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Full set or basic? What do you prefer?

Jun 21, 2011

    1. Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything?
      Yes!!! I just ordered SSDF Avalanche Romance ver. about a month ago. He doesn't come with full set but...I'm totally in love with his look and character from official photos. So I ordered a same wig, default face up and same eyes together with him. About his official outfit, I didn't order it because I wanted him in other outfit instead, so that he wouldn't look 100% like in official photo. :D

      Are you satisfy with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture?
      It depends on which doll. If he/she is my absolute favorite doll (same in my wishlist) then, I would very satisfy with his/her default face up and etc. But if it's just "normal like" or "interesting sculpt". Then I would choose to get a blank doll and send his head to my favorite artist to help me do face up instead.

      do you put the whole set on? or there is always some of the parts you just own touch at all (like the hats or coats)?
      Face up, eyes and wig I will put it on. But outfit...I definitely rematch it with other clothes!
    2. Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything?

      Well, almost. IH's Edan they are selling just now is almost perfect. I don't like his shoes, but that's about all. Sigh... maybe slimmer eyebrows. Maybe. He will come home wearing his (almost) fullset, defitinetly.

      Are you satisfied with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture?

      Normally, I would not think so... but with Edan, it's different. I got two dolls from DoD who had default wigs and I never even took those out of their bags, nor have I ordered their default outfits.

      do you put the whole set on? or there is always some of the parts you just own touch at all (like the hats or coats)?

      We'll see about that when Edan comes home <3
    3. Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything?

      No. Sometimes I find a full set where I like the outfit but not the doll and vice versa, it has never been 100% perfect.

      Are you satisfy with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture?

      No. I never keep the default wig, clothes and eyes. As for face ups, few of them stay with the default face ups.

      With sets of clothes like those from DollHeart...do you put the whole set on? or there is always some of the parts you just own touch at all (like the hats or coats)?

      I have only gotten 2 sets of clothes from them and at first I put the whole set on but later I started to remove clothing and in the end they were put on sale^^

      I'm not a full set person, I love to create myself and this is why I don't buy full set clothes either because I prefer to buy an item here and another there and then mix and match.
    4. I prefer basic because I usually like to make my own character. I have never gotten a fullset. But I have seen a lot of nice full sets.
    5. I prefer basic over full sets. While many full sets are truly pretty and catch my eye a lot, I like the whole customisation process that follows getting a basic doll. Plus I haven't actually come across a full set doll where I think everything is exactly how I want it/where it fits the character perfectly.
    6. Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything?
      No I haven't found a full set doll with everything I'd need. I usually have such a specific character in mind that even the make up normally isn't good. I did buy a full set one time though, because the face up was pretty neutral and the clothes were ones that I could use. I didn't keep the doll in the end though. xD

      Are you satisfy with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture?
      No the face up and wigs are never right for me either. The biggest problem being that the expression isn't right or that their hair color isn't the same and then even if I changed the wig, the eyebrows wouldn't be right. The only one where I've kept a "default" face up is the one off "Sweetest Sin" face up from Dollclans on my Kien head because it works somewhat for Souji.

      Do you put the whole set on? or there is always some of the parts you just own touch at all (like the hats or coats)?
      When I did get a fullset, I didn't use the whole thing at the same time because the outfit itself wasn't in the style I needed but the individual pieces were split into different outfits.
    7. Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything?
      I've found alot of full-sets that truly appeal to me. As I don't have a character in mind when I look for a doll, I look, enjoy, and get inspired by just about everything. That being said, my practical side, which tells me I could make alot of the things I see, kicks in far too much when I'm looking to order, and after deliberating, I usually find myself ordering a blank doll. The creativity aspect of this hobby is everything for me, so painting the face/making clothes by myself brings me more much joy than just getting the default doll ever will.
      Are you satisfy with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture?
      Sometimes the promo faceup is so amazing that I know my skills won't be able to surpass it in any way, so that's when I consider getting the default. As for clothing, I prefer to make it, as I have tons of fabric at home and have talent as a seamstress. I like wig-making but I'm still learning to do that properly, nonetheless, most of the wigs in the default dolls aren't the kind of punky style I normally go for, so I tend to gravitate towards ebay for those.
    8. The one and only time I bought a fullset, I regretted it because it seemed like a lot of money for something I could have done/made myself.
    9. Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything?
      My first doll, I instantly fell in love with his character as a whole. The face-up was perfect, clothes were really nice, I couldn't do anything better (I know for sure). Wig matched him perfectly (although I plan on changing it up a little darker later on). So I figured I should buy the fullset since I don't know when I would be able to clothe him if basic (and it was on 10% sale).

      Are you satisfy with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture?
      Only for my first doll, but the fullsets or make-ups for the next dolls I want didn't do it for me, so I plan on getting them basic. I think I would keep purchasing basics from now on (unless one is just too good to pass up)

      Even with full set cloths (such as the wonderful dollheart), do you put the whole set on? or there is always some of the parts you just own touch at all (like the hats or coats)? I really think we should have splits for full set clothes too!
      I don't have my doll yet, but I definitely plan on putting all of his set on EXCEPT the coat. It is just... not as good. I would probably be interested with fullsets splits.
    10. It depends...If I love the way he loks in fullset and I had enough money with me I'm going with the fullset, if I had an idea when I look at the dolls and some appearances doesn't suit what I had in mind, I had to go all the way customizing, looking the wigs, clothes, etc until I my mind satisfied with the dolls :) I had this super perfectionist mind and it gives me some trouble finding the best one for my dolls often -_-;
    11. I've never even considered a fullset. However, I am happy to lurk around and pick up limited heads or dolls with default makeup that I like. My problem with so many of the outfits is that they're stylistically garbled. If you're going to wear a tricorne hat or a corset top, then the rest of the outfit should follow roughly the same period theme. Pirates didn't wear long, slim trousers, for example. And the shoes are always wrong. I'm certainly not adverse to fantasy worlds, I just can't figure out what world the fullset characters are living in!
    12. Normally I buy the basic with faceup, but when I found a used fullset of a doll I liked for a really good deal, I just couldn't resist.
    13. Basics. Even though fullsets usually nab my attention. I usually prefer to dress them according to the character they're going to be. And usually something about their full set look ends up as the final.
    14. I do half and half for them, Some I love the looks but not the outfit, or some just basic and wait to get custom once i find the right artist or save up enough to get some.
    15. I usually go for the basic doll if the outfits don't look like anything special. I usually do get factory face up since I wouldn't know where to begin doing one myself. ^^'
      I think buying a basic allows you to be more creative with it. With fullsets I feel as though you're kind of stuck with one thing. :c
    16. For me, I always take a deep breath whenever I see a fullset that I just love. All of the fullsets that I've seen that I seriously loved tempted me to the point of buying the doll. However, once I took a closer look at the sculpts or saw the blank doll, I realized that I was in love with the way the doll was styled, and not so much with the doll itself. Such was the case with Ringdoll Daniel.

      Even so, I'm not really the type to buy fullsets because as others have mentioned before, I don't see myself using the fullset when I find so much pleasure in customizing the dolls myself. I mean, sure, it's nice not to receive the doll naked, but I dunno man. I just love making a doll my own. For me, it's like buying a picture frame, and keeping the default picture of a family/model that you don't know on display. LOL
    17. Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything? Yes, i did find one limited edition doll that I fell in love when I saw him posted on the website~ I love everything about him especially the makeup

      Are you satisfy with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture? Very much~~ and the face-up matches the personality that I developed for him

      do you put the whole set on? or there is always some of the parts you just own touch at all (like the hats or coats)? That is kind of the part I feel guilty about, I did put the full set clothes on to take pictures, but in normal occasion I like to put casual clothes on for him or sometimes I like to use the magical parts (wings/masks...etc).
    18. Hahah well, in my opinion, if you are going to mess up and spend a chunk of change, might as well save up and mess up all the way! In other words, I prefer full set;)
    19. It depends on the doll, I've ordered two full sets out of the 13 dolls I own. My first doll I ordered fullset because I didn't know what I was doing.Then I ordered everyhting for my Iplehouse Dexter because it's hard to find clothes to fit that large of a guy. The rest I ordered basic or just with a faceup. I lean more toward basic because I have not been happy some of the factory faceups.
    20. Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything?
      The original edition Dream of Doll Elf Ducan... Loved absolutely everything about him in the promo pics, and to this date Ducan is the only full set doll I ever bought.

      Are you satisfied with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture?
      Nope! :sweat I figured out pretty quickly after Ducan arrived that my favorite part of the doll hobby was the customization aspect. So as pretty as he was, it ended up rubbing me the wrong way that everything I liked doing... painting the face-up, finding the perfect wig and eyes, hunting down an outfit that fit the doll's personality, etc... had already been done. Not too long after, I sold the doll to my mom, who had no such quibbles and adored him just as he was.

      But I learned from the experience that fullset dolls and me do not mix. If I ever got a fullset again, it would be with plans to immediately re-do everything... which kind of defeats the purpose...