1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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is having RL doll friends important to you?

Jun 11, 2010

  1. yes

  2. no

  3. indifferent (i don't really have any feelings on the subject)

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    1. I like the idea of my RL friends getting in to the doll hobby. That is different then making friends with another doll owner in the area - sharing one interest doesn't always result in friendship. Infact it can get awkward.
      All that being said it would be nice if I had someone to ramble on about doll stuff with but I am satisfied doing that over AIM.
    2. I think I'm lucky in that the friend who got me into dolls lives about 10 minutes away from me on foot. It's nice, but I don't think it's that important. I'd take IM's as a good second alternative as I'm not a very active forum member though. :sweat

      I think I value the live communication (whether through face-to-face interactions or instant messaging) more. Forum posts really don't do much for me if I'm hyped up over something doll-related. Incoherent babble doesn't really belong on the forum after all. :sweat
    3. Well I am lucky enough to share this hobby with my best friend of over a decade. As well, one of my friends I met in High School also enjoys dolls and we seem to have a nice local community here in general. I think I do get more enjoyment out of my hobby being able to share it with my friends but I don't think it would be the end of the world if i didn't share this with her. I'm used to being an 'odd one out' for interests so I've gotten used to it. Admittedly I often enjoy being alone so that probably helps the matter. I feel lucky to have the option to fly solo or to share as I see fit though. I think networking is a great idea either way.
    4. I have met some local people through doll events and a few of them have become friends. Unfortunately, there have been some problems and bad feelings among the collectors in my town and as I don't want to be involved or take sides, I have stopped attending meetups. I do like attending conventions, though, because friends I have only met online come from out of town and I love talking dolls with them for the few days they are here.
    5. For me it's kinda a harder question, I don't have much friends at all that are not online. So it's not entirely all that important, but I would like to have some sure. I do attend the doll meets in my city each month, and having Dolls are great starters.. but I can't just continue onwards. So I know people in life.. just their still at acquaintance level unfortunately. I'm extremely shy so it's the reason. Heh.
    6. It would be fun if I had friends who were into BJDs, but it's also fun for me to get away from the doll world every now and then and just hang out with my doll-unaware friends. Maybe in the future I'll have a good friend I can openly talk about and collect BJDs with~
    7. My sister likes BJD, but she has only one...and I think she gets tired of me prattling on all the time, heh. But she doesn't tell me so. Otherwise I don't have any others, but it would be kinda nice :)
    8. I'm probably insane for sitting and reading all of these posts.

      I want doll friends as much as I want any kind of friends. period. I moved to a new town a year and a half ago and have not made any local friends at all, not even with the people at work. I feel like I have lots and lots of hobbies, and I am a very social person. I'm used to having lots and lots of friends that liked all sorts of things. And now I have none..my family is an hour away and all my old friends from highschool adn college live far far away. My boyfriend of 6 years lives with me, and while I count him as my friend, its not the same.

      I love DOA because the focus is enough that I feel that I don't feel lost but varied enough that I don't feel too restricted. There are a lot of really nice people on here and someones nice comment can make my day...but I know I spend too much time on the internet that I could use to actually do something in one of my hobbies.

      I am actively seeking RL BJD friends, planning to go to a meet this very weekend! However, because of how far away it is, the drive will be like, 6 hours or more, I won't be able to make it often. I'm very excited and am planning to have a great time!
    9. I do like meeting other people who have ABJ dolls at anime conventions, it's a major reason I've gone to Sugoicon (in Ft. Mitchell, KY) the past three years. I live in the Louisville area, I work full time and I'm in the older age range of people who collect these dolls (44 in September) so I don't really have many other chances in real life to interact with other people who have ABJ dolls.
    10. I have two friends who like dolls. One likes them and is planning to start her collection, the other just thinks that they're pretty and is content just hanging out with mine when she comes over or I bring them to her place. I do think it would be nice to have a couple of friends in the doll hobby, but Im content with the one friend I mentioned above. I hang out with her a good 90% of the time, and we could sit on the computer for hours on end doll fagging(or lolita fagging, or boy fagging, or anything else). Also, your dolls are into the doll hobby, you could talk to them! XD I should be shot for that~
    11. I just wish I had some nearby doll friends! And I mean *nearby* for real. A very good majority of BJD owners in IL are either in the northwest suburbs or are actually in the city of Chicago, but I'm in the south Chicago suburbs, so it's a chunk of gas and at least a 40 minute trip to any of them. For once, I'd love to see that someone is from a town in Illinois, and go "Oh! You live there?? That's just the next town over!! :D"

