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Iplehouse EID and SID Discussion Part 16

Jan 22, 2015

    1. I know right? Where have you been Jacobean? Not used to you not being around. Welcome back ^^

      And I agree with the post separation... I like nYIDs but not nearly as much as SIDs and EIDs... and right now I only own an EID and have Pamela on the way... XD
    2. 2 more layaway payments to make and Zera will be mine! I just can't figure out what kind of shoes I want her to wear......and bra and undies.....all my ladies wear undies at least.
    3. Am looking forward to seeing Henry and Pamela together, a great match! ;)
    4. thanks Christie! I cant wait either :D Will be taking lots of pics and Henry is coming to the box opening too so I might do a photo story ^^
    5. Yikes! Long time no post. I am just getting around to getting the right outfit for my old Kamau, who I ordered in 2011. I went for Freedom Teller, I hear they're good?
    6. I like and have all sizes, but I prefer separate threads, so many molds, like Soom's threads, one for supergem, one for megagem and one for idealians
    7. go with a shoe that can go with more outfit options until you can afford more specific types... I went with this to start with.... http://iplehouse.com/home/shop/item.php?it_id=1572036719&nhn1=en works with anything but the pale outfits well... dressy or not, can go with 'leathers' even but not so 'bichy' or a basic black pump (or the neutral one if you want light colored outfits more?... as for undies.... plain ... and I mean thin/flat to make sure they go under stuff? ones with 'jewel' adornments might not work under stuff.... my kids do not wear undies for that and 'caught in the joint' issue ><

      *cries* they are very good >< hideously expensive but worth every penny (I had an Armani suit donated to my theatre wardrobe once.... FT quality is just as fine.... better if you take into consideration scale. And they are tailor fitted so have fun dressing them (you will wish he could tuck in his own shirts ><) This is my 2 guys in FT suits.... the grey is a custom fit for Soul Dolls zenith XD and Dexter is a SH body... not ties though... nearly went mental trying before giving up ;p Despite the price I just got my SID basic black pants and a shirt recently.... he will get a full suit when I can afford it and decide on his color/cut ^^ go to the stream for a better view

      The arrival of competition? by DoA Lady Tiku, on Flickr
    8. I'm happy that they FINALLY put the Veneziano set up -- enough so that I just bought it (and a scarf) without trying to attach it to a doll order. I've been drooling over that set since they first offered it as a limited, and my boys need it! :D

      Now I just need to set up a background and get some pics of them together, since they're too big to fit in my photo-cube when standing! ^___^

      -- A <3
    9. re: Veneziano set, exactly my Feelings! I joined a GO rather than ordering it right away, but I have been waiting to pounce for a while. Now Egon will have something lovely to wear besides his Demon Hunter set. I always spend so much more time sewing for Anora than him, I feel guilty!
    10. I hope you both noticed that the Veneziano set doesn't include pants. :wiggle That said, I wish Iple would make a comparable set for SID.
    11. this is one time no pants is a good thing... there are several 'top sets' that all will basically need the same pants... :oIH iIS SAVING YOU MONEY! :o lol
    12. I actually kind of wish the pants were included for that $172 though... XD I can mix and match outfits once I bring them home... but if say, the pants were sold out for some reason and I wanted to get it, but dont have any pants at home to go with it, than my guy would basically just be in his undies from the waist down. LOL!
    13. you are supposed to have ONE basic set for a new baby silly. cheap and simple... and 'covered'. Basic black slacks can always be a 'cheat' for an outfit and most non appropriate details can be hidden.

      but you are right about the price if the fabric isn't worth the price tag... and I can't say about that... so we will need a review about that from you ;p

      and why won't the pants from the hunter set work???
    14. They probably can, but for such a hefty price I would feel ripped off if there are no pants, LOL. That's why I never bought the Witch Hunter set either.
    15. in theory they COULD work.... but... then there is the issue of if I want to dress two guys up in both outfits (which I will be wanting to do when I eventually get Law)... unless I buy another outfit for the pants or buy some other pants separate... then the second dude will be nakie from the waist down XD And I know you said to use regular slacks... but I'm a stickler for outfits that look a certain way and just basic slacks (especially mine that came with the black fur set and have that pressed crease which I love in a suit) wont work for obvious reasons <---- what I said in ( ). Then again... I'm kind of super picky and particular.... LOL!

      oh and this:

      (although I bought the witch hunter and the separate pants because I wanted the pants for another outfit too XD)

      and... eventually all the outfits I have for my guys will probably be being worn all at once at some point... and someone is always going to be without pants....at this point I feel like I'm just going to have to try and make some.

      edit: Also... I just realized they have these for EIDW and NYID boy but nothing similar for EID men?!?!
    16. Oh, dangit -- I did forget that it didn't have pants. I tend to cheat by using the "skinny leather pants" with everything, hehe . . . guys in leather pants ALWAYS look good to me.

      Should have bought an extra pair, though, since I paid shipping for just one big item . . . OTOH, I must have the pants for the Demon Hunter set floating around somewhere, since Kamal is wearing leather trousers with the Demon Hunter shirt and vest.

      -- A <3
    17. I would have swore there was an EIDm pair too O_o... basically these (SID_Man Black Pleated pants) but in EID... that's weird... I wonder if this is one of those disappear/reappear stock items?
    18. See... I thought there were some too... but I cant find them. Maybe they did do the disappearing act for some reason? (restocking maybe?)
    19. the braided updo wig did that.. it was there, then one day POOF! gone.... and gone for months too... then it just snuck back into stock quietly with no announcement or anything. ... so you'll have to keep an eye out (me too since I could use a pair too) I am not gonna ask on the support board... that would just be mean right now lol.
    20. lol. I know right? There are 4 new pages since I last posted about reminding them to pierce my Pamela's ears O.o... I mean... I could have been imagining things and they werent ever made for EID men... but I swear they were there a few weeks ago. I bet ya they will just randomly pop back up at some point :)