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illusiongarden Doll Discussion

Sep 11, 2017

    1. [​IMG]
      Sharing a photo of my Bane that I took recently. I currently have him on a Crobidoll evolve body which is unfortunately a bit small so I'll have to rethink it... ;v;
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    2. I received my lace white Angelos.Johan from the last order, and he's incredibly pink, much pinker than my friend's 2021 Switch rosy white head.

      Anyone have clues on what 2021 Angeos.Johan lace white might match?

      Dolly tax, my older Angelos.Johan in normal:
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    3. I'm interested in possible resin matches for lace white 2021 too :thumbup

      @Constance - your boy is so beautiful. the wig is incredible! do you mind me asking, what body you chose for him?
    4. @Constance I don't have a Angelos.Johan, but a Devil.Hades head in lace white from 2021. So, far he doesn't match Switch rosy white, Volks white, or Migidoll sugar white. He's pinker then all of them. I have a picture in the Migidoll thread at post 707, https://denofangels.com/threads/migidoll-general-discussion-pt-4.674774/page-12. Tomorrow I'll check him against Luts real white.

      Also, your Angelos.Johan is gorgeous. I'd also like to know what body he's on (those hands look familiar). I love the swan like look of the neck.
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    5. I just got mine too. Holding it up to dolls I have atm, it's not perfect, but a decent match with doll family H white, and angel Studio pink. I'll check this weekend to see if there's anything else close that I have access to.
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    6. @Grimalkin, @Cloudedmind, thank you, he's on the Volks SD17 body in the photo! I find that the neck is too thick for the head from some angles, but it was the only body I had with me at the time as I was visiting family. Now that I'm back home, I have him on the Vings 68 body, which in my opinion is a better fit.
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    7. @Constance - thank you for the ID of the SD17! and, the Vings bodies are also very nice, it's good to know the 68 is an option.
      and gosh do i ever keep scrolling back up :aangel:

      @Azurielle - thank you about the DFH white and AS pink... i need to see if i have any DFH white parts :thumbup

      @Cloudedmind - that's really too bad about RW - that was my hopeful match as it also matches DC/DZ peach. i guess i need to look at him in better light. my place is cursed for appropriate light apparently... either too yellow or too blue from the aquarium :lol:
    8. I compared my Luts real white with my lace white and they could maybe work together. Lace white is a bit darker then Luts' real white. It's a bit more apparent in artificial lighting verses natural light. Here's some phone pics, IG lace white vs Luts real white.
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    9. has anyone receive any head in cream blossom 2021? I'm considering to get 2nd hand Yuli head and Dreaming Doll body in normal skin to put together. Just wondering if cream blossom has pink or yellow undertone so I can get the right tone for the body.
    10. @Quinn.nnp I own a Devil Hades - Reveal head from 2021 in pale blossom and it's more of a pinkish tone, especially when compared to my other Volks dolls. You can see the head on a Volks bust from 2021 in my profile, maybe it can help you somewhat? :3nodding:
    11. Hello allllll! Just finished layaway on a white Yuli head from 2020 and so excited. He's on his way to the faceup artist direct from the seller, but i'm wondering if anyone has any tips for a body color match. :') I've heard that it varies from batch to batch of IG dolls, so i'm not sure what to look for. I'd like to have a body set up for him sooner than later, so any advice would be hella appreciated.
    12. I've painted a lace white Yuli and his owner has him on a Switch Rosy White body, which they said was less pink than the head but a pretty close match. The owner's instagram post is here. I can't recall which year the Yuli was made though.
    13. Hi everyone- I’m not to familiar with Illusion Garden- do they have their sculpts open for order on certain times of the month or is it pretty random? Also, is Yuli limited or do they release him every now and then? Thank you!
    14. As far as I've seen, as I like to keep an eye out on them since I love their sculpts, Illusion Garden tends to do small quantity releases every now and then. I saw recently a head sculpt appear on their Instagram that looks like it mighttt be a WIP. There's no clarification though.

      Here's the link to the post: illusion_GardeN on Instagram: "ing.. #illusion_garden #illusiongarden_doll #일루젼가든"

      Yuli was popular enough that he did have a small rerelease at some point in 2020 but he was limited

      I got mine from the secondhand market assuming that since its been a couple of years there wouldn't be another release, reading through this post it seems they do intend to do rereleases though! It's probably just a very small team so it takes a while.

      illusion_GardeN on Instagram: "❗️❗️Do not buy and sell premium.❗️❗️ Do not make excessive premium sales and purchases. This is an act that damages creators and customers. The following heads are released and re-released. Do not purchase at premium. Wolf.Bain, Devil.Hades, Angelos.Johan, Unicorn.Yuri - Cream Blossom Skin, Vanilla White Skin We will not respond to inquiries regarding the release time because the release time has not been decided. Thank you."
      #94 PorcelainVeins, Nov 11, 2022
      Last edited: Nov 11, 2022
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    15. Thank you! Yes I’m following them too but I did not see this post. This is awesome tho, they’re trying to discourage scalpers. I will keep an eye out for their releases :blush
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    16. Glad I could help, yeah it's great to hear!!! Haha I've been following them for a while too and completely missed this it's just the eye gets drawn to the beautiful dolls. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed to see another Angelos.Johan release appear myself :D
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    17. Does anyone have photo examples of the colour difference between lace white, switch's rosy white, and DF-H's white? I currently have a DF-H body on the way special ordered in rosy white (for $80 extra ahhhh) if I knew I'd put an Illusion Garden head on it, I might've kept it DF-H white
      #97 maryw13, Feb 24, 2023
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2023
    18. @maryw13 I don't know if you've seen this thread already, but it has a whole host of white resin comparisons.

      I just realized, that I didn't include Switch Rosy white in the picture I provided, but from memory Switch RW is an OK match for IG LW. I remember thinking that IG's LW had more a pinky grey tone compared to Switch's RW. Unfortunately, I don't have the heads close at hand to double check.
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    19. I previously took comparison pics of exactly those 3 resins for a friend!

      They shared it here: Current Illusion garden resin matches
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    20. Semi-related, Vings is now casting bodies that are supposed to match IG's Lace White from I think the 2021 or 2022 batch? the really weird pinkish gray batch.

      Phone pic doll tax, I got my Angelos Johan painted by Sekiray a little while ago and I'm going out of my mind waiting for his body.
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