1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Garden of Dolls Slim Mini NARAH

Oct 25, 2013

    1. Ooh! So happy you like it! It looks great on her!
    2. WOW! The wig looks fantastic! Goes very well with her color and those wonderful lips :)
    3. Is that the new color wig you had been working on? Sort of bluish? Just love Narah's lips! I need to get cracking on taking more pictures.
    4. she has great lips, right?
      Yes, that was a sort of accidental on purpose color...
    5. Super cute!! I want to wrap my fingers around those curls~^^

      By the way~I'll be at the KBJD in Los Angeles on Friday, just to show my dolls,,,i wont have a table, but I'm donating a Narah raffle doll, and they said i can show my dolls on Friday. if anyone wants to see these dolls in person, i'll be there, and i'll bring some of the colored fairies as well. http://www.kbjdshow.com/
    6. Wish I could go to that show! I'm making it to the one in Austin this year and can't wait. I'm not much for fairies (Juni being the exception of course) or elf dollies but I've been thinking about a WS human girl. You've had a few nice ones in your Etsy shop that I've missed out on. Where have all the money trees gone?!
    7. Well, I did end up going to the show at the last minute,..and very shockingly...only a small amount of people showed...I'm thinking maybe people are spending way more time on the web, and are staying home??? I don't know...and because of that, those Korean BJD companies will not be coming to CA anymore...which is really sad, because it's always exciting to see dolls and doll items in person. The show itself with the most wonderful BJD vendors that came from Korea was unreal...The whole time, i wished more people would have attended...it took so much effort for them to bring their dolls to the US. At the show, I discovered Oscardoll eyes... I can't stop looking into them. I bought several, but I wanted to buy more of 12mm size which Narah wears...and they're mesmerizing...My favorite are their Crystal eyes. Here's a pair of lavender crystaldoll eyes Narah is wearing:

      [​IMG]Blue Narah with lavender wig by PpoPpo, on Flickr

    8. I've never heard of that company before but I like the way the eyes look. It is hard to find really good 12mm eyes though. I would have loved to go to the show to see all the dollies. I think Peakswoods was there? I love PW dollies.
    9. Hi Mu Shu,
      I was lucky to go to the show, because I wouldn't have seen those eyes...it's so much better in person, because of the way they sparkle...I also met quite a nice group of people. I met with Peakwoods team too, and they were super nice..They brought a lot of gorgeous dolls..the transportation of it all seemed overwhelming. Every booth had an interpreter with them.,,but of course I spoke Korean...It was a worth while experience for me overall. I also heard Austin shows get a lot of crowd..I remember you mentioned that...a couple of others mentioned that too there.
    10. That is such a sham that there was not a good turn out for that show~
      Austin was pretty busy last time.
    11. Stella Maris - besides your children and hubby, are/will you be bringing any dollies to Austin with you? I'm trying to decide who to bring (besides Juni of course :sweat)

      I wish PW was attending the Austin show (well, maybe I should rethink that!). Hmmm, somehow that dark tan Nabiya just landed in my shopping cart!
    12. That was a surprise~^^~I didn't know you had your eye on the dark tan...I can't wait to hear what you have to say about her against the light tan Nabiya. Oh, and I will keep your little secret~~"Mu Shu"~especially from Stella..lol

      Stella: maybe people didn't want to spend money on the actual trip down to LA...I'm guessing they'd rather spend that money on actual dolls or clothes..don't know what went wrong...I'm sure it was a lot of work and planning to get the show happen too.
      Oh, and I wish I could go to Austin show and meet you~maybe next year though...the only time I spent a night away from home, my hubby said my 5yr old turned into a girl in Poltergeist movie...she's such a well behaved girl, but once now and then, she becomes uncontrollable lil beast..
    13. Hi all. What happened the members of this threads?
    14. I'm really fond of this mould. she is very difficult to find pictures of, though. bumping this for some action!
    15. Oh so beautiful
    16. She is gorgeous!! I am so loving the purple color scheme.
    17. Love my nabiya ^.^. Hope eventually to see some boys. Would be cool