1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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How has your style of dolls changed from when you started collecting?

Jan 6, 2020

    1. Nope. I still collect the same old sculpts from when I got started around 2001, mostly.
      I've picked up some newer dolls since then, but they're all about the same style.
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    2. I only got into the hobby a little over a year ago but things have definitely changed! I wanted to only collect Fairyland fullsets. Now I only have one fullset and its a little modified. The rest have alpaca wigs, different clothes besides fairyland. My dolls are mainly pastel now too.
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    3. I've gone for the dolls I wanted and didn't get 10+ years ago, even when they didn't exactly exist back then. CP Soony and Dollshe Saint have been my favorites for a long time and I'm thrilled to be able to have them at 1/4 scale. I tried both SD and YoSD sized sculpts back then and I've found that 1/4 is just right for a BJD for me, so that's what I focused on over time. My newer dolls are more mature-looking than the ones I got when I started, which has always been what I want. And I do my own... everything now.
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    4. My tastes haven’t changed, but my collection has. I’ve decided to collect just tiny anthros. I started out with them, then tried all types of bjds over the 9 years I’ve been in the hobby. I had a lot of fun, learned many things, and got to own many nice dolls. I think it’s time to slow down and enjoy a smaller collection.
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    5. My tastes haven't changed so much as expanded. I still love the anime-esq dolls like Peaks Woods, but I'm also gaining an appreciation for the hyper-realistic dolls like Demiurge Dolls.
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    6. I'm new in the bjd hobby but i've collected other types of dolls before and I think i've always been inclined to more realistic looking dolls, I love dolls that kinda fall on the uncanny valley category.
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    7. Yes! When I started, 7 years ago, I was all into human realistic sculpts in MSD size and now I would like to have a small army of tiny anthros xD
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    8. I started collecting in 2006 and my aesthetic has remained pretty much the same. I definitely prefer the anime-esq look of Luts, Volks, Peakswoods, etc. I’m also a big fan of the more unusual, elongated looks of Doll Chateau and Dollzone. I guess it’s obvious I prefer more fantasy than reality in my life!;) I have quit trying to restrict my collection to a single size however, and now freely collect dolls of all sizes without a second thought.
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    9. Somewhat, I suppose. When I got started in 2008, I planned to get only stylized 1/4 elves to represent a small, select group of OCs.

      I still prefer the stylized look, but my collection now has a lot of fantasy sculpts and, more surprisingly, a lot of humans. And the sizes go from tiny 10cm up to 60cm.
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    10. When I first started collecting, I adored doll chateau. I only wanted to have a them in white, like little statues. I have had so many different dolls over time, and yet I've kept none of them.
      Three years in my collection now is one doll chateau Lilly in white... So my style of dolls was absolutely changing constantly only to return to the original thing I was attracted to.
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    11. At first I started very fantasy style, but then switched to more realistic dolls, and made them live in a almost realistic environment.
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    12. Oh definitely. I haven't even collected for a year, and I already prefer mature looking SD's opposed to the cute MSD's I was so crazy about before :P
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    13. I started off with more realistic dolls (or tried to since I was poor ) and then realized I was really just trying to recreate the dolls I loved that I had seen online, but my artistic style leans more towards fantasy and such and I’ve been way more drawn to Doll Chateau lately. I recently acquired a Matthew and a Pluto who I am absolutely in love with.
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    14. I began the hobby in March 2010, when I had my first BJD, and yes, in latter times I have mostly moved from larger eyed sculpts, to ones who have smaller eyes and generally more life-like faces. I also started out with mostly SD sized dolls, but nowadays I'm preferring MSD and Yo-SD sizes.
      Also, in my earlier BJD days I only ever bought from Angelesque in the UK, but as time went on, I got braver about buying direct from the manufacturer, and I now use Alice's Collections, which has opened my options a lot more.
    15. My tastes have changed to an extent. I still adore my earlier dolls, and the greater range of sculpts and skintones allow me to diversify my collection. I have animesque MSDs side by side with realistic, dark skinned tinies.
    16. I would certainly have to say yes. When I started collecting dolls in general (starting with Pullip), I was more into a similar aesthetic for my collection. My first resin was an MSD with a similar facial style to Pullip.

      After I got back from a 6-7 year hiatus in the hobby, my tastes and collecting habits drastically changed. I went for more realistic sculpts for one, and I also sized up to SDs. I also went from getting a doll that appealed to me and creating a character around her once I received her to seeking out dolls that fit existing characters of mine and getting them once I found the ones that fit. I've also gone from just collecting what I like to creating physical representations of characters I plan to write novels for eventually, who'll act as models for related insert and cover art for the novels of those said characters.

      So yeah, I've certainly evolved with my choices since first joining the hobby.:kitty2
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    17. I've only been in for three years, and it hasn't changed that I've seen. I still mostly prefer semi-realistic SDs, though I have ended up with more girls than guys in my plans, which I did not expect. I do tend to give them male-presented sculpts though, so there's that. I also like looking at quirky fantasy tinies, but so far, I only have the one. I am waiting for the right one to come along again and be a friend for her.
    18. Yes, my style has changed a bit. When I began about 12 years ago all I collected were realistic 1:3 dolls. Eventually I bought a few more stylized dolls but the biggest change was my collecting other size dolls. I now have a group of nice slim minis, realistic looking & a group of 7 tinies, mostly Little Fees but several others as well. They are stylized & a lot of fun. They're also the only child like dolls I have. I've sold off quite a few 1:3 dolls as I'm out of room though. I still don't like very anime style dolls though.
    19. When I look back at beginning of my bjd collecting I see clearly that my taste has changed. I started with smaller dolls, different companies even with different dolls kind. What are the changes in your aesthetic/dolls you like that you noticed over years?
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    20. I've definitely switched up sizes. I have more MSD and Big Babies than anything else but I started with a YOSD. I've also branched out into tinies. My style preferences haven't really changed; I still like the same sculpts as I did when I started.
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