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Has AEdoll ever released a doll similar to this tiny Freya ?

May 7, 2024

    1. Hi, I start this thread because I completely fell in love with this doll from Asleep Eidolon :


      Apparently, she is a tiny Freya that was an additional item for the 2023-24 winter event for the purchase of an SD or MSD doll. I found her only on legenddoll though and they told me it was impossible too purchase this doll separately back then. Since I had nor the will or the budget to purchase a larger doll just to have this tiny freya, I missed on the offer.

      So my question is : do you know if AEdoll ever released or plans to release this size and type of dolls ? From what I searched, I never saw a similar doll before but was curious to know if I might have missed out on something. Freya is a facemold I really like with Asleep Eidolon and having one in this side would be perfect for me :love

      Thanks by advance :)
    2. They've had several girls that size for events/limited runs. If you're okay with 1/4, they still have an MSD Freya available on their site?

      If you've got your heart set on that size, I'd recommend keeping an eye out for future offerings and finding someone to split with you (if you have to buy a larger doll to buy the smaller), or posting a WTB.
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    3. Xaga have Clear. and the New year special last january was Azuki and Azuki SP. I think there's also Cordelia too? I'm waiting for an Azuki myself. Do note that this is 3D printed and I'm not sure it's on topic. Probably safe to talk about this in Brigadoon?

      If and when they're re-releasing this size of dolls is anyone guess. If it's popular maybe they'll release it again. I just wish it's become regular release instead, or limited but can buy by itself instead of restricted with purchase of bigger doll only ;(
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    4. Thank you for your answers :)

      @dm_sof I was more going for this tiny size, I already know AE for their mature tinies in 1/6th scale, and MSD is too big for me unfortunately. I indeed tried for a WTB but had no answer yet. It's also when checking out about asleep eidolon that I released their official website is down, or at least no taking orders anymore so that makes that more complicated

      @marxwyn Thanks for the details, I thought since it's about a bjd company it might be fine to post it here but my question is about this specific doll so it would indeed make more sense for me to post there. I will transfer the thread there then, I tried to move the current one myself but could not do it, but I will just repeat the question there :sweat
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    5. Thank you for your message ^^ here I was looking for this tiny size specifically to make a tiny elf (most of my dolls are 1/6th scale so I preferred this smaller format to fit in my idea) but I know about their 1/6 dolls they are just adorable as well :love
    6. I've seen an european doll artist produced 1/12, but more child-is body. Dollyhugs on instagram. She made 7cm the smallest I think.

      It'll be easier if you know how to use Taobao or Xianyu. There's another seller on TB selling mature tiny casted resin, Link
      This one 3D printed I think: Link

      There are a few on Xianyu at the time of this response, including a Cordelia. For xianyu I'm not sure if you can use Clover Singing, but Christina does can help purchase things from TB.
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    7. Thanks for this link, I'll go check that out right away !
    8. AE has said they won't do these for regular release, just this 3D printed version (that is therefore off-topic, but I just wanted to confirm). I asked because there was also a 1/12 DingDang I wanted real bad. :( They might come up secondhand somewhere.
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    9. @Idoru thanks for confirming, i'll keep searching (and already posted some WTB posts where I could) but I feel like my best shot will be to wait for a next event, not a lot of people seem to know about this doll, and she might be hard to find but we'll see (fingers crossed)
      I also hope you'll end up finding the doll you're looking for <3
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    10. @Lutopienne I stumbled across this while browsing, artist's name/shop is 小智人形工坊 (xiao zhi doll workshop). unfortunately preorder has passed, but maybe could be of interest for you. Looks like she also has 18cm Body for ob11 or similar.
    11. Thanks for sharing ! I need to find more information about the company but I'll go check that out