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GardenOfDolls Nabiya 43cm discussion part 1

Sep 2, 2009

    1. She is lovely Kameo! I love my girl too.
    2. Indeed she is a sweetie!! Thank you so much for the pix, your doll is very lovely in her outfit, I especially love the bonnett, I think hats are so cool!! I love my Nabiya too, I need to put up some pix myself, just need to finish my home renovations first ugh! All my dolls have been packed away for over a month, I'm starting to miss them so much!


    3. My Nabiya arrived last week and I am really pleased with her. Her face is adorable. I love her resin color and feel. She really is a good poser. She can wear some of the things I have made from Ellowyne patterns. Other patterns will be easy to alter for her. I love her slender feet, but am stumped about finding shoes that aren't clunky on her. Even the "slim" shoes I have for Kish Chrysalis are a little large on her.
    4. Dale Rae flats fit Nabiyas perfectly; I don't know about their heels. But here's a pic of my newly arrived Nabiya wearing a pair of the flats. They're a nice snug fit, actually better without any stockings.
    5. The front width of my shoes made for Kish is OK. The particular style is long and big at the heel end of the foot. With socks or tights they will probably be OK. I do have a pair of boots for Kish from Juju'sdollymall that are a little big and childlike but wearable. I think I just like a smaller looking shoe than most BJD people. I ordered some shoes from Dalerae. I just tried hiking boots from Tonner's Matt on her and they look great! That makes me very happy because I got her to take along on hikes for outdoor photoshoots. Jeans made from the MHD Ellowyne pattern fit her very well.
    6. They are both gorgeous! I have to take some photos of Sheila, she got a new Tinybear wig that looks so sweet on her.
      Well, couldn't find that wig (it's a mystery) but today we put on a new outfit, so here she is (with her friend Tsubaki)

    7. [​IMG]
      Here are the sport shoes from Dalerae and the Matt hiking boots from the Into the Country" outfit. I also got flats from Dalerae and am pleased with the fit.
      Here she is in pants from an MHD Ellowyne pattern and the Matt boots. We are going out into the desert tomorrow AM.
      Here she is in 13mm Masterpiece soft glass eyes. I really like the fit in the eyesocket. She has on a Monique Doris wig in size 6/7.
    8. Stella:
      What a cute outfit! Her pink wig suits her too, but Tinybear does make some gorgeous mohair wigs. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
      Gail in AZ:
      Thanks for the picture of Matt's boots. They seem to fit perfectly along with Dalrae's shoes. Her outfit looks great too for the desert outing, and her blue eyes striking!
    9. Thanks for sharing, I like the sport shoes, too cute! I've been eyeing the MHD patterns, they look like they are well designed. Soft eyes are the best IMHO, they can fill in the eye socket better than glass or acrylics, plus they look so real!


    10. Hi Ani,
      The blonde wig is by Monique Gold label "Faith". They have a lot of other colors to choose from in that style. Jpopdolls have their own colors too, like this one: http://www.jpopdolls.net/store/product.php?productid=1698&cat=27&page=1
    11. Hi Gail in Az, I would be grateful for any brand or size info for my Nabiya, shoes, eyes, wigs, and especially ready to wear clothes until I start to do some sewing. Thanks!!
    12. Patou, she wears a 6-7 wig, I like 14mm eyes in her, she can wear MSD shoes, and she fits beautifully into Ellowyne Wilde outfits (these are from an American company called Tonner, they ship from here.).
      The wig size is the only thing I am on the fence about, anyone else feel free to correct me.
      There is also a Yahoo group for her.
    13. I think 6-7 wigs are best, but I have some 7-8s that work on her. I finally found kind of a long black shag style that I really like on her. I have some 13 mm soft glass Masterpiece eyes in her right now that are a good fit. My others are 14mm. She can wear the Ellowyne wigs that I have. I like the shoes I got from Dalerae the best. She can also wear shoes I got from Jujusdollymall for Kish Chrysalis girls. I haven't tried other brands for MSD yet. I'm not into the oversize Anime? Lolita? styles that are so popular.
      I mostly sew for my girls. She can wear many things I've made for Ellowyne from patterns by MHD, Gracefaerie, Haute Doll, and Designs by Jude/Fletcher. Even a few things made from McCall Tonner patterns without a tight waist fit because those run large. It's been easy to adjust the patterns for a little better fit.
      I suspect most things made for slim mini MSDs are going to work.
    14. Thank you Stella Maris and Gail in AZ !!!!!!!!! I am so excited to get her and begin to build her wardrobe. I really appreciate the info and hope to post pictures later. Happy Thanksgiving!
    15. Ooh Patou, I have my Nabiya right now in a cute Ellowyne dress wearing one of my own wigs, I will post later.
      Here she is! This outfit came with another sweater, and tights as well


      The socks are not part of it. The only thing that does not fit are the shoes.
    16. Emma is all ready for Christmas. She hopes she has been nice, not naughty....

    17. Wow she looks beautiful! I love her dress!
    18. Oh my, that's a cute wig on her and a pretty dress!...want to see more of her dress. :)
    19. Thank you! She doesn't get to the keep the wig, though. I tried it on her to see if it would fit my incoming RS Li. Not to worry- she has plenty of other wigs to chose from and likes to trade them around.
      She is such a sweetheart- I still love her so much and she fits right in with my family here. I just wish I had more time right now to take more pictures!
      Have a wonderful Christmas!
    20. Emma looks so cute in that dress.

      It's good to know that Ellowynne shoes fit mini Planetdolls. I have lots of cute Ello shoes.

      Are there any plans for more MSD size dolls from Garden of Dolls? The tiny is darling, but I just can't handle things that tiny any more.