      I have a couple actual friends who are interested in my dolls, but none of them would ever actually buy them, so I'm all alone! The BJD hobby is kind of out there, so it's not something you can just mention to everyone, like video games or drawing. Most people either think "Creepy!" or "Oh, I guess that's nice..." and the others would rather just appreciate from a distance, so it would be nice to know someone nearby who understands not only why I love this hobby, they even worked, or honestly wanted to work just as hard to have one of their own.

      Aaaaand I always get so jealous when I see those close friends with stories that intertwine together. Maybe I should just move to California. I can't go 5 posts without seeing someone from CA on here! ;_; *jealous*
    12. It doesn't really matter to me. My husband listens to me go on about my ideas and he's offered a few, too. He's even interested in getting one at some point down the line. Besides him, I've one friend that I could see being interested in the dolls especially the artistic side of them. I think if I got her one, she'd be super interested. Probably a Bobobie March or something cute and elvish. That's fine enough for me, really. ^_^
    13. Yeh, even though I don't see many of them often. It's always nicer to be able to talk about someone about your hobbies and play with your dolls together.
      I don't have any friends living close to me with whom I can do all this, so I attend as many meetings as possible. It's nice to become part of the community and be able to go at a meetup and always know at least a few persons :)

      Most friends of mine don't understand the hobby and only few are interested from time to time. I suppose I won't be able to make new doll-people out of them any time soon. xD
    14. My RL doll friends recently did something for me that was so moving, I can never repay their generosity. I guess the connection you can have through something like this hobby can realize all sorts of levels of friendship.
    15. Yup, I love my RL doll friends - my current roommate is actually a girl I met through doll stuff. I really feel at home with a lot of the people here in Austin, and it's great to talk to someone who doesn't think you're crazy for liking dolls. XD That's not 100% of my friends, though - some of them have dolls themselves but live far away!

      I had a lot of trouble in college and such feeling far away from the doll groups at the time. I didn't have a car, so driving to meets wasn't possible - if I could take a bus or walk to a meet, I could go, so I understand that feeling like, "I'd like doll friends that lived closer to me."
    16. Yes, it's important to me.I have two doll friends in real life,we will sent each other doll photos and discuss some interesting topic about dolls^_^
    17. I have on-line friends with similar interests but none I can share them with in person. Dolls are not my boyfriends thing, he likes computers far more. ;)
    18. It is relatively important to me because Singapore's doll community is so small.. Many of my friends can't afford to enter this hobby with me so I often find myself being lonely and having no one to collaborate shoots or share interest with. However, I wouldn't want to get so involved in my nation's doll community because of some nasty politics =x
    19. If it wasn't for friends with dolls I would have never gotten into this hobby in the first place. My friend, mel-mel-chan, and I are huge into the same hobbies, outside of dolls as well, and her dolls and the people who own them in the DFW area inspired me to own them as well. I can't imagine not having dolly friends ^_^''
    20. I would love to know some other doll owners...but fom what I know there are none in my area. I mostly get my fix through prattling on with some few rare folks on AIM that have allowed me to add them and put up with me "but which wig is betterrrrrr?!?!" I'm horrible with making decisions heh. I would love to know someone irl that I could talk dollies with, or meet with for photoshoots or...something. Hobbies are always more enjoyable when you have someone to share it with, someone who knows or even cares about it.