1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Iplehouse EID and SID Discussion Part 16

Jan 22, 2015

    1. boudica: I am very happy to hear you were able to get Lawrence before! :) Let's hope things go back to normal so it will once again be possible to purchase the dolls without spending so much more extra money.

      Jany: I'm so sorry to hear that :( I hope you will be able to get Edan later on and that the exchange rate goes back to being more favourable. I know the feeling! I had a layaway from an event going on around Christmas. For some reason I decided to pay the layaway a lot faster than I had intended. At the time I felt crazy for doing that but now when looking back I am so grateful I managed to pay all the payments when I did.

      I'm going to focus on getting the makeup and wigs done for my dolls. And meanwhile save so when the exchange rates hopefully go down again I will be able to buy Leonard (and the underwear if it is still available).

      rootedinvanity: Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful picture! He looks amazing and you have a beautiful Leonard :)
    2. Since the topic of merging threads has come up again:

      DoA allows multiple discussion threads for companies. Some members prefer smaller threads with focused information on a narrow topic. Some people only want to hang out in one thread in the entire forum and want that thread to be everything. Some people want to spam up every available thread because they love to share and they love having more threads. All of these people are DoA members and a more relaxed approach to thread organization allows members to interact in the way they feel most comfortable. Hundreds of members read these threads, so please do not assume that they are all here for the same reasons.

      Some people believe that all Iple heads are interchangeable, some people do not. Some people only care about pretty head shots, while others don't want to see hybrids. Some people want threads about clothing fit for a specific body type and don't want to wade through 800 posts to find that information. Every member is allowed to start a thread. If it is quantifiably different from an existing thread, it is allowed to remain separate. You may choose to make a thread more or less relevant by participating in it or not.

      If you believe that the mega Iple thread that contains all sizes is the best place to be, then only post in that thread. If all of the myriad threads about Iple dolls is too much to keep up with, then pick the one you like best and don't cross post; unsubscribe from the others. If you have no interest in the other sizes and only want to talk about nYID, there's a thread for you too! If you don't care for nYID and only own the bigger sizes, you have a place to stay.

      Thank you for understanding!
    3. I was looking forward that head even in hopes that they would have the Demon Claude head in Grey, but they just had in normal skin so I had to pass this time. I wish Iplehouse offered the option to buy heads separately, even as a like, once a year event kind of thing. I can understand that selling full dolls is more profitable for them, but I just want an head DX
    4. I've never understood how the economics of the "full doll vs. head" worked out--there is a lot of labor in a full body, it seems to me the profit margin on heads would be greater than on bodies. Also a steady supply of genuine heads might choke off the recasters somewhat. And I don't know about anyone else, but once I get the head the damn thing starts pestering for it's proper body almost right away. Pesky things! :)
    5. Excited to order tomorrow! Time to finally pull the trigger haha
    6. Good luck everyone! I stilk have to wait another week for Doll Choice >:(
    7. it's not just profit margins... it's the mechanics of how the mix and pour the resins ... they mix amounts to make full dolls and they pour into molds in full doll sets... It's the casting process that is the bigger issue... Think if it as muffin tins that have the parts for a whole doll... would you put 10 muffin tins in a oven if only one or two spots were filled in each tin?... obviously not.... They way I have understood various comments by IH THAT is the bigger reason.
    8. They also cast heads and bodies at the same time for resin matching purposes... I dont think they like to sell products that are less than perfect... unless of course it is through the auctions where they clearly state all of the issues and expect less of a profit. So casting bodies/heads then having left over resin that just gets wasted is not very good either... you cant just mix another batch into the first one because if the pigment ratio is just slightly different, it can throw the whole batch off.
    9. You're order has been confirmed!!! YES! Leonard fullset is mine~! ♪ ヾ(*⌒∇⌒)八(⌒∇⌒*)ツ
    10. I just put Pamela on Layaway too! YAY! Also... when I went to figure out the shipping bumps, the black pair of shoes was sold out RIGHT after I submitted the order! I got dang lucky!
    11. animerockstar, you already have a confirmation? I sure as heck don't.

