1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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If BJD's were to become the 'next big thing'...

Mar 20, 2008

    1. Hm... Though I haven't own any dolls yet, but if one day that happens, I think I'm still buying BJD~ Why...? Simple, it's because I love BJD~
      Esp. if I can share the "loving BJD" feeling to my friends & family, that would be so lovely~ :aheartbea
    2. I do sometimes wish that I could occationally run into people who know what a BJD is (never did exept on the internet)... to have more people to share the hobby with... but I also know that part of the reason why I love these dolls, are their uniqueness. I think I would still love my dolls, but the hobby would loose some of its magic if Paris Hilton appeared in public with one :ablah:

      Aaaargh.... I remember starting up dressing all in goth/metal style 10 years ago, and constantly being picked at for it. A few years later, suddenly half the youth population in my area "copies" the style, it becomes a fashion thing and it annoys the hell out of me. When boyband lookalike Idol competitors suddenly goes all "emily the strange", I also freak out. Sheep punks. Although I still keep my style more or less, so I guess the same will go for the dolls- although I cannot picture BJDs being a big pop thing in Norway.

      But either way, experience tells me the difference between genuine style and interests, and fashion phenomenons. ;)
    3. I don't know. While I'd like it; it'd be more acceptable and such, I probably wouldn't go out to meetings or anything. I'd keep my dolls in my house, and share them with my friends, and just about no one else. I'd keep the hobby small and personal, even by avoiding one charming aspect: getting to meet new people with similar interests.
    4. Good, when they go really mainstream I will lose interest in new dolls and my wallet will thank me. ;)
    5. I don't think I would like it to be the next Beanie baby thing as that would make them seem overpriced in no time then in a few years they would be like gumball machine items. No I would love if more people had them, bigger meet ups, less stigma over having them. But I wouldn't want their values to be upset, just the ease of getting them in USA faster and clothes by talented people that sew to show up at more doll shows and such. More in your face, with more perks, but not a hot fad. Fads don't last & I want these to last.
    6. BJD's have been my "next big thing" ever since I bought my first one about five years ago. I am still just as enchanted with them now as I was then and I would still be crazy about them if I was the last collector on earth or if everyone on my block had one. I ignore the media for the most part and don't really care what those people think is important. I am content to play with my dolls and share them with my friends in and out of cyberspace.
    7. Honestly I think BJDs have 'revived' the doll world, by becoming a little more mainstream. I know quite a few doll makers who really were worried that it was becoming a dying art, and that the 'younger generation' weren't getting involved. It's nice to see that dolls are making their comeback!

      Back on topic, although I don't have my doll yet, I think it would bug me more if it was dummed down to a 'kiddy fad' to the extent when you see every other 10-13 year old with them. Like a new Bratz or something... Versus the idea that a more 'adult' increase in popularity (like say some random celebrity starts showing off their hidden collection) and as a result BJDs are more widely known and accepted. Then again, if either were the case I'd probably just keep them (and the hobby) to myself, and not make a big fuss about it. ^^;

      Just remember, with every new person who becomes interested in BJDs they become a little more 'Mainstream'.;)
    8. I already like other dolls that are a little more mainstream than BJDs... but still, when it comes to BJDs, I'd hate for the hobby to turn into something of a fad. It wouldn't influence me if I liked a doll, but the hobby itself might become less fun... at least if there were more people in the hobby who didn't appreciate them (or dolls..??) and just wanted one because. If there were BJD commercials I might be scared.
    9. To be honest, BJDs becoming mainstream absolutely terrifies me. I've seen what the mainstream can do to anime fandoms; Thinking about what it would do for the hobby in general makes me want to vomit.

      There would be a massive influx of newbies; that would mean endless threads, asking questions that have all been answered before, because they either don't know how to use the DoA search engine effectively, or they're just lazy. Along with the newbies would come the weeaboos, and the fangirls, shrieking and howling and gushing excessively without cleaning up their mess and completely wiping away whatever residual image of sanity we had that the outside world could see.

      And then there are the elitists. All of aforementioned creatures of fandom have the innate ability to turn the kindest, most thoughtful person into a spiteful, malicious creature that removes itself to an ivory tower of perfection and elitism along with a few select others, if that many, never to be seen or liked again.

      There are several other groups without real distinction apart from being absurdly annoying. Many people here also enjoy Anime & Manga and all that it entails, and know exactly what I am talking about. We've seen it happen with DBZ, Inu-Yasha, Naruto, and Bleach, among others. These groups have collectively reduced excellent stories and devoted fandoms to the butt of jokes around the internet, and branded entire fandoms as idiots and losers.

      Please, God, if you're there, spare the BJDs.

