helped me tremendously with acceptance of my own body. I am fat and need to lose weight, but at least now I don't think of myself as ugly. I see this doll, and she looks just fine, and since my body looks like hers, therefore my body isn't ugly. It was like flipping a light switch!
      I've never really liked that I'm female. That I'm a FAT female really doesn't help matters, so I'm truly grateful for this doll! Even if I sell her down the road, I feel so much better about myself now, and that's irreplaceable.
      • x 2
    3. I wish there was a like button for your post Aernath, that is incredible and so empowering!! You have me thinking abut Salome AGAIN lol
    4. That's great to hear! And I feel you. We've become so used to hearing not being super thin = ugly, that it's easy to feel bad about yourself when you don't fit into that category. I got that click myself when I was watching Carnivale and saw Cynthia Ettinger in that show. Her Rita Sue was just so tremendously gorgeous that I wanted to be like her. And then I realized that my body IS like her... wow. Sometimes we need that validation that it is okay to be ourselves.

      Have to say: Sculpting Salomé did wonders for me too ;).

      [MENTION=56847]WinonaFlammery[/MENTION]: I already said it and I will again: I love your Salomé. A braided wig is just perfect for her :).
    5. Thanks, Dreadfulme! I was hesitant to post that, but it really has helped me and I thought sharing might help others too. ^_^
      Plus, I wanted to let Silk know. ^__^

      Thank you for making her! :chocoheart
    6. i have to admit that is why i still want to bring one home some day. i'm hoping the next preorder will work out better for me.
    7. I'm hoping to find her on the secondary market next year...too much going on to buy dollies right now. :)
    8. Aernath, I'm happy you are able to feel better about your body now. The way society advertises the idea that if you are fat, you are ugly is terrible. I think Salome has a beautiful body; the exact kind I'd want for myself, and I'm sure yours is beautiful too. It would be great if fashion designers and magazines would promote a more diverse spectrum of body types; not only are all body types beautiful in their own ways, but it would also make the magazines (and fashion shows) more diverse and thus more fun to read (and watch).

      Thank you so much again, Silk?. I'm truly happy you like her <3
    9. Oooh Silje, she is gorgeous!
    10. Lovely faceup! Very nice! I like the soft, natural look.

      I was just stopping by to show a photo of my girl in 8mm eyes (and a t-shirt I made her yesterday from the sleeve of a youth shirt).
      They gap quite a bit, so I think next I'll try 9mm soft squishy eyes.

      [​IMG]aernath - FreakStyle Salome by aernath, on Flickr
    11. Silje: Wow, she's so gorgeous! I hardly recognized her, she's so different from my own to dolls. Have you modified her a bit?
    12. Yes, but not much.
      The inner corner of the left eye has been bit enlarged, and the sides of the nose just a little reduced. The right side of the lower lip bit aligned.

      It is the faceup, what changed her so much.
      You wrote, that she is inspired by the paintings of Rubens, so we searched for paintings from this (and nearby) period of time.
      I'm waiting for wig for her.
    13. Silje, she is absolutely stunning! I hope you'll post more pictures of her, and I look forward to seeing her with her wig when it arrives!

      I got some more pictures of my Nivah earlier this week, so here's one:
      • x 1
    14. Winona - That's very nice! I like the little bit of color in all the greys. And such a nice, casual pose. She looks great!
    15. Aww, thank you so much, aernath. I'm a sucker for photos with only one colour and otherwise all blacks and whites, so I tend to do them a lot like that xD
    16. silje your girl is gorgeous! really makes me regret that i couldn't manage to get a salome this time around. i'm looking forward to seeing the next sculpt silk comes up with though

      winona your girl looks so relaxed and comfy there
    17. The clothes I plan to sew itself, since the sale can't find what I want. Soft shoes can also be done by hand.
    18. hmm, normally i like red wigs almost exclusively, but oddly enough i almost prefer the blonde on her. it was softer somehow. she is lovely either way though.