1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Iplehouse EID and SID Discussion Part 16

Jan 22, 2015

    1. your welcome... now you know they have to 'bake a whole cake' rather than just the 'corners' lol... and honestly it never crossed my mind about mixing left over batches ... or rather 'not being able'... I just thought of the 'extra' not being able to be used and tossed. When you get down to it... baking is easier lol... you can twiddle with the recipes more LOL.

      I also owe a nod to Yuan Mdx for her 'baking doll cookie heads' comics for a bit of inspiration on the matter lol
    2. Just ordered Harace. Scratching my head over whether I did it right or not. Haven't ordered a doll in a long time and never from iple! Sent them my first layaway payment on paypal hopefully I did it right!
      Congrats to everyone and remember this is a no judgement zone. Whatever measures you went to to get the doll will not be judged here ;P
    3. LOL! Yeah I think a couple of us went a bit insane there for a bit before getting conformation for our orders XD

      How did you submit the order/pay etc? It is pretty simple really but I can let you know if you did it alright if you want ^^
    4. The Raven: Like I said no judgement been there before! ;P
      Made the order and clicked on paypal the and the option for layaway came up so i did the two payments option. Then i clicked on the link for paypal but it just took me to my page so I went ahead and just clicked on send payment and sent it to their paypal manually. The order appears on my page so I guess the order went through I just don't know if they got the money yet haha
    5. Trying. To. Stay. Away. From. Iple.

      Looking at Bliss and Scarlet available for purchase makes me want to tear my hair out. But! For once, I will resist. Something is telling me I should hold out for Bliss' Dad or something. :XD:
    6. I'm suffering so much right now I want to order my two nerds but I HAVE to wait for DC. Ugh ugh ugh why can't DC be open more often uGH
      i'm calm I'm good
      that's a lie no im not.
    7. Sounds sorta like what I did when I ordered my Douglas. This time I just submitted the order completely then sent them payment manually. Did you happen to leave a note in the payment saying what order it was for? If you didnt, you need to post on the Q&A with your paypal unique transaction ID so they know what order it goes with. I usually just include my order #, user name, and what payment it is in the note section on paypal. Then I post on the Q&A that I sent a payment, how much I sent/how much I have left to pay off, what payment it was, and the unique transaction ID from paypal. Mine was verified pretty quickly... they havent even looked at my Q&A post yet XD

      Also, did you click on your order on your Iple page and look at the bottom to see if they updated it yet?
    8. rootedindivinity: Always difficult when you're like, what if something I like BETTER comes along!? haha

      artisticadelle: haha I'm sorry you can do this! Deeps breaths!

      The Raven: I put the order number in the comments when I paid and put all my info and order number on the Q&A. Status just says on layaway. Thanks for the help! Always nice to get that second opinion :)
    9. Click on the order number under your my iple. That will take you to an overview of the order. At the bottom it will have the payments split up and it should say that you paid one of them ^^

    10. What is up with Edan not having outfit + shoes option? I wanted to get his shoes but you don't have a choice if you already picked the outfit. Weird.
    11. Maybe they made a mistake when they set up the order pages for the new sale? You could ask them on Q&A about it.
    12. When I ordered Edan Iple had the option of outfit + boots. Now it's gone, not sure why. I just didn't want the boots, so I didn't get them.

      It looks like everyone was waiting to get the complete doll of their choice. I really did love all the different CH dolls, and the clothing from Iplehouse is very nicely done. I'm going to hope to get a Leonard before the sale is up in March. I like his clothes, too......but, I can live without them.

      Harace is gorgeous, Wittyilynamed. And, I'm so glad this is a no judgement zone... ;)
    13. ^^^^^Thanks for the info Biggy and oriscany! I did ask them in the q&a forum and they responded that they are no longer available. Oh well, I just got another pair of boots instead.
    14. The Raven: I checked and they got my first payment! Thanks so much for the help haha. I feel like all I do is come here and ask questions :P

      oriscany: Haha thanks excited to get her! Trying not to think about it too much or else my patience will run out haha
      Edan is gorgeous congrats!
    15. Update: I couldn't do this and caved. Guess who's getting Bliss on the nYID body instead with her outfit and weapons? Oh and Edan too. I'm dirt poor no more dolls until forever
    16. artisticadelle: Haha I saw congrats!! I'm so jealous I love Bliss's outfit and Edan is so yummy!!
    17. Thank you!
    18. You're welcome! And dont worry ^^ I was a noob iplehouse buyer last year and had similar questions XD
    19. I like having the doll sizes separate to be honest. I have an EID but no intention of owning a YID, they are cute and all but I wouldn't want tons of info about them or picture spam when I'm only interested in the EIDs/SIDs.

    20. Totally agree!

      And welcome back stranger, I haven't seen your posts around here for ages! :lol: