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GardenOfDolls Nabiya 43cm discussion part 1

Sep 2, 2009

    1. May I ask where you got the wig? I may need one...Thanks again, and happy Christmas eve & Merry Christmas!

      Hi Gail,
      I haven't thought of any new dolls lately, but what would you like to see in the future? ANy size preference?

      Happy Holidays everyone!
    2. I personally would love to see a mature-bodied, slim 27 cm girl (like BBB Isabella/RS Bei). I love your Nabiya and Nabiyette bodies and would love a doll the same size as my Bei, but with a more womanly body and double joints. Bonus if she could wear Barbie clothes. :3
    3. I like Nabiya's body and would buy her some friends with different head sculpts on the same body if they were available.
    4. A reminder to keep discussion on 42cm Mini size NABIYA. Discuss Tiny size dolls in Tiny discussion.
    5. I bought a new fairy dress for my Nabiya from Charie Wilson which just arrived...wanted to share the gorgeousness:
    6. Oh wow that's great! Where did you buy that dress?
    7. She sells on Etsy, and I got it from there. I wish I can get a couple more of her clothes ~hopefully. They're beautiful and quality stuff, but most of all, I love her whimsical styles. Here:
    8. Hi- sorry, I just saw this! I can't remember where I got the wig, but I suspect it was probably from CanCan JSeries. I've had it for a few years, though.
    9. Oh, yesterday, I fell in love with theese beautiful girls. :-)
    10. Hi Ashley: My first bjd doll was a Nabi Kiss named Raven which I had purchased from you. She still remains with me as I continue to enjoy her. Now that I've viewed this thread, I'm really admiring your Nabiya bjds. Thank you all for sharing!
    11. Gabby (Nabiya elf) has been wearing brown eyes and a brown wig since I got her la year ago. I decided to change her around a bit -- just doesn't seem like her, so I'll probably change her back later. I do like the eyes tho
    12. cirquemom: Thanks! I'll check it out. I'm still pondering around getting an Asian style wig with buns for a new character. They are so cute!

      edwardsgoldeneyes: I hope you'll love her even more..:)

      twinki: I'd love to see your Raven Nabi Kiss sometime..that reminds me, I hope Nabi Kiss thread is still alive. I will have to go check. She is dear, and I just finished doing a faceup on a Nabi Kiss doll I found last night, and made me realize what lovely doe eyes she has.

      Anita: Gabby looks really lovely, and her eyes are hauntingly beautiful! Maybe this look will grow on you? Thanks so much for sharing her by the way.
    13. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know how to post photos onto this website yet. When I do, I would be happy to post a picture of Raven if the Nabi Kiss thead is still active. I have not changed Raven's eyes or wig as I love the way you put her together with the turquoise eyes and black long hair. I also really love the way you painted her sweet pink lips.

      I see a new photo posted of a Nabiya from AnitaS. When I was viewing her face, I was so attracted to her eyes...strikingly beautiful. Thank you AnitaS.

      I'll be checking this thread again very soon!
    14. I hope it's OK to post this in here...since the Nabi Kiss thread has been dead since 2009...

      I've got a second hand Nabi Kiss heading home to me tomorrow. I got her paid for today! Super excited, as I've gone back to her again and again for about the last 2 years. But...I'm thinking of hybriding her to another body...maybe...depending on how things go...so I'm wondering, what are the neck measurements for Nabi Kiss? I'm thinking of changing her, eventually, to a RS body, or a MNF one. I'm still rather unsure of it all, though.

      Also...are there differences between the body Nabi Kiss came on and the current Nabiya body? Has anyone got any photos of the two bodies side by side that they could share with me?

      Anyway...rather excited about this girl! And like I said...still forming her character, and thus her 'body needs' in my head, so looking into my options with her!
    15. I love my Nabiyas body. It has such beautiful curves. And its double jointed. I think it looks much better than RS body. And pictures I saw of Nabi Kiss body it looks like they both r simular,but Nabi Kiss has singel jointed body.
    16. My Nabi Kiss came today! I love her! I'll post her box opening soon, and some details of what I plan to do with her.
    17. My lavender elf Nabiya arrived a few days ago, squeeeee! I am so in LOVE with the lavender color resin, it is really beautiful in person. Thank you Ashley for making such a gorgeous doll! :D AND, today, another G.O.D. bjd arrived - a PpoPpo! I decided I had to have a PpoPpo a few weeks ago when I saw one in an album online somewhere so when one showed up on Ebay I made her mine. She was customized by Cream Soda from Canada, I just can't get over her tiny sweetness! Here they are:


      And a closeup of PpoPpo:


      Best, Ani
    18. Playdoll:
      Thank you so much for sharing your girls. They're truely unique, and I've never seen PpoPpo as a jester, and the faceup is amazing! I'm glad you love your lilac Nabiya. It's hard to photograph that color, but people have loved the color in person as yourself.

      Here's a couple of more colorful Nabiyas. First is blue and the second is green for anybody that's been curious to see what the green looked like, it's quite striking. :
    19. Oh my, these dolls are beautiful. Going to have to add a light tan elf to my wants list aha
      They looked resinsoul/bobobie-ish to me, and then reading through this thread I learnt they're cast by bobobie! She'll look lovely next to my Resinsoul Ya and Mai. I love her round pouty lips, she's full of personality!