1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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How Picky Are You As A Collector?

Aug 30, 2020

    1. I'm pretty picky LOL
      I don't like any sculpts that look very young, it just weirds me out for some reason? I also don't like crazy huge busts or very exaggerated faces.

      And I'm pretty particular about joints as well. If it looks really blocky, I don't like it as much. Posing is really important to me because I like to have my dolls sit with me! If they look strange sitting, I'm put off the doll. If the elbow or knee sticks out sharply, I wouldn't buy it. I love delicate looking dolls, the aesthetic of Koitsukihime's work is my favorite.
    2. I would say yes and no. I tend to like a couple sculpts from almost every company and even make little plans for what I would do with a particular sculpt design and outfit wise. Despite that, I don't find a lot of sculpts that I actually want to commit to buying. I need a doll to stick with me in a way and speak to me as a potential project and character. Not just as a one off, "oh it would be cool to make this or that" but in a "I need to make this" kind of way.
      Other than that, I don't have any real list of requirements, though I think I do end up liking a lot of similar sculpts.
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    3. I'm pretty picky. I've managed to keep my crew down to four dolls for a few years since I started really participating in the fandom (BJD fandom? Am I right?).

      I bought one doll that I loved back when I was still in the waiting period, but when he got here, I thought his face/eyes were too small, and he was too long and lanky-- I love long and lanky, but not in the way that this doll did it. Also, he had way too many joints. So I sold him.

      I love the dolls I still have, though-- they're stylized just enough to be cute, but they've still got more realistic proportions in their faces and bodies. The girls' boobs might be too big to other people, but I like large busts on my girls. ^^; In any case, I won't be selling them-- or adding on to my collection-- any time soon.
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    4. I found that my attitude towards doll collecting was very similar to the way I approach figure collecting. I like a small, manageable collection of dolls I really love and just take really good care of those. But because of that I also find I tend to spend a lot more on the individual doll when ever I do choose to get a new one.
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    5. I am very picky, which is why I don’t have a lot of dolls.
      There are many dolls I like and I think are beautiful, but for me there has to be a click; sort of a love on first sight type of thing, as weird as it sounds lol.
      If I see a picture of the doll and I cannot stop thinking about it, then I know that I have to have it.
      However, it has only happened to me 6 times (I still need to get 2 dolls that I am totally in love with but have not been able to find second-hand) and curiously enough, it only happens with Ringdoll’s dolls.
    6. I know this is an old post at this point, but may I ask what your rules are? It sounds useful to have a set of guidelines in place for dolly purchases. I have a system too but it's more feelings-based, and something more hard-set seems like it would be more reliable.
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    7. I'm fairly picky about sculpts and faceups. I also refuse to get a blank doll or a doll with a faceup I don't like, which greatly limits my options. I prefer only collecting a single company as well for cohesiveness, so that adds to it.
    8. I personally think that I might be a bit picky, especially because I always want to shell my OCs. As a creator I really love to make different desings and personal-looking characters, but sometimes bringing them into dolls might be a bit too difficult. I am quite sad that there's not enough variety in dolls' body types. I'd absolutely love to have more chubby or very thin dolls, especially male dolls. It feels like the most typical bodytype for male dolls is a muscular man, which isn't quite what I would personally like.

      I also dolls that are not pitch perfect, I like that they have some character in them.
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    9. I've always found some dolls not to my taste; but I've noticed though, a lot of dolls from companies these days just look samey to me. Maybe I've just gotten picker...
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    10. I'm picky with clothes and wigs, but less with dolls. I'm only selective because of limited space in my apartment, and I don't like clutter. For the same reason I'm trying to stick mostly to one size (MSD girls) so they can share clothes and shoes. If I can afford to have a dedicated hobby room in the future, then I'd love to have more doll sizes, styles, genders, etc.

      There is a lot of dolls that I like and would consider buying, but since I have to pick, I'm first and foremost looking at their face sculpts. The deciding factor is how much a face inspires me to bring out her personality and create an unique character out of her. I prefer to avoid hybrids when possible, so when I like their body in about 80% or more (there is always something that I dislike) then it's good enough in my book. Good poseability is a plus, but not a must.

      In recent years I've developed a taste for a large variety of skintones, so I would say I'm a bit picky about resin colors, because I don't want to have too many dolls in identical colors. I also prefer companies with established history of high quality resin so my dolls can last longer in pristine condition.
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    11. I'm not very picky when it comes to dolls I like. That said theres a big difference between like and wanting to buy. I don't buy dolls I don't have characters for already or unless I see the doll and immediately get inspired. If I have to spend time thinking of a character first.

      There are also tons of dolls I love the look of (Volks and Switch) once I see them with owners but can never vision them fitting in with my crew or characters enough to actually get inspired by them myself so I just enjoy them from a far.

      I am picky about clothes, especially now that there are so many more options for dolls. Back in the day you kinda took what you could get. Love the amount of stuff available now especially on TaoBao.

