1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Is it possible to collect too fast?

Apr 12, 2012

    1. I am fairly new to posting on DoA and have been collecting bjd's for about 2 years. I started out as one of those newbies buying and selling and buying and selling the latest trendy dolls, trying to find my niche in my collecting. I've now become more discerning and have a very small collection, only adding a special doll that comes along every once in awhile that really calls to me. I think it was said that you really do need to do your research before making those purchases. The doll will only become more special if you know what you are acquiring and know it will only add to the enjoyment of your play and collection by doing that. Jillian
    2. I think it is possible to collect dolls "too fast"... I did that. :doh I got a lot of dolls that I really wanted, and then I saw this absolutely gorgeous, beautiful custom BJD for sale... I loved her so much, and I wanted to get her, but after I'd spent my money on all those other dolls, I couldn't afford to spend another $1,000. :...(
      When you just spend and spend some more and don't save up money for any "emergency" dolly purchases, that is when you are collecting way too fast.
      Unless you have the money, and some more set aside, try to not get a lot of dolls within a short amount of time...
    3. If you start, and you don't have a finicial problem, it will go very fast..TT_TT, at least this is exactly what happened to me....I tried to part with some of my dolls in past two years which didn't get enough attention, but there are still 20+ in my room an 3 on the way to me now.
    4. I think this is probably a problem a lot of people have. I know the only reason I don't have more is lack of money. I'm pretty sure as soon as I get a full time job the "floodgates" will open for me too. It will just be hard to decide which ones to get first!
    5. I knew someone who collected too fast and then quickly left the hobby. Very sad, but not everyone whos family grows fast gets overwhelmed
    6. I can guess why that person left the hobby, Finley.
    7. Sometimes I'm glad I'm not rich and able to buy everything I want. Having a limit makes me think twice or more when I have to buy a doll. If I was rich I think I would buy any doll suitable to my eyes (almost all of them XD) just to regret it later. Being this way has made appreciate things more, the food, the place where I sleep and my dolls. Too much at once can be bad, I hit the 10 dolls mark last year (7 years in the hobby) and I felt highly overwhelmed...I can only imagine how I would feel if I get 10 dolls in one year lol I'm even thinking of selling one the dolls I'm waiting for because it was an impulse purchase (it was limited, that's what made me buy it fast) and now I regret it ://
    8. I am not rich by know means of the word, but I do understand what you are saying about appreciating things more. At times I do feel like I don't appreciate all my dolls because I have so many. I am really not sure that I have regrets about them, but I do find myself thinking that it is time to stop. Here I will be 53 years old in two short weeks. I feel if I don't shop I really don't know what I will do. Shopping makes me very happy when it something that I want, and like.
    9. I've almost made my mind up to buy a DC Bella and Colin together on the next DC event... In addition to my Asen, that will be 3 dolls which I think is already pretty overwhelming for such a newbie as myself. I'm also college student with a terribly heavy workload so I'm doing my best not to buy so soon haha! Don't want to leave my babies rotting in their boxes. :(
    10. I'm sort of worried that I'm starting up my collection too fast too, despite falling head over heels in love with the sculpts I plan on ordering.

      I've already set aside money to buy my first two - a set of twin MNF Chloes, and already planning on which sculpt to get as their "little sister". I know I should wait a month or so to see if I really still want these two and don't end up regretting buying them, but the wait is so difficult I'm not sure I'll be able to.
    11. Considering many of us have to wait several weeks or more once we order a doll and that there a few places where one can view or handle dolls for purchase in person, I can see where, once the first dolly opens the floodgates, it becomes hard to stop. It's hardly instant gratification and the resulting waits can get tedious without a new shiny to occupy our time.