      (Also, I'm being a bit dramatic for effect, but you can get the gist of my fears; and mark my words, if BJDs become 'mainstream', they will come to pass. Thank you for your time.)
    10. hmmm for the dollowners that have been around for a long time this has already happened on some level.
      But if it became the next best thing I would be...bummed...to say the least!
      One of the appeals to me with these dolls is that they are not EVERYWHERE!
      Of course if it became a hype it would mean that it would be gone just as fast...that is how hypes usually work...and after that we would be old fashioned to still walk around with them.

      But if it did, I'd still be more interested in the dolls that aren't overly popular or more limited [like my Minimees and artist heads like AiL, etc] or if a doll really caught my eye because they are kind of different looking.

      So I REALLY hope they will not become the "next best thing".

    11. I have to agree with Gwydion on this one. The BJD hobby has exploded in the past few years. I first heard about them probably three years or so ago, though I didn't start collecting until about a year ago. The size the hobby has grown in those few years is incredible, and it's still growing at a rapid pace. I'm kind of interested to see where it goes, actually. It's kind of nice that BJD stuff is a bit easier to find now.

      I doubt I'll make any changes in own BJD collecting... However, if it explodes like certain other pop culture phenomena (like anime and anime conventions) it might affect my attendance at events. In general I prefer smaller group events rather than larger, noisier cons. But I'll still love my BJDs and collect them as always. ^_~
    12. I prefer to think that when people fall in love with BJD's, they themselves become LESS mainstream. I think BJD's are the dark side of doll collecting because they consume my thoughts and eat up all my money.
    13. ....I think there would be good and bad parts if it were the new big thing..... I am the only one who has a BJD in my town sooo I wouldn't mind more peaple .....I think...
    14. As long as the quality doesn't go down I don't really care. I'd be glad if I had a bunch of doll friends to share the hobby with in my town :D
    15. It honestly would have no impact on me whatsoever.

      I like what I like regardless of popularity or not.
    16. @_@ I don't think I would mind dolls going mainstream. I don't think it would particularly change the uniqueness of the dolls, I mean, it going mainstream doesn't change the level of customization possible with the doll, does it? I'm still amazed how dolls that are the same mold can look like completely different people just by changing the face-up, or maybe I just haven't been around long enough to recognize molds as well as others. I'm quite wretched at facial recognition across the board (I stare blankly when I see classmates out of class).

      Though on the one hand, it being more popular would possibly lower the kind of weird looks and OMG FREAKY that people seem to react with... I guess there's the flipside when it gets to that point people feel jaded about dealing with fans of anything... like 'Narutards'...

      But I doubt it will ever get super super big unless something happens to the price of BJDs. My mom still thinks I'm a tad batty for getting a Taeyang for $90 (my dad bought him for me, but I think he was feeling gracious or not actually listening to me when giving me the money because now he just constantly says he thinks Aurus is going to kill someone). The average person doesn't really think one should spend that much on "just a doll." Well, I guess if it becomes mainstream maybe people's views would change to thinking it is acceptable to spend that much on a doll... @_@ I think there's more "are you crazy?" questions after finding out the price than simply looking at the BJDs themselves...

      So I guess... there's the plus of more people not being so clueless, but then the minus of the "oh god, you're just another BJD fantard like that army of fantards over there..."

      xD I suppose mainstream BJD is a mixed blessing at best ^^;
    17. I personally like the uniqueness of the BJD culture, being a part of a smaller group of collectors is fun! It's like being apart of your own speciality group! xD

      Of course if they did become popular, I wouldn't have to deal with so many negative comments and what not... and I could rub it in people's faces who are so against it and always putting me down XP

      I don't know, I think it would have it's benefits either way :) If they did become big, it would be much easier to get your hands on certain dolls as well as buying accessories and clothes etc.
    18. I guess I'm the opposite to most who've replied here... I'd love it if they became really mainstream! I've never really had a hobby that was that well known and easy to get hold of - so for one thing it would make it easier to find people with a similar interest. Also it might even drive the price down a bit as clothes, etc would be being manufactured on a larger scale. Maybe even a large selection being manufactured *in* Britain so I wouldn't have to pay an arm and a leg in customs charges on a regular basis. :|

      Ah, we can but dream. :)
    19. i'm really doubtful that BJDs would ever become the "next big thing"; mainly because of the cost. not too many people can justify spending 500-600$ on a doll...

      but, if cost wasnt an issue... i'd be terrified of BJDs became insanely mainstream. it would be nice to have more local people to talk to about dolls, but i really second everything Yoscuuro said.

      the boards would be full of whiney, weeaboo n00bs.. complaining that they couldnt afford a doll or their parents wouldnt let them get one. eughhh~

      the only real plus i'd see about BJDs becoming mainstream would be that maybe more VOLKS stores would open worldwide, and maybe dolls would be available in more places offline.
    20. I agree with Aeronwyn that it wouldn't be so bad if BJDs become a big thing; the prices might go down some for those of us without a big budget, and it'd be easier to find people with similar hobbies! As long as the quality stays consistent, I'd be happy to find them getting more popular.