1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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HeartStrung 1/6 (27cm) - Ruse

Mar 5, 2014

    1. Oh shes so adorable~
    2. Oh no, Amal! ; 3; Had I known you were releasing tan girls, I would've waited on my order, oh poo!
    3. Gorgeous girls. Fell in love on flickr and suddenly saw a new batch were on their way soon. Waves to DLD fancy seeing you here! Tallis is wonderful. Love her cottage. The grey girls are so ethereal too. I just put a deposit on a tan girl. So very excited. Are you all using 6mm eyes or 4s?
    4. Oh no not you lot here...now I am clearly done for, DLD, imajica, do you have one of these beautiful girlies?

      DLD! So darn sweet!!! You must love her.
    5. StellaM not yet. I fell in love with one on Flickr and they had all gone then yesterday I saw the second release so a tan girl will be mine!! Yayl You ?? I think you should dot dot dot
    6. Here's a little preview of the tan girl:

      First freckly faceup! ^_^ by aneemal, on Flickr

      What do you think? I'm really eager to paint the dark tan girl too! I don't know if it's just me, but I find the tan colour resin much easier to paint. Sorry about the photo quality. Will do better next time! >_<
    7. The face up looks great, she's so cute! Wah, I really need a tan girl now. ; - ;
    8. Rotten enabler...I mean yes!
      When is the pre order until?
    9. My girl is here, and her eyes have arrived which is wonderful. I really love her face, her hands, her poseability. If you are on the fence about these girls, ADOPT NOW!! If I could, I would get her a sister for sure. Lovely, lovely girls. I have only got a couple of things for her to wear, but she has been assured I'll get more as soon as I can. :)
    10. Wow that blue/ gray resin is so beautiful. I'm not usually drawn to the fantasy colors as much but this one looks amazing. I also love that she is a small doll but with a more mature sculpt. She is very beautiful
    11. Till June 20th ... apparently cough. She does layaway too . Just saying.

      Love the freckled faceup too . Gorgeous girl

      Enchantedlily what size eyes did you order? Did you get oval glass or round glass? Shes so very pretty
    12. I think even WITH layaway I can't make it work this time around. Ugh. I wanted a caramel tan girl sooooo badly. Sigh.

      My girl has 6mm eyes from dreaming tree studio on etsy, and they are Moss coloured. They are flat backed and smooth on the front so they do fit the eye socket well, and they come out ok in photos too!! But in real life I am finding it a little harder. Fantastic excuse to spend a lot more time taking her photo though!!! :) I just love her.
    13. I've preordered my girl!! I love the tan but I just fell in love with the elf-like paleskin. I have a wig that was meant for a 1/6 obitsu so I'm hoping it'll fit as it is currently unused and gorgeous haha! I have an idea for her name and I hope she suits it when she comes home!
    14. OK all you enablers...so much for my extreme dolly diet...
      I pre ordered the dark girl today!
      what size wig does this little snippet wear?
      Ooh I just saw she's a four, puny!!
      The good thing is that she can wear all the longer wigs that look insane on the teeny dolls...
    15. That's what I thought StellaM. she will fit pukipuki wigs perfectly. Did you see her on flickr in the curly puki wig. Adorable on that elegant body. One of your wigs will look stunning on the dark girl too. Very excited!
    16. My Grey (/Blue) Ruse finaly has her own makeup by the talented french Artist &#9829; KOALA KRASH &#9829;.
      The theme: a lovely Zombie girl and I love the result so so much :aheartbea


      PS/ She's travelling back home right now... I can't hardly wait to get her back.
      • x 1
    17. congrats everyone who has pre-ordered themselves a girl! yay more Ruses to populate the world :D

      wow, Bababaloo, she is super amazing and so different, how exciting, I hope she'll be home with you swiftly and looking forward to see more photos of her!

      I have commissioned a special alpaca wig for my girl Una from the lovely Monika Viktoria of Orchid's Designs which will be on the way very soon (or may already be). I'm so excited about it and can't wait to share photos of Una wearing it once it's here! &#9829;
    18. grrrr...Imagica!!! I couldn't resist. I know it is done when I think aw, that poor thing needs me to make her/him a wig...

      love the zombie girlie, she's cool... beautiful detailed work from the artist.
      I just love the body style in that size, my girl is going to be an amazing model for puny wigs.
    19. Hello! Is the second preorder still available? I like this doll so much, but she looks so tiny, and my other dolls are msd sized. Maybe she could be some kind of fairy for them... Are there any comparison pictures with Ruse and msd sized dolls? :roll: