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Iplehouse EID and SID Discussion Part 16

Jan 22, 2015

    1. Yay! so my latest clothing order shipped Im much closer to my regency look!... mkay I need some alternate wig idea's for regency(ish?) wigs and not the ones from Leeke... I have one only it's lost in the house somewhere >< but I'd also like to be able to have more than one type (not have all the girls end up in the exact same wig)
    2. Linderhes I agree with Lady Tiku. Freedom Teller's quality is fabulous.
      This is Arvid in the Prince of Wales plaid DB suit, wine striped shirt and wine dot tie. The shoes are the brown brogue oxfords. The plaid as complex as it is matches perfectly on every seam. The pockets are all working pockets no fudging. These clothes are expensive, but totally worth the craftsmanship. I feel like they are little treasures. I have others. The tux is beautiful.
      The necks on the shirts tend to not be tight to the neck and it ruins the look for me so I pin them in the back.
    3. I saw yuan_mdx post about the fabric in her box opening and she said it's amazing up close. There's a lot of detail. I think it's totally worth the price considering I paid the exact price tag for the SID Dark Garnet set and felt completely ripped off. Considering the SIDW Persiana set is in the same price range and that is beyond gorgeous and detailed (I felt like I got a discount for the quality product I got) I felt even more ripped off by the D. Garnet set. As far as the Veneziano set goes, I plan to pair it with either my black pants from the Dorian Grey, Signor R. or EIDM Basic set.

      Freedom Teller is AWESOME! And you get what you pay for. I haven't bought any formal wear, but I bought some jeans and shirts and they fit lovely. Boys can sit down and move and everything.

      Lady Tiku - sorry I can't help you on wigs. Leeke are the only wigs I do. I'm do have that two braided bun wig from Iple but I have to fix it because I managed to pull a small section loose when trying to straighten it on Jude's head. It runs small or modest stretch or Jude's head is just big with a silicon cap
    4. I knew that the Veneziano set didn't come with pants, but I figure the Demon Hunter pants will work, since I only have the one EID-M. :) Those leather leggings are tempting, though...he'd look pretty great in them! Egon sure doesn't skip leg day.

      It looks gloriously detailed, enough that I don't mind the price too much. Usually Iple outfits seem worth the price...usually!

      The one drawback of getting Anora on the nYID was not getting the Persiana set for her. It was a painful trade-off, because as I'm sure you all saw when I spazzed in this thread, I looooove that set! Someday I might try to get it and alter it to fit her. It's just so beautiful.
    5. I want to try FT at some point... but their clothes are a little too expensive for me.... the most expensive clothes I've bought from Iple are that Gadeunia dress, the witch hunter and demon hunter sets, and the EID man fur coat set. I had to buy them all pretty far apart too XD But that does make me feel better that the fabric looks nice up close at least... maybe I will just have to buy another one of those outfits with pants I like and sell off the parts I dont want or something... or maybe they will release a new outfit with the second half of the CH story line that I like and has pants that will work with the veneziano set.
    6. If people are agonizing about whether to get the new sets of clothing, here's some pictures of the Veneziano set.

      Lawrence box opening_10
      by yuan_mdx, on Flickr


      Baggy pants, like in the Demon Hunter set, wouldn't work on this set because the outfit needs tights. So any black form-fitting cotton pants would work.

      FT is really great, better than iplehouse but Iplehouse really is a close second. You definitely won't get fitting problems like Odd Aristocratic.
    7. Hi! I've had a super busy few months, work, Christmas, Jan is full of family birthdays (one each week!) and I'm also sorting through my attic to make space for when I decorate. *phew!* Ever start a job you wish you hadn't? :lol: So I haven't had a ton of forum time, but I have been trying to page catch on anything SID/EID (iple news) related. When I get extra time I spend it taking pictures of the dolls or just fussing and changing them.

      Thank you for the warm welcome, I have missed having luxury doA time! Things have been so hectic, I've got 11 little resin ones now so I've had to sacrifice a little forum time to actually spend time with them. I think I was spending more time here talking about them than actually giving them attention! My doll buying is on hiatus at the moment so the less I see the less I'll want. (Or that's what I'm trying to convince myself anyway.) :sweat
    8. jaco!! Haven't seen you around for dogs ages. Yeah...jobs can certainly take valuable time away from everything else. I've been so busy lately AND the fact that my boss moved her seat BEHIND me, has taken my time away from the boards.
    9. So nice to see you again, Jacobean! And I agree with your sentiments about seeing less and wanting less. I'm facing that problem right now because the Carved Heritage calendar came with my Eric, and each page screams "LOOK A DOLL YOU WANT". :lol:

      And speaking of Eric, meet my new guy, Max.

    10. Seeee... I told you guys it looks amazing. I'll get it... sometime.... after I pay off Leonard. Work has kept me soooooo busy lately and is going to for the next couple weeks. I have a feeling I won't be as active here either :( Poor dollies
    11. Heh, the "see things, want things" principle is definitely in effect -- I don't know if I'm going to be able to resist Claude's adorable smirkiness forever, especially with all the excellent pictures you guys share.

      Rootedinvanity, your Eric is fantastic! What a cutie -- love his face-up, is that a custom one?

      -- A :kitty2
    12. Yes, it is. He's the Auction Eric, so he came with this faceup. I quite like it ; he even has a smattering of freckles. :)
    13. Oh no! :/ maybe you can flip your desk to face her and hide behind the screen :lol: I did a bunch of course work and got a raise but it's just lead to more work, the more you know the more you have to do. :'(

      Aww thank you! I should try to be a bit more active in the discussion, I might have to sacrifice working out, *monotone voice* oh no that would be awful. ;)
      I can't ever say my collection is complete, I've had that mistake too many times. I know I'll 100% end up getting SID Aria at some point. Named and made the character plus I've already promised Shane, but it's hard enough finding time for the bubbas I already have home. I used to have a 6 month rule but it went right out of the window, I don't think I'll see her this side of 2015.

      WOW!! He's a beauty! I love the blushing and freckles! I'm a total nut for freckles. So fetching in that little beanie too. I hope Lorrie doesn't see him, she might get a crush. :P Good luck with the tempting calendar, you'll have to close your eyes when you flip for the next month. :lol:
    14. Nice to see you again Jacobean- I've been turfing out the attic and upstairs, and been busy with job related paperwork - urggh :pout:. Not had any time for dolls for ages, but would like to see some of your pictures
    15. I need to get back to working out! The thing is I have PRK refractive eye surgery coming up, and I won't be able to hit the gym until my ninja vision stabilises.

      Doll plans and "rules" never really take precedence over wallets - especially with Iple and their timed releases. They just make us want to sign our paycheques directly to them, lol.

      Thanks for the kind words on Max! He's a sweetheart and won't mind Lorrie's crush. The first page is Grace, which is okay since I have one. I will spend the last few days of January staring at Oscar, and then I will have to look at Bliss, which is kinda bad because I do want her.
    16. rootedindivinity: I love your Eric! I second the freckle love. Something about freckles brings dolls to life for me haha

      Ugh the gym. My body still hurts from going yesterday. Wish I could exercise by playing with my dolls instead haha.
    17. My Lawrence wears the Veneziano set together with the Demonhunter pants, so they definitely work :) And look good! Also the quality of the Veneziano set is really outstanding.
    18. Being new to the thread and relatively new to having a EID girl (Luna Tamer fullset), I'm doing the lurky-lurky thing as I learn about my Twyla. Having all the sizes mixed into one thread would probably confuse me since she's my firs IH and I'm not really familiar with other IH dolls. So I have to admit I'm all for having the threads separate.

    19. I love that smile of his. Originally Claude was on my list but now that I've seen Eric, I don't know... I need a slightly smiling villain guy...

      Still congrats and nice to meet you, Max ^^
    20. Oh goodness, best wishes to you for your surgery. I've done pretty well with staying away although the Kamau rerelease did set me off and a doll lust for a while :D lol I can imagine just having a monthly direct debt set up with Iplehouse for new releases. :lol:

      I'm doing insanity so I don't have to go to the gym, it's all from home but I've never pulled so many muscles in so many strange places before! With my old DVD work outs I used to take one of my boys with, sit him near by shirtless so I could see his flat stomach and help motivate me :lol: :lol: That way I got to work out and spend a little time with my guy too! Sounds odd but I'm sure there are stranger things, I hope your muscles heal up soon!

      Welcome to the thread! Iple's really are a temptation right? ;) I can imagine it being very overwhelming to someone just starting to get into Iples, so many different sizes and head swaps.