1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Frustrations with Buyers/Sellers who don't bother....

Jan 6, 2011

    1. Hope this is in the right place, if not feel free to remove/relocate or delete. I searched and couldn't find anything remotely like this.

      I get very frustrated when buyers or sellers that I have had transactions with (successful, positive ones!) who don't bother to leave feedback for you even though you did so for them, and even asked them to once the transaction has been completed.

      Has this ever happened to you? What did you do? Do you keep asking them to leave you feedback, or just let it go? :crushed
    2. To be honest, I often forget to leave feedback and welcome the other person giving me a prod about it. If I were you, I'd keep asking, wouldn't offend me in the slightest and if you want the feedback, it's probably the only way!
    3. Sometimes I won't leave feedback when people ask just because I have had people threaten me that unless I leave them good feedback "no matter what" They will leave me bad feedback "no matter what". I am too the point now that people requesting feedback at the beginning of a transaction are often a turn off.

      On the other hand if it's someone that has kept up good communication throughout the transaction, and everything has gone great and we are at the end of the transaction and they ask politely that if I feel that feedback is deserved to please take a few minutes and let others know. Well that's a different story. I don't feel like I am being hounded for feedback, just given a friendly reminder from a friendly and communicative person.

      I hope that makes sense. Basically wait until the end of the transaction to ask for feedback and be polite when doing so.
    4. I personally find it alot frustrating if I had a good or normal transaction and the seller can´t be bothered the one minute to leave feedback for me. But meanwhile I know some of those sellers - if I buy from them, next time I won´t give feedback too. Easy as that.

      Normally when a transaction is finished and I inform about the arrival of the item I tell them that I will leave feedback now and if they could please do the same for me. If that is already asked too much, ok, then I am sorry. But I think it´s a matter of politeness.
      • x 1
    5. I have enough feedback that I don't care if I get feedback or not. I leave feedback if asked, as usually those people are new and need the feedback. I'm abit WTH when someone with 6+ pages of Feedback already ask that I leave them feedback.
    6. I always try to leave feedback - I do forget sometimes, but I'm happy enough to oblige if the buyer/seller pokes me about it and, indeed, I have on one occasion gone and left feedback for someone 18 months after the transaction started ;) Although that was more because the items didn't arrive with me until then (they went via a friend :lol:) but still :P

      From my perspective, I think feedback is very important, and always try to remember to ask people to leave me feedback after a transaction. I won't bug them about it more than once if they don't reply the first time, but if they do and then forget again or are busy I'd probably leave it a few weeks and then poke them again.

      I don't think there's anything wrong with that, apart from - as serenityslr said - when people start using feedback as blackmail. The only times I won't leave feedback for someone is when it's neither a positive nor a negative transaction. If I can't say it went well but it didn't go badly enough to warrant bad feedback I'd rather just keep my mouth shut. If someone tried to hostage my feedback like that I think I'd go ahead and leave whatever feedback was necessary and go ahead and quote any messages showing the feedblackmail so that future buyers/sellers would be aware. If they left me bad feedback in return then, well, that would just have to be something I'd have to deal with. :3 Worth it, to be honest :lol:
    7. getting Feedback, doesn't matter so much to me... (not getting feedback means everything was OK and it just slipped the person's mind)... I DO like to at least know when and that the package has arrived safely.

      I usually try to leave feedback (even if it's just "ordered this, it's lovely,arrived safely +++ thanks" ) to say "Yep, it arrived."

      generally I'm more nervous about the postal system than the customer/recipient.
    8. Forgetting and accidentally not leaving feedback is one thing. Purposefully not leaving feedback in an environment like the Marketplace is, frankly, rude.

      The Marketplace relies on trust. You are trusting completely strangers to be honest and up-front, and one look at the Problem Transactions subforum can really get you rattled. Feedback is the only thing people have to know how trustworthy you are, and what your style of buying/selling is.

      I need to know what a seller's timetable for shipping is, and how well they stick to that. I need to know if this person has a habit of asking for paypal fees after a price has already been discussed. I need to know if they package delicate doll bits well. I need to know what their communication is like.

      At the very least, I need to know that they aren't scammers, and there's no way to know that if someone only has one or two pieces of feedback.

      When I buy, I leave feedback as soon as the purchase arrives and I've inspected it for damage. And I send a message to the seller letting them know I've got the item, that I left feedback, and thanking them again.

      When I sell, I leave feedback as soon as I know the item is in the buyer's hands. I check my tracking numbers, and if it's been delivered for more than a couple of days I send a PM inquiring if it got there.
    9. I saw this thread and went and left feedback for all of those I hadn't ><

      I previously had been very good at leaving feedback, but the last batch of dolls I sold was very hard for me, so I sort of avoided DOA for a while. But now I'm back!

      However, I don't think it's rude to continuously ask your partner in the transaction to leave feedback if they haven't. If any one of the people I had sold my dolls to asked me I would have immediately logged on to do so.
    10. I am new at the marketplace so for me feedback is important ^^ As you all know, you are dealing with strangers, so it is good to see some positive feedback ;)
      I also like what Micchi said. I often sell some stuff on another forum (not doll-related things) and if I don't get an answer from them that the item arrived, I am a bit worried. I always reply to someone when then item I bought arrived.
      I think leaving a feedback is not a big deal, it is 2 minutes and I think feedback is very important! It is good to know that the person is trustfu!
    11. To be honest I don't normally leave feedback but I don't expect it either. If someone asked me to leave it of course I would. Other than that I just keep the transactions between me and the person.