      I ordered Edan/ faceup + beard/clothes/ weapons/ wig.....no shoes
    12. lol wow you are fast lol... and grats! you deserve it! I finally figured out what to do to protect the 'white' uniform pants from the 'black' boots (now Dex just crackles when he moves ... tissue paper!)... If I am lucky I can do a few shot of him in the preview outfit WITH boots ... they looks slick btw ^^...

      As for my Leo... I am waiting as long as I can to order since I will have to start paying back my uncle the money he loaned me soon...

      finally someone with the words I couldn't get to make sense.... this is my 'cake batter' explanation since i couldn't think in the other terms... lol

      and grats to all the orders snagging goodies... and to ori... I hope you get what you wanted ><
    13. YAY!!!! Pretty pretty dress!!! :sumomo: That happened to me too with the EID Signor.R set. When I first was setting everything up to put in my cart it was marked Sold Out. Then at 6:50 I checked again, and it was available! So I snagged it and now it's Sold Out. mwhahaha :mwahaha
      Hmmmmm... Hopefully! I got my confirmation to my email at 7:01pm. I did so much preparation for this event... It was like an ebay auction. SIGH... and it seems like not that many people are on the website.
    14. That's when I got my confirmation email too! Lol. I had everything set in the boxes and as soon as she was available I threw her in my cart, put in the address info for shipping and submitted the order! Took me less than a minute XD

      Edit: and right after I sent the first layaway payment my internet died.... I'm on here on my phone now. Lol.
    15. lol, thank you animerockstar. I did get a comfirmation email on him. I sure hope that I did get all of his things. I was checking on Iple's site for payment confirmation.

      Added: Grats to you for getting Leonard full set. He's gorgeous, to say the least. The Raven, and grats to you too. Pamela is stunning.

      I wonder how many people were waiting like us....??

      More adding: Lady Tiku, I'd love to have Leonard, too. I love him in the LB and a beard.....I can dream, no?
    16. That might take a little more time. But I bet you did. I looked at his page and nothing says sold out :)

      EDIT: No one post in the waiting room until I fix the list :P
    17. Heh heh.... I wanted to make sure I got him :) I cleared everything off my computer and made sure it was only running the basic stuff. I plugged in the Ethernet cord instead of WiFi. I put everything else besides Leo in the cart 10 minutes ahead of time and then did what you said and had Leo all filled out with what I wanted and just hit add to cart when the clock hit 10am KST. I feel slightly insane.. but I have Leo with tattoo, and outfit and weapons and I'm super super excited!! :D So that makes up for my slight OCD on this purchase.

      I guess you can wait on him because you already have his items right? Just no Leo. Leeeeooooo :drool
    18. omg... I did the same thing! Although I had my other stuff in the cart for about a half hour to an hour before the sale started XD I'd been practicing all week/weekend to make sure I did it right... especially because I knew I was going to start shaking/have a mini panic attack like I almost did during the head sale for Douglas when i missed him... and sure enough right on cue I was shaking so bad I could barely see straight! I kept having to stop myself from double checking things since I KNEW it was correct since it had all been filled out since well before the sale started XD Plus I typed up the shipping address (my Gran's) in a note pad so I could copy paste it this time. There was no way I was missing out on that dress for you!
    19. I see nothing the least bit wrong with your methods! (I'd be the same lol) Even the E-net cord... especially that for me ><. And not insane .... giddy with happiness ^^ (after all are crazy ppl not usually thought of as happy?)

      And ya I got 2 outfits and 3 sets of weapons lol... I've been laying in stores for future dolls actually. When you get to 'Mad Jack's story' the scene on the beach has many of my major characters I want to do. Edan = Dash ^^ I'd loved to have been able to snag an Edan head to do up as his 40 yr old self ;p ... "Something About Emmaline" started a bit of a dreamers avalanche with me lol.
    20. Lady Tiku that is the first time anyone has given me an explanation that MADE SENSE as to why they didn't want to do rolling heads! Thank you!!