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GardenOfDolls Nabiya 43cm discussion part 1

Sep 2, 2009

    1. Hi Ani, here it is:

      Height: 16"
      Head: 6 3/4"'
      Neck: 2 1/2"
      Bust: 6 3/4"
      Waist: 5 1/4"
      Hip: 7 3/8"
      Feet: 2 1/8"
      Eyes: Glass or acrylic 12mm or acrylic only 14mm
    2. Stella, I've been wondering if the Wilde clothes are too snug in the legs . . . .There's a wonderful outfit that suits my Lati Censya style, and there's one outfit (with the coat) that is perfect for how I envision Nabiya. Have you tried any snug leggings on your Minifee? Or Nabiya (Censya is about the same).

      Course, better for my bank account to discover the Wilde Imagination clothes are too snug in the legs <g>.
    3. Well, the tights fit, so I am thinking leggings will fit. They fit Nabiya just perfectly. I want to order the set with the stripey leggings,Is that the one you mean or the one with the brown coat?.
      Sorry about your bank account, but at least you get all those great accessories with the outfits. Seriously, if you have never ordered from them you will be so impressed.
    4. The one that I was really looking at (for the Lati) was "She Wallows in White" on sale (my Lati is a glamor girl), with the shirred pants. those are really snug. Those are the ones I worried about. For Nabiya, it was the brown sheepskin-type coat, with the furry legwarmers. Winter Blahs. Might wait for it to go on sale (in summer? <g>).
    5. She's here!!!! That's the good news! And she is beautiful, I love her hands. . . .The bad news is that there are two huge chips out of one lower leg. So poor little tan elf is in her box until Ashley tells me what to do.

      My first broken doll, sigh. Guess it had to happen sometime. . . Wish it were something easier to replace, like a foot or hand, tho.
    6. My Nabiya is here! She is really lovely, Ashley! Unfortunately she is giving me asthma attacks and burning eyes so will have to go through the resin out-gassing regime for new dolls (resting in a dark cool place in a box with lots of baking soda to absorb the fumes) ::sigh:: so maybe in a couple of months I'll be able to do her faceup and take some pictures.
      I did put on my respirator and gloves and try her out a little, and I love her posability, those double joints are great!
      One question, the eyes she shipped with are 14mm acrylic, right?
    7. No problem, Ashley, on the replacement. I know it had to be in shipping since her face has all your lovely enhancements on it. . . .It must have bene one of those flukes. Not a single sign of damage to the box itself. I think I'll take her head off and admire that (and see how she looks in the wigs and eyes I'd planned for her). . . .

      Resin smell -- you know, I didn't even notice it. Had to go back to the box and take a big whiff to see what y'all are talking about. There IS a smell, how about that! I smoked for a gazillion years, have used furniture stripper in enclosed spaces, and done various other things in my regrettable past that have pretty much killed off my sense of smell. MSC fumes don't bother me a bit.
    8. Hi Ani,
      You probably cannot read this now, since you're at the show. I hope you have a great time at the Bjd Mixer!
      I just started a second pre-order for elf Nabiyas, this time offering other colors. Here are some option colors, and new pics of elf ears:

    9. I just love my new elf. No pictures yet, we're still arguing over wigs. I REALLY want her to wear one of the gazillion wigs I already have; she, of course, thinks I should buy a new wig. Or better yet, wigs <g>.

      Ashley, what wig is it in very first post, first picture (dark wig)? Is that Monique Paige, loosened up a bit? Or Ginger? That whole look is what made me fall in love with Nabiya and I'm going for something somewhat similar. Well, earth mother-type. . . She's got her brown eyes in already.

      And the good news is I scored major wonderful material for her "look" at a nearby quilt shop's annual fabric sale. I was looking specifically for fabric for Nabiya and by chance, a lot of what they were selling was what I had in mind.
    10. Hi Anita,
      I believe it was Ginger by Monique from Jpopdolls in 6/7. I'd love to see what you'll create with those fabrics. THat's great you've got a deal on those fabrics you were looking for!
    11. Ok, Here she is!!!! Light tan elf Nabiya. The tan, BTW, is noticeably lighter than what was coming out of the Bobobie factory earlier last year. My tan Bracken, which was cast in July 2009, is also lighter than earlier tans. . . . The beautiful blouse in this outfit is part of Goodreau's Romeo outfit, which is being discontinued and is on sale for an incredible price right now. She's wearing something I made for one of my other dolls, but it will be hers, normally with some long stockings and boots. And she'll often have her hair braided down the back. . .
    12. What a beautiful doll! I love this body especially. They are cast by Bobobie, correct? Is it possible to order just the body (no head) in Bobobie's grey color? Also, how does this body compare to BBB's? Obviously with the double joints it is more posable, but I mean size-wise. Looks like they are very similar--would a BBB head fit this body well?
    13. Ashley doesn't have a body-only option on her site, but you could always ask her. She's taking elf pre-orders now and in the colors. I assume grey would be a option (even tho it's not on the color wheel). . . I'm looking at my measurements stats, and it looks like the Resinsoul heads (Ju, Mei, Lan) would be too small for the Nabiya neck. RS necks are 6 cm, Nabiya is 6.4cm.

      And the Bobobie and RS male heads might be too large, tho that's better than being too small <g>. Sprite/Pixie/Espree/Ariel necks are 7; RS Jun/Song is 7.5. You could look up the other sculpts.

      The Garden of Dolls body is a gazillion times better for posing than the Resinsoul body, which isn't double-jointed. It's also way better proportioned than the Resinsoul body. Resinsoul's body is just way too skinny, IMHO; Mei and Ju look bobble-headed.

      It's a bit better to pose than the Bobobie body because there's no lower torso joint to pop out -- and most importantly, it has beautiful hands on S-hooks (and nice wrists and ankles). The Bobobie body has the chunky ankles and no S-hooks; Nabiya is much more graceful.

      That's my personal assessment, anyway. I have Nabiya (obviously), BBB Pixie, BBB Sprite, RS Ju and RS Jun.
    14. We love shortcuts! Well, the light was fading, so we didn't get great pictures so here is just one of Sheila, I hope to get better ones today, but I am also hoping to get her naked so she can be sueded.
    15. Nice faceup, Stella. Truly very fairy-ish.

      I'm impressed with Nabiya's posing -- it's very natural. The tabs in the legs at the knee joints seem to work better than most double-jointed knees - certainly better than my double-jointed Bobobie's. Her torso joint also works VERY well, doesn't come apart unless you do it on purpose (to slouch her while sitting, for example).

      And I haven't even hot-glued her (well, obviously, since I have to return the current body <g>)! I suppose it would make her even better, but I certainly don't feel pressured to do it. . . Unlike my Bobobies and Resinsouls, which don't have a prayer of posing without a LOT of hot glue sueding <g>.
    16. I love how her knees just naturally bend so that there are no holes or string showing. If you suede her legs, chances are you will have to manually bend her knees to achieve what she does naturally now. At least, that's been my experience with the dolls I've hot-glue sueded. So I'm going to leave her be.

      And the sitting is a simple matter of popping that torso out and forward. Plus it's not particularly noticeable and she still retains her balance. Ashley, I just think you've done a great job with her - body AND face.
    17. [​IMG]

      Here is Sheila on a very blustery day looking like the first day of spring, in a dress made for Ellowyne. It fits her beautifully, I just have to order some things that go more with her style.
    18. STella, what I'd like to know is where did you get those shoes on your girl?