1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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IMPL dolls Star, Model & Idol Discussion 16

Sep 2, 2022

    1. Mannnnnn... I was budgeting for one new body. I'm up to three.
      Of course I want one of each, and two of the 68-cm. :)
      • x 4
    2. Impldoll I can't afford thisssssss. Why is everything so lovely?? I want everything!
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    3. I've been waiting for the 68 body so that's definitely on my to get list.
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    4. Guys. I'm a jerk.
      I was venting. Just venting. A tiny little pet peeve. It's such a small thing - legs not being modular, and I am pretty sure no other company does it either.
      Now I see the new Madeline sculpt for the 68 cm body coming out in July, and they aren't offering heel legs at all that I can see. :...(
      What do I do? Do I delete the post?
      Impldoll, if you're reading this, I am so sorry. Please ignore me.
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    5. Don't worry.^^We haven't explained it either. From the appearance, it seem similar.in fact high heels leg are not compatible with other body sizes because there is a notch design inside the knees, and the size design of the notch is different. Therefore, all high heels leg can only match the corresponding body
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    6. Totally understandable, and thank you so much for replying!
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    7. Knowing that the bodies are engineered this way actually makes me want to buy a body more...despite modularity being fun for modders and such, I'm not savvy enough to swap out parts, I'd much rather know the doll was engineered to do what it should without my inexpert input.

      but ooff that new body is definitely on my list. Need to upgrade my poor Aurora.
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    8. Ooooo I think I might be ordering the 68cm! I'm just trying to justify upgrading my girl's body. If I sell her old one before the new one comes in, it won't be such a hit to my wallet, right? :wiggle

      And I made her outfit super adjustable, so I won't even have to remake it completely...

      Edit: I have been denied by the husband. Not in the budget right now. It's fair but :(
      #529 Thymeseer, Jun 10, 2024 at 7:03 PM
      Last edited: Jun 10, 2024 at 7:21 PM
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    9. I bought a blank Madeline today on the 68cm body with 9cm neck and medium bust in Real Skin. Not sure which heads will go with the body besides Madeline but I probably will be swapping more heads.
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    10. That's what I always say, but I still have some of the old ones hanging around. Not sure my husband will fall for that again. Sell one, THEN buy one is harder than it sounds...
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    11. So a buddy thinks the larger neck measurement is to hybrid Iplehouse heads.
      I am so in love with the Madeline face sculpt. :love And and and - Impldoll is offering heel legs! :celebrate
      The resin upcharge is only $50. I have my eye on the ebony dark tan resin...
      Oh yes, I am ordering her.
      • x 5
    12. Hmmmm I have a Devotion doll head that I wanted a tall body for so this is exciting, I'll grab a Eudora head too bc I have been meaning to get into the Eudora cult once this body releases. Hopefully I can do custom makeup with her bc I have a pretty idea for her
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    13. On a related note, how do you guys dress your Impldoll ladies? Especially those with the large bust- I've found it hard to find (or make!) clothes that fit her figure.
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    14. 1/3rd boy clothes fit my medium busted girls well with room to spare, for the 68cm girl I'm not sure that would still work
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    15. I have a medium bust on the star body...the one with the wider shoulders. Impldoll told me to look for SID clothes. I order a lot from Aliexpress so it's not terrible to buy multiple sizes and see what fits. The left over will fit one of my crew lol. That's how I ended up making battle vests for everyone. Ordered a denim jacket for my 62cm Dollzone and it was too big...eh give it to the beefier Impldoll.
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    16. I also have the 63-cm model body with the wide shoulders, and SartoriaJ clothing fits perfectly. I say this as someone who has struggled to get SartoriaJ clothing to fit any of my girls. I don't own a SartoriaJ doll, but I assume they have wide shoulders, cuz that's how the clothing is made.
      If you shop Alice's Collections, you're going to want 65-cm clothing for Impl ladies. They have lovely, broad shoulders.
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    17. Where would you guys suggest to get clothing for the new 68cm girl body? I was hoping Popo68 boy clothes could work, but it doesn’t seem like the chest and hips would fit in particular based on the measurements
    18. Guys guys guys guys guys look what's back!
      Optional hands! Welcome to impldoll
      Yessssssssssssss. :dance
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    19. Honestly I'm not 100% sure yet, I may try some 70cm stuff as bottoms and simply alter the hem but it might not work
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