      I've had 100% ebay feedback since 2004 if anyone needed to check my rep they can go by that, also when you've been on the forum a long time people have spoken to you and know what you're like. It's easy not hiding anything when you've got nothing to hide. :)
    12. This can really be a tough subject. I've purposely not left feedback at least twice when I didn't think the transaction went perfectly. I didn't believe they deserved good feedback, but since I got my items in great condition I didn't think they deserved bad feedback either... so I went with none. :\

      I've also just forgotten^^; especially if I don't get a PM for a few days (it happens). Asking me to leave feedback never bothers me, in fact I appreciate it since there's always the chance I forgot.

      A good way to ask that I've done and had done to me lol is to just let that person know you've left them feedback. Most times if they see that, they'll remember they should do the same for you...it works well both ways for me :3

      I do think it's important even for people who've been around awhile and have pages and pages of feedback to keep getting it. There's always a chance that someone who was a great seller/buyer back in the day sucks now or someone who had a few issues years ago and has since reformed. Without current feedback, it's hard to really gauge someone on the MP, and there are new people showing up every day who aren't as familiar with those who have been around a while.
    13. (Standard disclaimer: You is general, not necessarily you personally, just using this as an example. :) )

      But as someone who doesn't know you from Adam, how do I know that's actually your eBay account, and not just an account that has good feedback that has the same username?

      Using eBay or Etsy or what-have-you feedback is a good secondary source, yes, but the feedback on whatever website you are on at the time needs to be the primary source.

      A great point, and one I missed. There's also tons of examples of good-transactioners-gone-bad in the Problem Transactions subforum. One of my favorite faceup artists recently ended up there in some big drama, and that makes me ;w;-faced.
    14. I've had people from GO NOT leave me feedback when I have been the organizer of said GO and I am a little annoyed by that. I mean I have plenty of good feedback but the GOs are just a pain to run and a 'Thank you" would be nice.

      What I generally do is if you don't leave me feedback I won't leave you feedback. Which I feel is fair.

      Niw if I am on the reciving end of a transaction I leave feedback with in a day or two of recieving the item and I'm pretty religious about it. It may not be the most detailed feedback but it's somehting.
    15. I can honestly say that unless someone outright asks me to, I will prob forget to leave feedback. I buy a lot of things all over the place and it really does just slip my mind. I don't mean anything malicious by it, it's just not something I fret over and then once a few days have past it's out of my head.

      So a polite request for feedback I think is fine since I imagine it slips a lot of people's minds.
    16. Hmm well I didn't receive feedback for the first transaction I ever made but it doesn't really bother me because the transaction was perfect, but maybe I will ask them now haha. I think sometimes people just forget because they have a million other things to do.
    17. Really think most people forget, busy lives outside of dolls and everything, probably would get a little bit annoying if it kept happening though xD
    18. I understand that there's tons of other stuff besides dolls that keeps people busy - it's not any different with my own life - and that forgetting to leave feedback can happen. Nothing horrible about this. But it does bother me greatly when even after a friendly reminder nothing happens. It's not like people expect a whole novel about how awesome of a seller/buyer they are (at least I don't), but a short informative note is really all it needs in most cases and that's done in seconds and minutes and if you find the time to browse the MP and buy and sell, you can surely also find the time to leave such a short note.

      We have feedback threads for a reason and at least to me they are the only thing I truly care about when doing dolly business here. I tend to not bother too much about whether you have hundreds and thousands of positive feedback comments on ebay or any other site because that is not where I'm dealing with you, but here. Granted, it sure is nice extra information, but definitely not the primary source for me to look up when I'm trying to figure out someone's business behaviour in the doll community.

      Maybe I'm a little extra sensitive about this certain topic though, since I'm not horribly active in the MP as of yet and therefore probably appreciate every comment about transactions with me even more than someone who might have pages and pages of positive feedback already.
    19. I think it's important to leave feedback. Even if someone has 10+ pages of feedback, I still think users should leave some. For example - someone may have tons of FB, but it could be all from when they started their stay at DoA. If people just see feedback pages filledpast the first few and stop leaving it, it could create trouble. A person could have tons of positive feedback from a few years ago, but nothing from recently.

      I read the 'Problem Transactions' thread a lot and it shows a GOOD example of this. People we trust due to good behavior /feedback in early years, but can later turn in to scammers :sweat

      I always try to leave feedback and make a note at the end of transaction to say I did and ask for the same favor. Plus, I like to know what the buyer thought of me, perhaps to see where I can improve. I'm a bit of a perfectionist in that sense, lol.
    20. I think no matter what feedback should be left if the person has pages of feedback or few. I'm not confrontational though so for the one or two who hasn't given me feedback even though I have I just haven't contacted to ask to do so.. but at this point it's a tad frustrating because I don't have a lot to begin with so it sucks to be out of that feedback of a positive transaction.