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Head hunting & Head storage

Nov 4, 2017

    1. okokokok I'm still new ish to the hobby and there's so many fun aspects of the hobby but I adore collecting heads the most. Having just the heads is almost as nice as having the full doll and it takes up so much less space than a full doll.

      So far I have enough space to fit them all nicely in the boxes that I do have I'm nervous about how to store them safely when that runs out. Does anyone else have this issue? How do you guys handle it?

      Personally, since most (all) of the heads are for 70+ dolls, I was thinking of maybe getting regular sized boxes so that they can stack nice and regularly. I'm just unsure of what to do about the heads that have their own boxes.
    2. I don't have the floating head problem so much as the spare accessories and props problem! I have the doll clothes in plastic shoebox size tubs in a chest of drawers, divided up by whichever doll they belong to, and in my closet I have two extra large plastic tubs that I store props and accessories and small doll boxes in. The tubs stack easily, keep everything clean and dust free and safe. Maybe get some tubs if you have space? You could keep the heads who have boxes stacked inside the tubs, and maybe get extra smaller boxes for the ones who don't?
    3. I'm seconding the tub idea. probably buy a large but shallow tub and use cardboard to divide the space? If you can't get a shallow tub, I'm sure you could use cardboard as a separator between levels?
    4. I feel like I'm one of the only people who has their floating heads on display. They have a self to themselves and just kinda sit there. I have a couple boxes I can repack them into, but meh. I like having everyone out.
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    5. I remember someone mentioning once upon a time that they used one of those divided boxes made to store Christmas tree ornaments as a storage box for their Floating Head collection.

      I thought that was a pretty brilliant idea. :lol:
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    6. That is brilliant. Definitely something I will looking into if I break down and get my boys before I find the right bodies for them.
    7. I don’t have any extra heads right now but I went to the dollar store and picked up a bin that I’m using to store my doll and her accessories in, as well as fabric for making her outfits and the other odds and ends that come with making her clothing. I believe I’m getting a new head from the company I got my girl from thanks to a defect in her head sculpt, so I have a smaller trinket box that fits in the bin so I won’t lose it once it gets here....I’m not sure how many heads you have, but maybe try a nested box approach like that and see if it works?? Other boxes can fit in a bin like that....though idk how easy it would be to access them wihout disturbing the others that way....good luck!
    8. Hi,

      I was wondering how everyone stores their floating heads, especially ones with face ups and lashes.
    9. It’s worth investing in bust stands. There are several places that sell resin bust stands. Or if you’re looking for a cheaper option, Etsy has several sellers who sell 3D printed bust stands.
    10. I converted a box file by adding partitions with thick card (please ignore bad photo, my camera has died and my mobile phone camera is not great ^^)-
      The heads rest on cardboard rings that are just slices cut from a kitchen roll inner tube. The pluses are that the box is sturdy and when the lid is shut, it keeps out any light that the clear plastic type boxes don't. The box file works well for YOSD and MSD size heads but isn't quite tall enough for SD heads. (I also use box files to store wigs as they're the prefect hight and can be easily stored on a shelf) :)
      #10 Epicari, Jun 21, 2020
      Last edited: Jun 21, 2020
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    11. In a big chaotic drawer that needs tidying up. :blush
    12. Oh I love the box file. I don't think I have enough room for several busts, but cross my fingers one day because that would also be a great way to keep wigs in shape.
    13. If you go into the closet storage area of home furnishing stores, you should be able to find organizers for neckties that look just like Epicari’s box up there. And like PaeoniaDrop said, they’re good for wig storage, extra hand/foot parts, etc too!
    14. Since most of my floaters are un-painted and 'just for completeness'-types (Secondary sleeping heads that came with sets, and that kind of thing-), they're just wrapped in bubbles and stored together in a rubbermaid box along with my other "spare resin" bits like high-heeled legs and extra hands.

      The one that I have who's painted and just waiting for a bod? He has a bust-stand and is hanging around on the bookshelf.
    15. I use these. There are ones meant for big ornaments so SD heads fit perfectly with padding.

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    16. The box is an amazing Idea I'll do this for my heads too.
    17. Very clever ! Thank you for the idea.
    18. The box file is amazing :o I only have one right now so it just lives in a doll box with a full doll, like next to him on the pillow heh, but yeah definitely if I had more I'd need to actually think of what to do with them... so I'm glad to have found this thread!

      I could see... if one had only a few floating heads, like not enough to call for a big organizer box but still enough that you need to store somehow, just using individual small sturdy cube boxes. Those are super easy to find at craft stores, intended for use as gift boxes and such, and you could put some padding in there out of fabric or bubble wrap.
    19. I only have one and he’s currently hanging out on the dresser with a couple of my full doll. I try not to have any but when I do they’re either on the dresser or in a box in the closet.
    20. I use a plastic storage box split into compartments, rather like Epicari's box. Usually these boxes are used for tools or parts, so are quite easy to buy.