1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Have you ever regretted ordering a doll?

Jul 28, 2015

    1. thats kind of my situation right now and it sure is a bummer since his layaway is almost complete /__\;

      i ordered a 5stardoll mu ran, i already have his character all planned out, his clothes, eyes, wig, everything bought too... but after looking at little monica's msd boys, i feel like he'd be so much better as little kliff. im not sure if dde will let me change my order last minute (and im too much of a chicken to ask since he actually is my first bjd haha), ill have to give them a call when i return to the states.

      so that leads me to my main question, have you guys ever experienced this? if so, did you ever change your order like what im about to do, or did you keep the doll and dealt with it?
    2. Well, sure I've been in such a situation, so what' I'd advice is either selling him immediately after he arrives or - i'd try to hybridise him and buy the LMonica head separate (they're both MSDs, right?) and just hybridise it ;) That's what I'd do... or just sell him asap and get the money to buy the full LMonica doll ;)

      tbh, i often have/had it with accessories... but with dolls at times as well :3 I was usually just reseling them altogether asap though :) Sure it takes time, sure you'll lose some money, but it's better than just being stuck with something you dislike/don't like as much as sth else :)

      Good luck <3
    3. [MENTION=70166]CutieKitty[/MENTION] thank you for your response! i feel better knowing that there are other people who share my pain (as cruel as that sounds LOL). i got too impatient and emailed dde for an order change and i literally sweat bullets out of anxiety haha. if theyre fine with it id be the happiest woman on earth honestly

      i thought about buying just the head too, but im not sure about their skin colors matching T T; besides that, i think little monicas bodies are gorgeous and i regret not doing more research about them earlier...
    4. I too, have been in this situation. However the regret for me, started after I had received the doll. My advice would be as CutieKitty just mentioned, sell the doll after you receive him - maybe even try bundling in some of the accessories you got for him in with the sale also. :)
    5. @mionnaise oh, honey, I'm so sorry for you... I understand the stress :3 BJDs can be really, very stressful little things :3 Tbh, I'm not so sure if the DD agree if he's almost paid of... but pay him off completely and just sell him asap. Perhaps, just as [MENTION=69841]Chardy[/MENTION] says: throw in some extras like a wig and eyes, and you may even sell him faster:)

      Tbh, I didn't research before my first doll and that's been my biggest regret. But then feeling when I got the one I wanted since the beginning? Priceless ;) You'll soon forget the past experience ;) It will take some time, some stress, but I believe that you're strong enough and you can do it <3 So, you're definitely not alone with this :D

      btw, important: when you'll be creating the sales post (post it everywhere - your blog, FB groups etc too;) don't say things like : "I'm selling bc I found a prettier/better/more amazingly awesome doll out there". This won't encourage the possible buyers either ;)
    6. [MENTION=70166]CutieKitty[/MENTION] This was my same issue too! :) I was so eager to buy a doll that I took no time to really look at what else was out there or do thorough research, so by the time my doll arrived I had seen so many others I would have preferred. :XD:
    7. [MENTION=69841]Chardy[/MENTION] high five, hey! :D Yeah, so you know what it's like ;) Tbh, I simply didn't know that there are oter affordable bjds out there, who're also photogenic and who can pose well enough :) And that was my biggest issue. WHen he arrived I was like... a one big frikkin 'Meeehhhh". I tried two faceups, a small nose job but sold him within three months... I was looking for a perfect bjd for like a week and a half before I ordered mine, so I had no idea about like 90% of all doll companies... truly xD
    8. [MENTION=69841]Chardy[/MENTION] [MENTION=70166]CutieKitty[/MENTION] thanks a bunch you guys! well the layaway is 50% done, i did say ill pay everything off next month too, for now ill just have to wait for their response before i make all the sales and stuff T T;;

