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Iplehouse Ryushin and Barron

Aug 22, 2007

    1. This is pretty frustrating, waiting what seems like forever to see all the new basics. I wanna buy my doll now *sobzz*

      I sincerely hope they're not putting up one doll per day >.> Bleh. I'm still not sure whether to get the muscular body or the model type body. Can't find anything in the forums on this.
    2. I just wanna see Basic Harin already!!
    3. wow....when i first saw the limited versions of Ryushin and Barron....i think i loved Barron more than Ryushin...now looking at the basic version of Ryushin....i love Ryushin more than Barron...WHY IPLEHOUSE?? WHY MUST YOU OWN MY SOUL???
    4. Damn, now I'm totally in love with Ryushin after seeing his basic release! :fangirl: I can't wait to see Harin's basic version!
    5. :sweat I hope they don't wait till the last couple days to post the basic girls. I can't wait to see Harin as a basic. :)
    6. I asked today when are they going to put up their old doll's new make up style.

      Their answer:
      "Also, if possible, Soo Ri will be registered within today." Which I highly doubt, but I guess that can't be helped.

      "The photo work is delayed, so please kindly wait for a short while." I hope short is....short. Can't buy a doll until they put up the new basics pictures =/
    7. Hm.. *impatiently waiting for Barron basic*

      I was actually slightly disappointed about the basic Ryushin, he is pretty and all, but he looks like a young boy? Guess that costumes and wigs can alter the look of a mould quite a bit, which of course is a good thing. The fullset boys look much more mature, and that is what I was going for... I am so curious to see how Barron turns out, and very pleased at the much lower price. I think I prefer the model body, as it looks more natural... not a big abs fan. The muscular body reminds me too much of action figures. Barrons face would work great for a Bloodelf though... :love I am unsure about the eyes, but his cheekbones, nose and lips are purrfect! (I am drooling over a doll again...)
    8. Man I kept wavering on Aaron and now I'm feeling the pull again. *sigh*

      I'm going to be poor and very very happy:)
    9. Me: Barron basic doll is up!! *Swoon*
      My future Soo Ri: "...."
      *Drags me away from the com and proceeds to re-woo me to buy him*

      As a side note, the basic Barron looks pretty mature to me. And tempting like the devil! T.T

      Edit: Harin is up too. Love that hair and boots! Maybe the girls are cheaper cos they have less meat resin >.>
      SooRi: *nudge*nudge*
      Stop that. I'm not buying a second doll anytime soon.
    10. I love basic Harin! I already have a character in mind for her.
    11. Same for me!!! :D

      Harin has this lovely Asianic feel to her that's perfect for a character I have but was kinda undecided when she is only available as a full set (too $$$$ :doh). Now that she is available as basic, I'm seeing a potential in her. >>> *will goes and edit wishlist*.

      Say, about basic Ryushin (I'm also in love with his mold :whee:), will a right face-up allow him to, lets say, look more mature and less Asian? I'm sorta on a hunt for IH male dollies who can sorta pull up a European look (specifically Italian). Maybe Barron could, but still.....:sweat

      Darn Iplehouse for leaving me on the undecided level again (already had a DM Kyle Reese in mind for another character long before Barron and Ryushin's release). :doh
    12. The best thing about all this is that Iplehouse usually sells the heads separately. So you can always have a Barron one day and a Ryushin the next...... Can't resist tempting people. LOL.
    13. I've loved Soo Ri since I first got into BJDs, and he's always been on my wish list and I've known exactly what character he's going to be, and NOW, I am totally taken with Basic Barron! And now I think he would be perfect for the same character and I may not ever be getting my Soo Ri, after all. Why do IH dolls have to be so enticing!!!
      *LOVES on Basic Barron*
    14. Thanks for the tip! :) The only problem's that having a bodiless head will introduce another temptation *_* --- to buy him a new body so that I can have two dolls instead of one (double :doh:doh ).
    15. Hihihi, I have ordered the basic Barron! *:lol: like a schoolgirl*

      Along with him, I ordered one black and one white long wig, and I can picture him as a metal-guy... but then again, my dolls tend to have their own opinions, so I can never really know. My poor Lilred was supposed to be a tough rogue, but so far he is just being hazzled around by Gretel. Maybe he needs Barron for moral support ;)
    16. I was really liking Barron, now I'm preferring Ryushin. Sigh. Still, no hurry to decide.
    17. I love Barron i will buy it tomorow as my firts doll. *__* Is love at first sigth.

      Someone could telll me if you have problems with taxes buying at iplehouse?
    18. I read on Iplehouses faq that they mark their parcels as gifts, as they see no wrong in sending gifts to their customers... wether or not that will influence the taxes, I do not know for sure, but it might make it easier. In Norway one would alsso have to pay taxes for a gift priced 700USD... but I did somehow avoid taxes without doing anything for it on my 2 previous BJD, as the sellers marked down the value. But one can never assume that expensive goods are tax free...
    19. Ack! i wish i could avoid the taxes too with the gift thing i just spend all my free money on the doll >_<!

      Crossing fingers
    20. This is a post from a friend who is unable to sign up here:

      "In a moment of madness i decided to grab one of these gorgeous dolls (Full set Barron) despite the price of nearly $1000, but hey it'll be worth it :D"