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Is it odd to want to buy a doll simply because it's so gorgeous?

Jan 2, 2017

    1. I certainly don't think there's a firm line between "I buy dolls that suit my characters" and "I buy dolls because they're pretty." Even for those of us that buy dolls to suit characters, we're not going to buy sculpts we think are ugly, if that makes sense; even if a character isn't traditionally beautiful, the right sculpt will look perfect to the creator of that character. So I think buying a doll because it's gorgeous, in whoever's eyes or for whatever reason, is pretty much what everyone does, in a sense. I also find dolls I think are striking and make characters for them, so it goes all sorts of ways! The only thing that matters is that your dolls make you happy. :3nodding:
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    2. Couldn't have said this any better myself. :)
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    3. 'Because she's pretty' is the COMPLETE reason I'm saving up for an Intimate Nana! I suppose to me, dolls are more of an art thing, and less of a character, so maybe that's why I'm not so stressed about wanting her only because she's beautiful! :sweat
    4. The only doll I've recently decided I'd certainly buy (and plan on ordering as soon as it's available) is one that doesn't even have a story to go in to right now. Does that matter? I don't think it does right now because I'm struggling so much to shell my beloved characters. Sometimes it is easier to have the doll tell you their story, I think.
    5. I don't think it's odd to appreciate beautiful things, it's human nature to be attracted to beauty. Of course it is also important that we recognize the values of things/qualities other than beauty.
    6. Thats the whole reason to buy a doll right? You wouldn't get one if in your opinion u thought it was ugly right?
    7. Is it odd? Nope, not at all! If it appeals to you, that's a great thing, because hobbies are supposed to appeal to you in various ways, which can include aesthetically :)
      As long as a purchase wouldn't set you back financially, go for it!
    8. There's nothing wrong with that everyone has their own tastes in sculpts and to fit the style and character of the doll you'll want a sculpt that is very pretty of course.
    9. In doll collecting - buy what you like! I just bought a nude barbie off of ebay because her face was so gorgeous (and I've completed selling off my entire barbie collection this year!) Buy dolls because they make you happy, doesn't matter if they have a story or not (most of mine don't, I just like them)
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    10. Dear vvnem, I know that this is an old posting but I see that there were two recent comments so I will make a third.

      So what happened? Did the dolls arrive as scheduled? Did you have your questions answered?

      I absolutely buy dolls because they are beautiful.
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    11. sometimes I find myself wanting to buy a head with no intentions of buying a body for it just because its so beautiful !
    12. Oh man this is an old post for sure! I did get those dolls, I believe they were Dollchateau Colin and Munin (which i gifted my mom), souldoll head, and resinsoul mi. I did have issues with the seller of the Mi and sold her (she was a grail of mine or the exact doll with the facup was and the whole experience was bad, the seller was a renowned scammer and disappeared after selling me the poor girl) I did sell all of them and cycled through dolls up until now. I think I've gone through 10 different companies and 15-20 dolls although I don't remember very well. I never did buy a racoondoll because I didn't like the lack of mobility and never had the money. Lot of the dolls I sold I used the money to buy new dolls so it was a cycle.

      Currently I sold my whole collection after making a change in my life and kept my fairyland feeple girl as well as finally getting a dollshe girl because..well shes gorgeous and ive wanted a realistic bjd for the longest time! I was saddened by selling one of my fashion bjd's but when i don't love a doll..they have to be sold.

      I've stepped back from the hobby though as it doesn't bring me as much joy as it did when I was 18-19...so I just focus on making my two current girls pretty, sewing clothes, etc. My love for dolls will never change but I am never content with my dolls. I always strive for perfection haha
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    13. Dear vvnem, thanks for your reply back. I am so sorry if my question brought up sad memories. Your story was just so interesting that I wanted to know how it ended.
      I am happy that you are enjoying the two dolls that you have. I am sure they feel very special.
    14. I don't mind! Although I regret a lot of my doll sales (mainly selling one of my SD male doll but I forgot which sculpt he was), I am happy to have been able to handle dolls such as lillycat, dollchateau, Ancient Tales, Angel Philia, etc. as well as smaller unknown artist and companies. It makes me grateful to be able to have been an owner of a piece of art and am happy to have bought dolls on impulse. Luckily I am very good with my money so I have never overspent, but I do truly regret buying certain dolls and selling ones. I also had my small moment in fame with the BJD community on instagram but the toxicity of an online presence was too much so I stay mainly on fb and doa.

      I am happy with my small collection, although my Doll Chateau Stacy will always be one of my favorite dolls, even though I sold her. I am trying to focus on my 2 girls, and one is finished with her faceup so I am excited to post pictures and show her off. Thank you for taking interest in my hobby life haha
    15. No. It's far from odd to buy a doll simply because its beautiful. That was the logic I went by when I purchased 3 or 4 full set dolls during my adjustment period when could first afford to buy them. I'd say i've figured out a bit more my tastes and recent obsessions, but the it's gorgeous I need it in my life mentality still happens.....
    16. I dont think so. What other reason would there be.
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      • Of the BJD dolls I own, once I searched for one to be an infant, all of the others were purchased because
      • their faces caught me -- " oh, you are so beautiful, I MUST buy you!"
    17. I don't think so, I bought my dolls because they were pretty. I didn't had any characters created for them, that came later.
    18. Nope i do it all the time
    19. I can say from personal experience sometimes it does feel like every doll should have reason because so many people have their stories and tidy little worlds, but I don't have many ocs or plans to shell the few I have, and I don't gave any story they are part of.

      I just picked a vague theme for my collection and have bought dolls that I like I can fit to that theme. And there's nothing wrong with that! It's your collection, do what feels best to you.