1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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I can never own enough...

Apr 23, 2024

    1. Clothes, it’s not that I like each doll to have multiple outfits, it’s a community closet. It is just so fun to restyle the crew every now and then.
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    2. Heads! I can’t seem to go a month without buying specifically a head of some sort! Bodies come in considerably slower than heads so, so I have a small shelf of heads that sits on top my bed and stares down at me when I sleep. I don’t even want to know how many more heads there are than bodies in my horde, but I have 3 bodies incoming to try to balance the scales.

      outside of resin, I hoard eyes. I learned to make eyes because I go through so many of them. It has not cut down on the number of eyes that I buy, don’t think, but I plan to make more eyes this weekend for some of my new arrivals.

      beyond resin and eyes, I also hoard pastels. I have two “beginner” sets of pastels and 24 hand-rolled artist pastels. I intend to add more hand-rolled pastels as I get the money to. I love the pigment in them, and I love the way it applies to faces. I keep buying more of the good pastels whenever I’m by the art store.

      Also mica powders! I use a ton of them on my faceups, and every time I’m by the soap store my ex used to always get soap stuff at, I buy micas so that I can have new colours to play with in faceups!
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    3. OK, this made me laugh, because I keep buying size 8-9 blonde wigs. I think I have four or five of them, and at least two are almost identical.
      I literally had to put a post-it note on my monitor to remind me to stop buying blonde wigs.
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    4. I tend to do the same, especially if it’s sparkly, but then I realize I don’t know how to put everything together without it coming out too tacky or just too much of everything thrown together. So then my project once again gets shoved to the side.
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    5. Oh no. It's...a lot.

      I just had to buy a new huge plastic tub today to hold all the spare wigs. I used to sell a wig when I sold the doll who wore it, but then I realized I was losing so much money, especially when I later wanted to rebuy the same styles, so now I keep every single wig as long as it's not awful quality or damaged....and sometimes I buy random wigs with no plans for them just because the price is right and it's pretty....And since Pepper likes to keep colorful hair and change it regularly in her story, that means she has like 20 wigs that are just hers....:aeyepop:

      Also, Eyeco silicone eyes. I can never have too many spare eyes!

      S-hooks and elastic. I tend to toss those into the cart any time I buy from dealers.

      Clothes and accessories. Each doll has their own tub and I keep a spreadsheet to be sure everybody has met their minimum requirements. There is also a backup tub of things the current crew won't wear but I like it too much to let it go.
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    6. My dolls can never have enough clothing. I am always working on Something.
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    7. Definitely eyes. I've bought so many mystery bags of fantasy eyes that my dolls will never use, but they're so prettyyyy :...(
      And then I buy my doll their actual character eyes as well lolol so it never endssss
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    8. Every time I use some Mr. Super Clear I think to myself, I should buy another can. Literally unwrapped a can yesterday, used it once and thought hmmm should I order another? :XD:
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    9. YES oh my goodness that's another one for me. I think it's because it can be tricky to find, so whenever I see that it's in stock on my usual site, I grab a can
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    10. Fabric and Yarn: I use them for other things! Sometimes! Mostly the yarn! But no when I go to the thrift store I struggle to resist one of those $1 fabric chunks, and the yarn store? I'm supporting a local business! It's fine! It's fine. I think this is part of why I end up with so many gathered rectangle skirts... So easy to find doll-skirt-size fabric bits.

      Pants: ...I am terrible about sewing these myself. So on the increasingly rare occasions I order clothes, I generally include some pants.

      Have you had much luck with thrifting? I've found a few 1/4 to 1/3 scale chairs in my local thrift stores' knickknacks sections, including a rocking chair for my 1/4 dolls and a bench that currently has off-topic dolls on it but would fit nicely for the BJDs.
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    11. This is so me. I got into this hobby in the first place to explore a lifelong love of fashion styles, and oh boy have I! Every time I see a style that interests me, I create a new character to wear it and shell that character just to have an excuse to sew for it! So after so many years, I have a large collection of dolls and dressers full of doll clothing. :sweat
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    12. Oh my god I’m the same way!! I currently have 7 cans stockpiled, because the only place I can get it locally is downtown and I hate driving there. The lowest I’ve let my stock go down to is 2 unused cans, and 1/2 of a used can.
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    13. I can never own enough of other people's dolls. Keep em coming, guys!!

      Same, but I need my favorite Hina to have all the hairstyles and she just happens to be exclusively blonde. Everyone else gets 1-2 wigs, but Hina? I want to buy her everything.
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    14. Thrifting is why some of my dolls actually have chairs. I just have a horde of dolls so never enough seating to go around.

      Also one more for the list I forgot white poster tack for eye putty, that is an I always need it item fore sure.
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    15. @JaxxCapta and @Tippetarius - for affordable 1/3 and 1/4 chairs/benches/stools, may I recommend plant stands?
      Hardware stores, dollar section of Target, dollar stores generally, hobby shops. They seem to be really popular right now. I've started grabbing them when they go on clearance. Target will sell stacked ones - the big one is perfect for 1/3, and the smaller one is great for 1/4.
      I grabbed this barstool from Michael's clearance section, and the metal bench from Hobby Lobby's clearance aisle:
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    16. Wigs! A few of my crew are still waiting on a permanent wig because I can't find what I'm looking for, and the places I used to get them from are either gone, or gone down hill.

      Clothes! Some of mine are still needing more, or are waiting for me to find someone to make them their costu...er... working clothes.

      Chairs! Mostly for my YOs and MSD kids. Though at the moment they're all put away right now, so it's a back-burner thing.
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    17. @MaleficentMrsofEvil Did you search for planters at Michaels and Hobby Lobby to find the seating options?

      I can never have enough:
      Clothes - I have more clothes than dolls and I really need to go through them.
      Wigs - I could cut down on these more.
      Eyes - I haven't bought any in a while surprisingly.

      I need:
      seating options - and possibly stands.
      Maintenance stuff like elastic and kips - I have yet to restring any of my dolls and I probably should.
      wig caps
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    18. @jessholy - my sincerest apologies for using the wrong terms. You do not want a plant stand. You want plant risers.
      For elastic, I strongly recommend ordering from a metric-system country (like AliExpress sellers in China). Trying to figure out if 5/16" or 5/32" is equivalent to 4 mm makes my brain hurt. It's so much easier to order by millimeters.
      "Traditional" 1/3 scale dolls (Volks, Elfdoll, Angel of Dream, Iplehouse) tend to use 4 mm elastic for the large loop and 3 mm elastic for the arms.
      For 1/4 scale dolls, you generally want 2 mm and 3 mm elastic.
      For anything over 65 cm, I recommend picking up some 5 mm elastic. Dollmore Trinities (112 to 120 cm) use 6-8 mm elastic.
      If you order shock cord, make sure the listing specifies that it is elastic (some shock cord is NOT) or "bungee." Oh, also - you want cord, NOT ribbon.
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    19. Elves. :V

      ...My compulsion to buy faces I like with fun fantasy ears has landed me three boxes-full of floaters, which is why I'm parring way down this year. I have more trouble resisting new heads than anything else because, "It's just a head," and "I can buy it now and give it a body later." One in a while it works out, but uhh...

      ...Yeah, my track record isn't great.

      Ergo, eye putty, proper eyes, and wigs are also things I 'never have enough' of... even with spare eyes and wigs just sitting there.

      @Tippetarius Have you tried antiques and collectibles / tourist traps / art stores? Hobby Lobby at the least has stools probably intended for small plants. I've gotten some surprisingly good deals on 1/3rd furniture in small town antique shops- the worst I paid was $12, and the worst I've seen is $25, with the brand-new tourist trap furniture running more into the $35- $40 range.

      I know it's hard for your big Iplehouse boys though. No good luck there. Sometimes TJ Maxx / Marshals / similar outlets have pet beds or decor that work for various sizes of BJD. The cat swings meant to look like those hanging basket chairs might be able to fit SID at least.
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    20. @Loptr I hit up those places too. Sadly the local antiques shops tends to be pretty pricey on things. (no idea why it's not a big city.) I've gotten a few doll chairs at fair prices like $10 to $15 bucks, but more often then not even the cheaper looking doll chair/s tend to be closer to $30 at the antique shops here.
      My issue is I got a lot of the big guys SIDs, 65cm to 75cm guys (and a few tall girls too). ADD to that I just have a lot of dolls of all sizes and it's just never enough to go around. XD
      Side note we (my S.O. and I) have a lovely doll sized sofa that is actually a pet bed it was a rare find, my S.O. won it as a prize in a raffle at a doll meet a handful of years ago.

      Also omfg yeah elf ears can be a weakness, never enough elves, or fanged dolls for that matter. Bonus points if a doll has fangs and pointed ears. /swoon
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