1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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how to get your friend into BJDs?

Jun 12, 2010

    1. My suggestion: if she is honestly interested in the hobby, but she's intimidated by the price, let her babysit one of your dolls for say... a week. Let her get a feel for them, because she might think they're pretty, but in the long run, she might just not be passionate enough about them.
    2. I think the key to convincing anyone of anything is education, which is the basic form of marketing anything to anyone. If you market your dolls, highlighting the strengths and educating about the costs (ie, explaining about the manufacture process, the artists involved etc) then they can make an educated decision if they can afford the dolls or if they simply can't. Don't be discouraged thinking that you might be forcing someone to do something they DON'T want to. If they genuinely have no interest you're not going to twist their arm to toss hundreds into a hobby they aren't interested in (at least, I hope you wouldn't be!)

      When I first discovered BJDs I was APALLED at the price. Some of my cosplay friends though started doll discussion threads on our cosplay forums and I had the opportunity to learn about them and BOY was I greatful. If it turned out BJDs still weren't for me, or I genuinely could not afford the price tag, I wouldn't have resented their efforts whatsoever, but still appreciated that they wanted to share their hobby with me.

      There's nothing wrong for friends to be enthusiastic about their hobbies and want to share it with the people they can relate to most! A lot of my friends are artists--painters, photographers, jewelers, etc. and all of them love the dolls and think they are amazing. Only one thinks the hobby could be for her, but she definitely isn't in the financial position to buy any. I told her I'd be happy to go ahead and bring one of my BBBs to her house so we could check them out together, and I could show her how and why they are so expensive...educate her on BJDs. Then maybe in the future once she's out of school and working with an income she might be able to afford a tiny of her own.

      It's a fun way to discover common interests in old and new friends alike :)
    3. Actually, no, there's nothing you can really do. XD; Especially since they're pretty up there in the pricing and I only recommend people that really are going to be into the hobby to purchase them. I was just really lucky that my close friend was actually interested in BJDs for as long as I have. We just didn't know much about them until we found out more at the same time ironically at Walmart when a mother and her daughter had BJDs. And it's ironic that we're both getting out first dolls (mine already preordered and she halfway there with her money). So it's just really a matter of if they'd really want to pursue such an expensive hobby.
    4. Seriously? LOL. I understand to a degree but don't act like she's a horrible
      person for wanting her friend to like ABJD's!!
      There's very little to go by from the original post but my guess is that she
      simply wants someone else that she knows to have a doll, which imo is
      understandable. It may not be important to others posting here...you either
      have other friends in the hobby or you don't care. I always try to look on the
      other side of things.
      So I agree with the comments saying: get her interested by showing her other
      dolls, you know her taste in things...we don't...so you'll have to do some looking
      on your own. Would she be more interested in a cutesy baby yo size or a more
      mature doll? Girl or Boy? Show her how they are made. Most people would be
      amazed at how much work is actually involved in making ABJD's...they aren't
      made by machines like Barbies. Show her dolls on Flickr....I love going there
      when I find a sculpt I like and seeing how different they can look in owner pics.

      IMO there's nothing wrong with wanting your friend in the hobby, and as long
      as you don't try to dictate what doll she gets *shrugs* what's the harm?
      I think a lot of people are looking at it from their perspective: she'll become
      consumed in the hobby and go into debt! :lol: Well there are actually some
      people, believe it or not, who actually have self control....but in the end it's
      completely up to the individual to decide what's right or wrong for them.
      You may never "convert" her but you can still share your interests with her,
      hopefully, and slowly she may find a place for a doll in her life..... best wishes!!:aheartbea

      BTW, a friend that might despise/resent you for something like that isn't a friend.
    5. I'd show your dolls to your friend and invite them to a meet. Take into consideration your friend's interests and use them when you present the dolls.

      For my husband, it just took him holding Josslyn and Peyton/Edgar to decide he was sort of interested. He said he liked them but that he'd prefer a more mature guy and just be an awesome dolly daddy to my little ones. He likes what he sees in Iplehouse so he's probably going to cave in and get Chase eventually to be his DnD mage Mordican. For my girl friend, I just showed her mine and invited her along with me to the doll con in Austin. She's very artistic and I figured she'd really like how much the dolls lend themselves to creativity. I did explain to her and her husband that the dolls can get expensive.I was pleasantly surprised when she found a doll she wanted! She's got a Dollfie Dream and she already made a *lot* of stuff for her, lol. Her husband half wants a doll, too, but I think he wants one along the same lines as my husband. The fact that we found a stall with dolly weapons and a doll in a "scale" armor costume didn't hurt. ;)
    6. I agree with the gift thing. I was put off by the price as well, but my friend ended up getting two dolls she didn't expect to, or really want in a trade, so she gave me one! I feel in love, and am hooked now! And you know, one doll all by it's self just seems to lonely, so now I'm in search of my second! xD

      See what she did to me!
    7. I was one of the few that was brought over by a friend. I have to say, if she really loves the appearance of the dolls, and is only put off by the price, the best thing to do is let her handle your doll whenever you get the chance, and maybe it will help her see how fun they are?
    8. Know what I did?

      ....Bought her one. XD

      I am buying a pair of SSD Cane's instead of a LE regen, because I asked her if she could ever see herself owning one, and she had said yes ... So I told her to pick one xD She picked one I really wanted as well, so instead of LE Regen, well... :)