      i honestly agree, he's my first doll(funny thing is i bought an MK lillian the next day so it depends on who comes to my door step first lmao). i love lillian to bits, but guy dolls have been such a pain for me... theres really nothing more frustrating than finding the best doll for you, huh ×__× and im the only one in my friend group who's into bjds so i have zero experience w/ handling these things
    9. oh lordy this is what im going through right now hahaha :XD: i just wanted a doll asap so i can experience what the hobby is like, and thats where i went wrong. i just realized that it was more than that after looking at other dolls... now im here, agonizing over my first purchase lmao
    10. No, I haven't regretted an order. Or, I should say, I've only regretted it when some unforeseen expense came up soon after I ordered. I've also been a bit miffed when a 2nd-hand doll wasn't quite what I expected, but that is a whole other topic.
    11. I haven't really regretted any dolls I've ordered, only a couple I've passed up. Even the ones I've sold on, I don't regret buying, because I think the experience of having them and learning they weren't for me was beneficial, as it helped me work out more of what it is I do like. I tend to deliberate fairly well over whatever I'm going to buy, which tends to result in a good match for what I'm after most of the time. And even in the couple of times when the match wasn't quite right, the experience was still good. (I have a head that ended up not working out for the planned character in spite of being a MNM sculpt of that character, but I would never part with it; I have a doll who didn't match the character I thought she would, in spite of my best efforts, but I've found a new character for her in the process; I have parts I've tried out that didn't work out, but by trying them I've learned a lot about ownership and customization.)

      Even the second-hand doll who came in much worse condition than advertized ended up not being a regret in the end (though I wish I'd known, I would have offered less for him). The work of cleaning him up ended up being less of a horrible task and more of a "bonding" with a doll who turned out to be in pretty rough shape, and a wonderful experience in restoration.
    12. Nope... never regretted an order. On the other hand I've regretted not making an order instead... especially when it's a hard to come by doll or a limited. :( Usually when buying dolls I think long and hard about what I'm getting so if I do end up placing the order then it's all good after that so far.
    13. Call and talk to the women at DDE. They are very nice and will happily work with you if you explain your situation. You may hve to forfeit part of your deposit, since by now the doll has already been made by 5Star.

      I've regretted two different dolls I bought. I fell out of love with RS Mei after I'd had her for 3 years. Then recently I bought a doll from Miro Doll and after I got her, I realized I did not like her body.

      Fortunately 5 Star Dolls are wonderful and well made dolls, and if you keep him he will either grown on you or you can sell him easily. I have 5 dolls by 5 Star and love all of them.
    14. Yes. Several times.

      DollZone Mo - he was my second doll, and I had only owned Angel of Dream Chen before him. Getting Mo was so disappointing, I almost cried. I didn't realize he was single jointed, and his face wasn't as realistically sculpted, and at first I thought he wasn't 'finished', and wondered what was wrong with him. Of course, noting was wrong with him, and after I realized it was just an aesthetic and engineering difference between companies, I learned to love him.

      Bobobie Pixie - Third doll, and another case of "What's wrong with this doll?" Next to my first two dolls, her resin felt shiny, and she didn't pose nearly as well. I couldn't ind a wig to fit her shallow head in my limited knowledge, and her eyes looked too big for her face compared to the other two. I never did learn to like her, and she ended up being the first doll I ever sold.

      DragonDoll Cheng- Loved his pictures, and since the company was new, there were no owner pictures. Got him home and aside from being HUGE, I hated his face. his eyes looked narrower and face looked flatter than photos, and I sold him shortly after.

      5StarDoll Tumnus - This wasn't a case of hating the doll, but hating the company. I wanted this doll SO bad. The estimated wait time when I ordered was 5 weeks. I ordered him, an MSD body and a YoSD, all blank. After month of no communication with MintonCard, they sent the head to them after two months, and the body three months later. All in all, it took 5 MONTHS, not weeks, to get my doll, and the head was several shades darker than the body and looked like a crappy hybrid. The customer service made me resent my doll, and the fact that his hand were tiny made it worse. I sold the body, and have the head in a drawer. I still love the sculpt and it's great for my character, but the experience was the worst I've ever had with a doll company. MintonCard dropped 5Star after this incident, as I wasn't the only one who had problems in that batch.

      2D Doll - I ordered the body for my Migidoll head. The resin match was great, and I liked the body, and going by measurements, thought it would be perfect. It wasn't. It looked horrible! I had the head on the body for a day before deciding to sell and taking a loss on it.

      There have been others, but it's not the end of the world. Sometimes, they'll surprise you and you'll end up loving them. Other times, you won't. I like to see and handle lots of dolls, so I think even if it doesn't work and I sell quickly, I still enjoy the experience.
    15. My gosh that's terrible what 5 Star did to you. I ordered mine through DDE. Fortunately the dolls were fine, and I love my Tumnus and Rex, but the wait time was ridiculous. I waited 5 months also. By the time they arrived, I'd almost forgotten that I'd ordered any dolls.
      That was 3 years ago. This year I ordered 3 wigs from 5 Star directly. This time I actually DID forget I'd ordered anything. But at least they didn't mess up the order like they did with you.
      Currently I have a Becca on layaway through DDE, and was told 3 months. Three months will be up in a couple of weeks. It will be interesting to see if the doll is ready by then or not.
    16. CloakedSchemer, did MoC do anything to help you out since the resin was such a poor match? I can understand things not matching between companies but it's really sad when the resin didn't match from the same company. I wonder if we (meaning the bjd community) should tell a rep like MoC that such and such a head goes with the body we're ordering? I'd be upset about it too especially after such a long wait. There was no way you could've known that the batches would be so different. Bummer.

      All of the dolls I ordered I really wanted. But there are a few that, after I received them, I discovered that they just weren't for me. It's very frustrating to only figure out what you like AFTER you get your doll! I sold one doll after I had to wait for her for six months. It was more because of the wait than the doll. She was beautiful! But the wait was just awful.
    17. Yup, I had something similar happen to me. I put an Elfdoll June on layaway at Dolls and Friends (a doll store local to me that is now closed), and after I made several payments, I decided June was wrong for my character. The store kindly let me switch my layaway. I had an idea for a different character in my head, and was able to switch to an Elfdoll Red with no loss of money. He's perfect for his "role", and I was lucky to get one with a stunning faceup.

      I've also purchased two Volks limited boys on a whim, and both ended up being totally wrong for me. I sold them soon after they came home. But again, luckily, I have several Volks limited fullsets that I either got new from Volks, or secondhand near retail prices, and I love them.

      Linda S.
    18. YES - I got a Leeke Lily (she was originally offered in an event and I never thought they would bring her back)- I know I need to work with her (tighten the strings, get some actual eyes, etc) but she still just creeps me out a little instead of being adorable.
    19. That is half the battle I think [MENTION=70166]CutieKitty[/MENTION] I sort of had this idea at the time that if I wanted a really amazing doll then I'd have to pay handsomely, so that is why I ended up settling for the cheaper doll, which I later regretted buying - especially after I realized there are plenty of less expensive dolls on the market which are awesome too. [MENTION=70133]mionnaise[/MENTION] MK Lillian is so gorgeous! She will definitely help you deal with some of the regrets of the other doll purchase, haha. :XD:
    20. @ParlourGoddess No luck with getting my order changed, sadly :( Even though I bought a doll they had already in stock, it seems that they still had to order mine from 5SD themselves. My mom thinks I'm being extremely nit-picky, but I don't want him just collecting dust in my room if I end up not liking him at all T T;; But you're right, maybe I should let him stay for a bit, and see if my opinion will change in the future.

      @Chardy I agree! And it seems like Lillian is such a popular sculpt, too. At least I have no regrets getting her because I fell in love at first sight, I wish it was as easy for boy dollies because I have a hard time finding one I actually like... well, in MSD size to be specific. ><' SD boys are a whole new topic for me because there's so many that I want, and somehow there are not a lot of girls that are as cute... or maybe I'm not looking hard enough LOL

      And to everyone else, I'm so sorry you guys had to go through it, too T T; Part of me doesn't want to let go of the doll I ordered since I've been paying him off for quite some time, it's like I already sacrificed my soul for him LOL. I did think about reshelling him, but there's really no character I can think of that matches that specific sculpt, so that's why I think he's better off in a different home. I know it's a bit too late for me to suggest this, but have any of you tried reshelling dolls you haven't played with in a while? They might spark some creative ideas for you! ^o^