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If you could have a do over in this hobby what would it be?

Jan 30, 2021

    1. I would have not bought my Myou Carr, which I ended up selling soon after buying. I also might have gotten Dream Valley Order with the wolftaur body, instead of a human one, but I'm not certain of that because he hasn't arrived yet.
    2. I kinda feel you on this one too. I knew at the time she was being discontinued that it would be difficult to find her secondhand as she definitely did NOT seem popular, but alas. She would've been so cool to own in the gray resin!

      Honestly, my only real regret is displaying a doll where the cats knocked him over accidentally. The sculpt itself wasn't damaged, but his modded ear broke off, which felt almost worse. That's taught me to use stands and invest in cabinets for my dolls, so it was a lesson learned.
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    3. I would not have bought accessories I wasn't truly set on. My plan now is only to purchase clothing made specifically for the doll I have and props the I know will work size wise.

      I also probably wouldn't have bought Doll Leaves Berg as he's too skinny for my liking. I bought him solely based on his company face up. It's so pretty.

      If I could shake up the whole hobby, I'd significantly lessen the waiting times for EVERYTHING! :lol:
      #43 Bianca, Feb 2, 2021
      Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
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    4. Not sure if this counts, but my only regret is leaving the hobby for 7 years and wasting my money in plenty useless stuff instead of BJDs (I'd have my family compete by now) :mwahaha
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    5. If I could have a do over I wouldn't really change anything in regard to my dolls themselves but I would totally have stocked up on clothes before buying the dolls! There are lots of clothing sets that I would often see on the market at fair prices back in the day that now rarely pop up on the market, are at crazy high prices when they do or both!
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    6. Can I have two? First, I wouldn’t have taken pictures by that river and my SDC Mina would still have her headcap. Second, I wouldn’t try to use metal glasses on my SID Felix and his faceup would still be pristine :...(
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    7. I really think the only thing I'd do over is dismissing CP/Luts dolls when I was getting started. Maybe I still wouldn't have gotten the two sculpts I have now, and fixing them up is fun, but it would have been nice to be able to get all the optional heads.

      For the most part, though, there's not really anything I would do over differently. The dolls I sold, I by and large don't miss, and having them in my collection helped me learn more about what I wanted (and what I didn't). I don't consider them a loss in any way, because the experience helped shape things. And I've been fortunate that most of the dolls I've "missed" have popped back up and I've caught them and brought them into my collection.
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    8. I’ve been thinking about it lately and I regret selling my impldoll Iris. She was my first SD and I honestly would love to hold her again. :’( I sold her because I thought it was done with the doll hobby and SURPRISE I’m not.
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    9. I have yet to learn patience when it comes to buying on the secondhand market, but that's something I'd like to do over; all the impulse buys. I love my collection as it stands but I kinda wish I'd focused more on quality over quantity. I'd have fewer dolls in different sizes, yes, but also I'd have the dolls I really want instead of the ones that are just ok.
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    10. Well, I wouldn't hurry with my first doll choice so much. It just happened suddenly, a realization that I can afford a bjd and countless hours I spent searching the one that would fit the idea. I was quite impatient and it brought its fruits. As a result I'm not fond of my boy as much as I should be simply because he isn't perfect match for that very character. He's super pretty and the face-up artist did marvelous work on him but it doesn't feel enough.
      I seem to learn the lesson thought and now before buying I think more than twice if a certain sculpt is what i really need.
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    11. I'm pretty happy with where I am in the hobby. There are one or two heads I wish I had picked up earlier when they were easier to find, but they still turn up on the second-hand market occasionally and at the time I didn't have the space for SDs. There are a few places I tried out for the social aspect when I first started the hobby that I wish I hadn't in retrospect. The lack of funds in my early days of collecting ended up being a positive because it made me really think about which dolls I wanted and why. Then when I had the funds I only got the dolls I really wanted and had a good idea of how I wanted to style them. I have a better idea of what kinds of sculpting I prefer for bodies which it turns out it pretty important to me.
    12. I wouldn't have bought 5 out of 6 of the dolls I bought and sold over my first few years in the hobby, and the 6th I would've bought as a basic doll rather than a full set. Instead, I would have bought as many PukiPukis as possible, so I wouldn't be stalking the marketplace and FB groups trying to find them now that they're no longer being made. :doh
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    13. Wouldn't have bought some of the dolls and a lot of the wigs etc. that I don't use or enjoy. Also, wouldn't have ever started the habit of getting more heads than bodies with the idea that the heads can all share just a few bodies, I don't think I'd be so bored of some of my dolls/characters if they'd had their own body from the get-go.
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    14. I would have started the hobby with a Zaoll Luv or Muse because they are my favourite size BJDs - I only realised this 10 years into the hobby!! :doh
      And I would have bought a Delf El and Lishe because they were the first sculpts I ever saw :love:D
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    15. I suppose I would have just bought the first doll I laid eyes on (Ringdoll Law) and then just spoiled him instead of having multiple dolls. But in saying that, I would never give my dolls up for one grail.
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    16. I think is to learn that I wouldn’t hesitate so much when I find the doll I love
      I always end up paying much more from another seller 2nd hand
    17. I would have waited and spaced my dolls out more/bought fewer. I held off for years and then jumped in hard, and I think I would have been happier if I'd limited myself to one or two sizes at a time, and spent more time on each one.

      On the flipside, I regret selling my Littlefee Ante. It was necessary at the time but I miss them more than I expected. Perhaps one day I'll be able to replace her.
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    18. I would have put the double jonted body I bought recently on layayway with the girl I got recently- that way I would have both of them right now lol
    19. I did do a do over! I went from SD size BJDs to MSD, and couldn't be happier about it.
    20. Honestly I stalked this hobby for a good 7 years before I ever bought a doll because, I was so scared of spreading the money. Because I waited so long that some dolls I really wanted just aren’t being made anymore. (Doll Chateau Zora wah!)
      The stupid thing is, I was making good money at the time. To buy a doll once or twice a year really wouldn’t have been a hit to my finances. But oh well, you live and you learn.
      Maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t buy any dolls. I live half way across the world now and moving then would have been a pain haha.:aninja:
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