1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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How do you all store your eyes?

Apr 3, 2024

    1. Probably not a question that should be asked in public around non dolly people but I’m curious to find a neat and efficient way to store eyes of various sizes.

      Currently my eye collection is dotted about all over the place with some in little plastic bags inside padded envelopes or again in little plastic bags in a cheap plastic craft storage thing with small boxes. Neither method is particularly efficient and I worry about damage occurring as I rummage and neither lends itself toward labelling very well.

      Any good ideas lovely people?
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    2. I keep mine in a divided craft container meant for beads. Same for extra hands and feet.
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    3. My eyes are all the same size, so I keep them all in a very small tupperware container. It's transparent pink with hello kitty on it.
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    4. Most are in a container meant for jewelry making supplies, separated out into their own compartments, but I definitely have a few random pairs sitting around in their packaging haha
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    5. I use earring display boxes

      I’m thinking about getting this one for eyes and other small items
      #5 NineOneThree, Apr 3, 2024
      Last edited: Apr 3, 2024
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    6. The resin and nice glass pairs are in their original packaging in a mini jewelry tansu, kind of like this one but 4 drawers and no flip top:


      A couple of the drawers are eyes, the others hold doll jewelry and very small delicate accessories. The inexpensive glass and acrylic eyes are in a plastic craft bin. I keep the empty containers in a box up in my closet.
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    7. If I have planned on changing them out every once and while, I've stored the extra pair(s) inside the respective doll's head :sweat otherwise they are separately in ziplocks together in a small plastic box. Now, I don't have many extra pairs and they are all either affordable glass or acrylic so I'm not overly precious about them - otherwise I'd probably get a padded ring or earring box line NineOneThree showed above.
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    8. I found some small storage containers with a divided tray at Daiso for a few dollars. I think they were intended for beads or maybe jewelry and I liked how compact they were as I don't have many extra pairs. The divided part lifts up separate from the container so I keep eye putty in the bottom. I use one for glass eyes and the other for everything else.
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    9. I got a couple of these boxes:

      They can be easily bought for cheap on Taobao.
      The only eyes I don't have in there, are the ones that came in their own fancy boxes (like Enchanted, Oscar etc.). Those boxes are just neatly piled on each other in the same drawer as the big eye boxes are.
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    10. I use these multi set bead storage boxes
      eye storage container
      par Mu Shu, on ipernity

      I have 2 of them and it has been so much easier to keep the eyes divided by size. Also the top part opens and I keep extra eye putty, eyelashes, elastic, beveling tools, stringing tools etc in those.
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    11. I forgot, I just got a couple of these. I haven't transferred any eyes into them yet because I have put them someplace safe~
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    12. I have a little set of drawers that holds spare parts. Eyes have their own drawer in it, but it's getting full so might get a tackle/tool box to resort them.
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    13. The are in small clear bags with the size of the eyes listed on them in a basket. I could no longer keep them in the smaller container I used to keep them in. The basket is about a foot in diameter and seven inches deep, so it's holding the eyes I currently have. It's a little over halfway full. I have a lot of eyes. :lol:
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    14. I have them in their original packaging. I labeled them, along with their size. They're all in a plastic container.
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    15. That looks so nice, and now I really want those boxes too!

      This is what I have too, and also keep my doll jewelry making stuff in it!
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    16. You know those Ferrero Rocher gift boxes? Those :XD:
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    17. I've got some little boxes made out of wood that are specifically for doll eyes. Got it off taobao iirc.
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    18. I use a little divided plastic storage box from Alice's Collections.
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    19. Wow loads of good ideas, thank you all so much I really appreciate them. I’ve a much better idea of what to start looking for! :thumbup :)
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