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IpleHouse JiD Mini Discussion Part 19

Nov 26, 2017

    1. @Darlin He is cute! I wanna be his model! :XD:

      (In fact, if you don't tell me he is SR, I will think he is PG. So hard to distinguish SR and PG. :doh)
    2. Thanks a lot! All Daniels are cuties, aren't they? :love

      These skintones are kind of misleading :lol: They look so different depending of lighting conditions I never sure of what I'm looking at
    3. Agreed, unless you have one in hand, you never know!
    4. Happy Holidays from Fred and Charlotte (JID Ryan and girlfriend)

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    5. Happy holidays to your gang too @IngieBee :) I can't believe I have similar armchair like yours, just different fabric.

      I'm still waiting for my first JID boy, Owen.
    6. LOL, I can't remember where I got my arm chair, but I have seen them around :D Owen is so cute, can't wait to see the JIDs start rolling in from December sales!!
    7. I have two Owens. They are brothers, one living in Victorian times, the other in the present....
      He's my favourite of the JID guys. I really wish IH would have released another more mature looking JID.
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    8. Oh that's another fantastic picture! I love how you can pose realistic scenes! @MB Lilac
    9. I ordered just a little bit before the December sales and I wish I'd had realised they will have one. Well, I wish he will come home after Christmas, he is my 15th doll anniversary gift for myself. I might want another JID but I'll definitely wait for some other events/sales before making an order.

      @MB Lilac Loving your scenes, they're handsome guys and the kids are so cute! I want to see what's in the presents! :)
    10. @IngieBee - Thanks. Photographing stories with my dolls seems to have become my new passion. And of course the more one does it, the better one gets at it.
      @xaya - Thank you. That photo was a scene out of a recent story, where the modern family goes back to Victorian times to celebrate the first birthday of their baby. The story starts here - Getting Ready - Fav Photos 2020
      and continues here - Sena's Party - Fav Photos 2020
      Those gifts are for the baby, but never actually get opened.

      Lately I've been really taken by the FIDs, but I still love my Kids, and their families, so they all take turns being in stories. I just wish IH had some more mature looking JID guys, since I have a a lot of single ladies, and I draw the line at two Owens.
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    11. Hi guys. I recently started falling in love with the idea of Esi on the JID New body in Ebony.
      I am really struggling to find more pictures of the new JID body, anyone know where they are on the site?

      Also having trouble logging in, it says there's an account with my email, which sounds right i probably made one ages ago, but when i go to log in i can't even finish typing my email address, the box has limited characters lol :chibi
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    12. @Datsuki Sorry I can't answer to your question. :/ I hope somebody knows better, I'm new to Iplehouse site too. Maybe you could email them about logging in problem?

      My boy is finally shipped. I ended up ordering him a basic face up as my favourite artist doesn't work in cold weather and I wanted him to have at least something. I can always ask later if I don't like the face up. I'll need to make/order him a wig too but at least he has face up to start with. I'm eagerly waiting for him to arrive so I can see how he looks like with my other dolls. :) Mainly, girls. :lol:
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    13. The new JID body - or any details on any of the bodies - is in their Body Review. Just click on Iple BJD at the top of their page, and then click on the Body review box on the lower right. Once there, just choose JID Girl
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    14. Ah thank you! When I click Iple BJD it gives me a popup telling me I can't view it unless I log in, so as @xaya says I suppose I need to drop them an email!
    15. Has the body changed for the JID since it's first incarnation? I didn't know that!
    16. Actually it changed twice. The original JID body had 'butt flaps'. I have one JID with that original body. Then when they released Leona and another JID, (name escapes me, since she was also discontinued) they had also reworked the body. It was still the same size, but without those butt flaps. They still offer that body. A few years back they introduced a new JID body, which is more or less like a bigger version of the KID body, and is more childlike with much narrower shoulders. I'm not interested in it, since my JIDs are all meant to be adults, but the option is there for people who want their JIDs to be young teens.
    17. Oh, OK, I probably have the first two bodies then since I have two Leonas but never noticed the differences, LOL. Or if I had, I'd forgotten. I must say that the KID is an amazing poser, but that could also be because of size. My JIDs were intended to be adults as well, but now that I have FIDs, I may want to change them to young teens or so :D
    18. Yay i got my boy today! I'm so happy with him, his face up is really nice. I'll try to have better photos from him during the weekend, I don't think I have any clothes that fit him and wig might be a challenge but at least he has eyes. :)
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    19. Ach, the boys don't need hair so much, LOL. mine went a Looooong time without and still don't have wigs i particularly like, LOL :D Congratulations @xaya :D OOps, I thought I was in the FID thread, LOL, nah, I like my JIDs to have a wig :doh but they're cute no matter what :D
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