      I think the thing I am the LEAST picky about is eyes. I find a cool looking pair and I will grab them. I will end up buying multiple eyes for the same character so I can compare them.
    12. Man....I am extremely picky, clothes, sculpts, etc... I could be totally in love with a doll but skip it bc of a small proportion difference or something like that. I blame the remnants of perfectionism left in me.
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    13. I’m new to the hobby and I’m not picky at all. I see a doll I like and I must have it lol :sweat

      There’s only three or four dolls I can think of that really stuck with me though. Two of which I have yet to acquire.
    14. I am very picky about clothes however, they must all match my view for the dolls I have/want
    15. As for the sculpts, I guess I'm not that picky. Truth be told, most of my dolls are long-time grails, but I have one whose head I'd like to perhaps change one day as it doesn't represent the character perfectly. However, the heads which would be a match are usually too expensive for me to rationalise the purchase, so here I am with a doll which is not ultra-perfect. I'm not going to pay more than 100-150 for a head, so if I don't have what I like, I like what I have. Simply, it's 'good enough'. Frankly, it IS cute, just not perfectly matched with the character. I'm also very particular about the doll sizes, so I'm not going to buy the heads which I love most since they don't come in the size I collect.

      As for their faceups. I might re-do them (actually commission) one by one in some future, but for the time being they're also 'good enough'.

      It's slightly different with the accessories. I make all their clothes by myself, so I like what they wear, because I make it. I am super picky as to their shoes, because I generally just love shoes. It's like 20% of the dollying fun for me xD I have sold all the shoes I don't like and gradually refined my collection. When it comes to their wigs, I am fine with what I have, but I'd love to get down to making my own wigs (maybe still in 2022) and get some new stuff that would better reflect their characters.
    16. I've gotten very picky about which dolls I add to my collection. I've been collecting since 2013, and have gotten more picky about some things, though I recently widened my collection from only tinies to tinies and MSDs.

      I'm particular about scale. Both tinies and MSDs need to fit within their own range in terms of head size. No bobble heads or tiny heads. I prefer fantasy dolls. Some of my tinies are human, but I've made it a rule that none of my MSDs will be. I like having a variety of resin tones, so tan or fantasy colored resin is often my preference.

      I'm not too picky about clothes, but I sew most of them myself. I mainly buy basics that would be hard to do myself. (I tried to sew a mature tiny panties once. It didn't go well.)
    17. Hmmm I guess you could say I'm a little picky. As of right now I'm only looking for boys, and then other than that I do have a few "rules" to try and keep my collection decently sized. I said try though LMAO

      - Don't repeat a character or colour scheme. It's okay if they're a little similar, especially if they're in the same world/story, but I have caught myself going "No you don't need another gamer boy, you have one on the way" "No you don't need another fairy, you have one!" etc....
      - Same thing will hair colour/style. I LOVE long white hair.... But I don't want to have an army of just long white haired boys haha.
      - Don't buy a doll just because I saw the promo pics and thought "Oohh pretty!" Look at the blank sculpt, create a character etc first.
      - Part of why I love the hobby is creating my characters and doing their faceups, so similar to my previous point, I won't buy any fullsets unless they're a character that I'm already deeply attached to. (ex. Ringdoll's Hua Cheng and Xie Lian) The rest I buy blank or with the company faceup but I add my own personal touches!
      - I also want to make sure that the dolls that I'm looking at will fit in my collection. I do have multiple worlds/stories, but if I like a doll but think "They'd just be alone.... Sitting by themselves" because I can't see myself giving them a friend or anything, then it's a nope.
      - When shelling an OC, DON'T RUSH when picking a sculpt. Even if I want to shell my character right now, if I can't find any sculpts that fit, I'll wait until I find one that does.

      Overall I feel like all of these are kind of more general though?? I guess another thing I might be picky about are noses and face shape. I have to love the nose, and I also don't like overly puffy cheeks like Gem of Doll. That's all I can think of right now though!
    18. I’ve created a fantasy-based crew where every and any sculpt or resin color can be happily welcomed regardless of size or shape. BUT where I’m picky is about character. They have to exactly match my image of the character I’ve created, and without a firm character in mind I simply won’t buy no matter how gorgeous the sculpt is. This is what keeps my collection carefully in check. I’ve made a very few mistakes along the way of course, as is apt to happen, and occasionally a better sculpt match might come along down the road necessitating a change. Whenever this happens, I’ll sell. But more often, I’ll just wait it out…no matter how long it takes. One character had me waiting 8 years for the perfect sculpt to come along…another took an entire decade!
    19. Blissfully picky;)
      With how many dolls there are out there, I am ever so glad to be interested in very very few of them. I won't be tempted to sell my kidneys anytime soon.
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    20. I'm very picky, mainly about the face and eyes. To me it's a good thing since dolls are expensive and also take up a lot of space.