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Iplehouse EID and SID Discussion Part 16

Jan 22, 2015

    1. Yeah, you're right! If Stella's still alike, then Lawrence... in the second photo I recognized him, and in the first I did not find out, I wanted to ask what the name of this terrible young man is!!!
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    2. Hey guys, I have an Akando (well 2) sitting around from 2008-ish and I can't seem to find them on the site anymore. Does anyone know if their sculpt is consider "popular" ? Or has everyone forgotten about him ....
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    3. @Olga Borontova - Oh thank you! And yes, the two Stellas are very similar but the two Lawrences are really different eh?

      I do have more Stellas...that are more different. She is one of my favorite sculpts.

      @Shoko86 - Yes Akando is not available anymore from Iplehouse as sadly they discontinued him. :| I have always loved that sculpt and have a couple. You see then around here and there...though it does seem like he isn't as popular as he once used to be. But for some of us...we shall love him always. :XD:

      This Akando (Vyktor) is still one of my favorite dolls that I own.

      [​IMG]Vyktor_in_fur by luluna33, on Flickr
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    4. luluna
      Amazing!!! Stella always admired me!!! And yes, Lawrence is completely different from each other!!! But Akando looks like himself, I immediately recognized him :)
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    5. @luluna Ah! Your boy looks wonderful! :D Sad that his sculp it discounted. He was one of the first, hehe
    6. [​IMG]
      #686 Olga Borontova, Oct 14, 2021
      Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
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    7. [​IMG]
      #687 Olga Borontova, Oct 24, 2021
      Last edited: Nov 1, 2021
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    8. Thank you! He is an oldie but a goodie, imo.

      Yes, Akando is what got me interested again in bjds and especially Iplehouse.
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    9. @luluna you are not alone! It's hard to tell how much I love Akando, :love especially the sleeping Akando! I wish Iple could release more sleeping version of their dolls, not just Akando and Amy (any else I missed?)

      @Olga Borontova Your Harace is so beautiful in that blue cardigan! :chibi

      I don't remember if I've been sharing one of my Akandos, but here he is! :blush
      [​IMG]AKA by Khlovera, on Flickr

      Are we currently having two main iplehouse thread? I'm a bit confused on which one should I reply lol
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    10. @Khlovera Your boy looks great! I never liked the Akando mold that much, but yours really appeals to me. And you are right with the two threads ... confuses me too.
    11. @Khlovera - Oh I adore your Akando! He is just divine! (And have admired him over on your Flickr.) You don't see many people posting their Akandos...I guess because he is an oldie sculpt.

      I too wish Iple would release more sleeping versions of their sculpts! :XD: And I wish they would do a FID version of Akando!

      I was lucky to nab a sleeping Akando head before he was retired...I'm so thankful.

      [​IMG]Akando by luluna33, on Flickr
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    12. @Ashemanu Thank you! some of the oldest sculpts are definitely my favourite, too, like Evan :chibi love his innocent and cute face

      @luluna I totally got your point, rare to see Akando/Evan/Tedros/Storm etc now, I've asked about the possibility of their release, only Tedros is lucky enough being releasing as FID. And yesss, we definitely need more sleeping version :dance
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    13. Khlovera
      <3<3<3 Thank you for your wonderful words!!!! Your attention is so nice!!!! <3<3<3

    14. [​IMG]
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    15. My HID Bella arrived this weekend - my first Iplehouse doll - and I'm really glad I got her :love
      Posing as much (or as little) as expected, but managed to get her standing once I put the shoes on, and honestly, I'm just happy she can sit without help... And she meets my most important requirement - just being beautiful haha.

      I prefer to have the doll in my hands before planning on the style I want for her, so for now she's wearing the wig/eyes I got from the company, with some top I sew for her beforehand.

      I got her the company faceup because I wanted to see what they are like in person and I'm actually very happy - the picture doesn't show it well, but mine got quite a big range of blushing and looks very realistic in person. I will probably change it at some point to see what different expressions she can have, but for now, she will stay like this.

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    16. Oh I love Bella and yours is gorgeous! Beautiful blouse too that really suits her colourings.

      Have fun with her. I think Bella has such a realistic sculpt.
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    17. @Kaname Kimura @Olga Borontova & @LyanneNZ - thank you :XD:

      I seriously love her - she has such a strong presence! I feel like she is sort of an older sister of all my other dolls, even though she's technically the newest in the bunch haha Shame really iplehouse is not making a lot of clothes for HIDs - I want to spoil her so much!
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    18. [​IMG]
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