1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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How much stuff did you initially buy for your first doll?

Nov 25, 2020

    1. There's a thread similar to this, about how prepared you were when you bought your first doll, but that was mostly talking about how mentally prepared you were to have/take care of a BJD. That made me want to know: how much stuff (clothes, accessories, etc.) did you buy at the same time (or around the same time) that you bought your first BJD?

      I'm currently planning my first BJD, and I'm kind of planning to buy everything in one go. I'm already planning her whole outfit, possible accessories, wig design (which I'm probably going to make myself), as well as any little extras I might want to get.

      It's going to take me a while to save up the money to buy the doll, so I may end up purchasing it alone and buying the clothes and stuff later. I feel strangely daunted by the idea of just having a naked doll sitting in my room while I save up for clothes--although I could save up the money while the doll is being made, so maybe it won't happen.

      All of that being said, how prepared were you when you bought your first doll? Did you plan everything meticulously, or did you decide to figure out their look later and just take the plunge?

      (Sorry if this has been asked before--I didn't see anything about it, but I'm still not sure.)
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    2. my first doll i bought with no clothes for months on end. just a naked lady chilling out, waiting for me to find the “right” clothing. she was wigless for even longer. this is definitely due to me being 14 or 15 at the time. having saved all my money for her and then had none left.

      if you can afford it, i do encourage buying at least a basic outfit for starters, and some things like eyes and a wig (not needed in your case since you’ll make one). i do recommend not buying too many things at once. doll sizes and measurements can vary. sometimes pants from one doll won’t work on yours, and it’s better to figure that out before buying four pairs lol. speaking from experience.
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    3. Oh gosh i had a bit of fabric i made a small dress out of just so she wasnt sitting around naked! And i got her a wig. I had saved up just enough for the doll.
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    4. My first doll I bought a pair of eyes and a pair of shoes and that's it. Everything else I made once she got here.
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    5. Well... I'm currently waiting for my first doll to arrive... And I'm sitting on a full set of supplies for face up, display space with a nice chair and a couple of decorations for her, a whole pile of sewing and crocheting stuff, beads for jewelry making, a stash of accessories, 10 pairs of eyes (despite the fact that she is going to be shipped with a free pair), a commission for a wig and I just got a notice that 5 premade wigs I ordered have shipped... And yes I ordered her with a wig and and outfit already... I just want some options to switch thing around and see what I like best.
      Oh, and I may end up getting a sewing machine before the doll arrives :lol:
      Now I am waiting for three month by this point, so I picked all of that up gradually, and yet I can say with certainty that getting more "prepared" is clearly not wise - the more hobby stuff I have the more I feel the absence of an actual doll to use all of that on...
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    6. I did not plan that much for my first doll! Just some essential items like wig and outfit because they came with eyes!! I didn't end up buying a lot of stuff in one go because it was kind of hard to really picture what they needed until I had them for a while and then when I browse for things, I had a better idea if that's something I want my dolls to try on.
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    7. One outfit, a wig, eye putty, and a restringing tool. Didn't really need the last, but I DID need a silicone wig cap. The wig just kept slipping right off her head.

      But then my first was a Volks FCS, so I had a whole website of stuff that specifically said it would fit. If I had ordered, say, a blank Doll Chateau, I would've curled up in a corner wailing "nothing flipping fits!!!!!!"

      My mom was happy she had gotten a fullset with her Mystic Kids Miri, as she's juuuuuust a bit too narrow in various dimensions to fit the average SD size clothes.
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    8. I had actually bought my first doll as a full set, even though I knew I would switch all the default stuff out pretty quickly. I think I did order a few wigs and a wig cap while I was waiting for my doll to arrive, but I didn't start to order any of the clothes, eyes, or other accessories until my doll was in my hands.
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    9. I didn't have anything at all at first ^^;
      Eventually I made her an outfit and wig, bought a pair of eyes. I thought I was going to be a jack of all trades and make everything, but it turned out I hated sewing and wig making.
      I would definitely buy at least one outfit and a wig if you can swing it ^^
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    10. With my first doll I got lucky and she came with everything! Face up, eyes, wig, and outfit with matching shoes. I didn’t purchase a single thing until she arrived actually.
      My second girl came naked and I did not get clothes or a wig for her for some months! I’m super indecisive and didn’t want to spend my money on a wig or outfit and realize it’s not the look I was going for. So I guess I’m okay with dolls sitting around naked and bald until I know exactly what I want lol :XD:
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    11. My first doll was a fullset, but I also bought him a wig since I intended to have a different look for him. Since his fullset is a complex military uniform I wanted to have some more casual clothes for when I just want to play around with him without messing with the fullset :P I bought him 2 t-shirts, a hoodie, a pair of pants, shoes and some accessories. Some of it arrived later than the doll, but the wig got here the fastest and was the most important thing for me personally. I also had one of the t-shirts and the hoodie, since his fullset pants are simple black jeans it worked out for me, I had plenty to play around with!

      I bought my doll on layaway and eyed some stuff while I payed him. When I had enough for the last payment, all the money I got was destined for his extra stuff, and I bought everything pretty much at the same time. It was just a matter of shipping times after that! I definitely think you could maybe get clothes and such while waiting for your doll to be produced, depending on the company ^^
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    12. Almost nothing. It took me ages to save up enough for my first doll who was only $183 including shipping, so I didn’t have much left for extras. I also wasn’t in a position to save up enough to spoil him, as I only came up with enough to get him by selling off all collectibles and dolls I could bear to part with.

      If I recall correctly, I spent about $35 total on stuff for him. I got a wig, cheap acrylic eyes and boots. I made everything else for him for about the first two years, when a friend introduced me to the world of Dollmore, who had really good prices for the quality they offered. By then my financial situation had improved, so I started buying a lot of clothes and accessories and now my dolls get spoiled with the good stuff.
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    13. I was really lucky in that my first doll was secondhand and the seller was kind enough to include eyes, a wig, and clothes. He's still using the eyes and 1/2 the clothes (thank goodness for those poofy pants that actually fit over his hooves), but I bought him a wig that fit his character better, and I bought him some resin antlers. His other attire I either made or had (he's using an old bracelet of mine as a belt, for example). I think I would have had a much harder time bonding with him before "his" stuff got here if he'd arrived and sat around bald with no eyes, so I'm forever grateful to the seller for including these extras. <3
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    14. I bought a fullset w/ shoes + wig and without a face-up during a time where the dealer had a promotion for a kimono outfit for free, I miss you Featherfall. lol Other than that, I absolutely prepared nothing like I do now. lol
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    15. Mine came with eyes, but I bought her two wigs (one of which doesn't fit right and I will be selling) some fabric to make outfits with, sewing supplies (surprisingly expensive), and some face-up materials like watercolor pencils and paints. I want to try to make as much as I can myself!
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    16. I ordered a wig and a pair of eyes from the same shop where I ordered him, and he used both for many, many years before I finally bought him some upgraded ones. :)
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    17. for my first boy, i did a lot of window shopping but didnt hit "buy" until i have him in hand, and even then i still brought some wrong stuff that doesnt quite fit him. for my second, i already got some eyes, a wig, and a set of clothes, cause i have a bit more experience and know what to look for.
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    18. OMG, i am still waiting to arrive my first BJD, and i already buy, supplies to the face up, including MSC, brushes, pastels, colours, eyelashes, acrylics, and some wigs and outfits pfffff and i am learning how to sew.
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    19. I purchased wigs, shoes and eyes for my first BJD (and all other afterward), very few accessories, because I suck at accessorizing and scale bothers me to no end. I was a classically trained artist all my life, so I already had all the face up supplies (my soft pastel set was the most inexpensive ever, because they are not my favorite for other kinds of art, but I did purchase a Rembrandt set a bit later). I didn't have the fixative, so I also had to purchase that as annoying as that was at times. I make all my dolls clothes, so I've never purchase any for my BJD, but I did purchase a lot of black vinyl/PVC, and other black fabrics, that will outlive me, because I'm a lazy bum and don't sew anything new anymore. DX
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    20. I purchased a fullset with the wig, hair accessories, and shoes - mainly because at the time, I don't think I realized that these dolls were customizable (I know, silly.) But, since then, I've been window shopping for other outfits, and i am making a shawl and some new jewelry for her.
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