1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Garden of Dolls Slim Mini NARAH

Oct 25, 2013

    1. Went and stalked your Etsy again - shouldn't have! Still loving that "Fluffy Cloud" and the darker tan "Godiva"!
    2. The dark girl is super cute...
      MuShu! Did you see there's a coupon??
    3. Well, yes I did but I'd already ordered before that and then Moose had to go to the vet so I can't get "Fluffy Cloud" or that tan Narah with the RED LIPS! OMGosh I love the red lips (not sure who I'd get Godiva or the girl with red lips if I had extra cashola right now)
    4. I am very happy with my Narah doll!! She is so cool! :)
    5. Ooooh which one did you get?
    6. :D My Narah arrived yesterday! She is not really finding any clothes she likes here though so I'm still trying to find her "look". She is wonderful! Gorgeous tan color and good poser. Makes me really want that "Fluffy Cloud" and the girl with the red lips :sweat
    7. Hi Mushu, it's great to hear that she arrived safe and sound. ~~I think you're our #1 fan!!! hehe~THANK YOU so much for your continued excitement over these dolls. ^^*.
      I've been getting wonderful emails and great eBay feedback that's really encouraging and motivating...I'm almost thinking of getting a table and having these girls show at the KBJD show in Los Angeles where a lot of the Korean ball jointed artists and shops will be coming from Korea...wow~~which makes me nervous and excited to think about...but from the encouraging emails from happy Narah & Nabiya collectors, it may be worth it to show these girls off in person.
    8. Hey! I thought I was the #1 fan!!! shoves MuShu out of the way....
      Hey! MuShu, if that's even your real name, pictures or it didn't happen...

      Ashley, you don't have anything to worry about your girls can hold thier own.
    9. Yay~~I am blessed with TWO #1 fans!! :sumomo:
      Thank you Stella~!!! Xoxo
    10. *shoving Stella Maris back* Make way for #1!!! And I already told you Mu Shu is my real name ..... pay attention ;)

      I agree with Stella though that your dolls can hold their own. Resin has a nice feel and weight to it, they pose really well, and I like the hands (and I'm particular about hands).

      and I told you SM she is not liking my selection of clothes so I'm trying to find something that she'll wear for a picture. Of course the two pair of pants that she really wants have too much inner lining on them so they won't go on all the way and I really want them to go on :(

      Here she is Stella Maris! My beautiful new Narah tan human ears girl

      Narah 12-2013 (5)
      par Mu Shu, on ipernity

      Also added a new photo of all the girls to the photo sharing thread

      I'm hoping to add a couple more Narah's in the next year (that dark tan and a new skin, possibly "Fluffy Cloud" if still available)
      #50 Mu Shu, Dec 19, 2013
      Last edited: Jul 8, 2017
    11. Thank you for adding the photos! It's a great comparison photo of all of G.o.D. Dolls~that is wonderful~~you can see that the heads got smaller on every new head mold...lol. I really like the top Narah's wearing by the way..I've been wanting to dress them up in cool bohemian fashion, or eveb a big mod...but they're not easy to find..where did you get that top? ^^
    12. Oooh she's a cutie Je...I mean MuShu!!!!!!!!! :P
      smexy. I love that dress!!!!!
    13. gardenofdolls - I want to say that it is an old Tonner outfit.

      SM - its actually a long shirt but if I'd had the right tights and some high boots it could be worn as a dress.
    14. Lucky dolls, they can wear anything. I remember when I was skinny enough to do that.
    15. Well, I really wish I can take these dolls to KBJD show in LA. The fees are high for a table and the US seller's tables are sold out anyway, but if there are empty tables, it may be available. I just wish there may be a chance for me to get in on it with another dealer to share a table so I can show these girls.

      I remember I bought a tonner sweater at one time and it was a bit tight...maybe the real stretchy ones will work.
    16. I know that the older outfits for "Brenda Starr" fit much better, especially the pants.
    17. She can also wear Ellowyne and Evangeline stuff. Not shoes though
    18. Although she can wear some of the Tonner American Model shoes
    19. Really? I need to check them out! ~~and I just checked...there are a lot of high heeled shoes...have you tried them Mushu? Do high heels work on Narah?
      Merry Christmas everyone~^^*
    20. I received the gorgeous dredlocks wig made by you Stella Maris~~!! I love it, and my only one left dark chocolate's looking smashing with it..Gorgeous and colorful and gives her so much personality~she really deserves that wig...so glad I got it for her..^^*
      Narah Dark Tan slim MSD BJD Garden of Dolls by PpoPpo, on Flickr