      Too fast? Well, that's a judgement that only each individual can decide for themselves.
    12. I personally like to space them out, if I had many at once I wouldn't be able to devote time to getting one perfect. I'd be overwhelmed, trying to get clothing and paying them attention.
      if you can do it go for it, I just wouldn't enjoy it, I like to get the most out of them one at a time and have the excitement of the one character arriving. :)
    13. I think it depends on the person. I've known about BJDs for almost 2 years now, and have 6 dolls and 2 floating heads. That might be considered too fast for some, but to others it might not. I don't feel overwhelmed at all, in fact I like having a couple dolls to work on. For several months I will focus on one doll, and after I make some progress, I "catch up" on another doll.
    14. It's definitely possible to collect too fast. You'll know once your wallet is crying or if you're living space becomes overtaken with dolls! :sweat It's too much sometimes. I think people should get their first one or two dolls and really enjoy them before buying too many. I think it's always good to take your time with a doll. I know sometimes you just HAVE to buy a doll,but don't forget about the ones that you have!
    15. For me personally it is possible to collect too fast. I need to have time to bond with each doll and sew them clothes and collect props, and buy them accessories and, and,...... :)

      For me, "collecting" really isn't the right word for what I do with BJDs. It should be more like sewing for, or having, or enjoying because collecting, to me, means trying to find and purchase along a certain set of goals and I care less about that and more about collecting stuff for the dolls I have. In fact I really only have one more character to dollify and then I really don't have any more planned.
    16. I think the speed at which you order dolls does not necessarily indicate a problem. BUT what I suggest, no matter what your schedule, is that you research a lot, go to dollie meets or somewhere that you can see the dolls first-hand, then get a PLAN, schedule your purchases & budget for them!!! I've collected over 20 dolls in the past year, but that represents lots of planning & sticking to the plan - I passed up some gorgeous dolls cause they don't fit into my overall scheme for these dolls.
      I don't 'finish' a doll exactly - as they all are cosplayers w/a normal character - but I've been carefully buying wigs/eyes/shoes while getting the dolls - and making pretty basic outfits as well - so I can immediately dress up new dolls out of the box.
      So, a plan!!!! & try to control impulse buying!!!! LOL - goes for so much else in life, doesn't it?
    17. I think after my first doll I started going a little too fast. I settled for my first, the doll that made me want a bjd was.re-released. (Iplehouse SID Claude around xmas). Then I bought a pukipuki on impulse figuring everything had gone right before... But my first doll still needed a faceup and my second more clothes. Well I finally glt tje faceup, but a tempt dip ruined it on the way home.

      I feel like in the future I want to try to 'finish' one doll before I start another now. It's not plesant for me to have a doll that doesn't have all it's clothing and a faceup around. Right now I'm putting off at least one other doll I kkow I want and two more that I sort of want in favor of getting mods and faceups done for my current hybrid.
    18. I have been through so many phases it is crazy. The past 4 years in the doll hobby has constantly been about finding the right dolls to complete my family and experimenting with what I have wished to own and see if they 'click' with me. I cannot count how many dolls I have went through buying and selling. I lost so much money. This has always been an issue that I was so ashamed of and some people I know actually don't like it for a couple of reasons. Anyway, I refuse to let opinions like this bother me anymore as I am only trying to find my "way" into this hobby. ^^ Now I feel I am finally settling down though I cannot say there really won't be any more changes 100%. I am just hoping it will be that.
    19. I definitely think that one can collect too fast. I have no problem with buying more than one doll at a time, but I do not like them arriving all at once. If I have more than one doll to open, I get overwhelmed and a little stressed. For this reason, I now use layaway - it gives me some control as to when a doll will arrive, especially if I order multiple dolls within a short time span (those limiteds have a way of sneaking up on you!).

      I make exceptions for events, when the gift item or a discount is dependent upon a certain order value - in such cases, I do get multiple dolls per order, but I don't particularly look forward to the box opening, because I know that it will overwhelm me. Currently, I'm waiting on my biggest order yet - three dolls. All three were limited and the event gift was contingent upon ordering at least three dolls, so here I am, waiting for a massive box to arrive. I adore all the dolls that I ordered, but I do wish there was a way to have them arrive separately without extra shipping fees - impossible, I know, so it is what it is.

      As far as my collection as a whole, I average about 4 dolls per year. Some years are much more active when it comes to buying than others, but it all evens out to a nice number per year. Also, unless the doll is a limited, I tend to order during events that are of particular interest to me, so some months are more doll-intensive than others.

      It's all about finding your particular comfort zone within the hobby. It may take some time, but eventually you'll settle into a nice pace that will yield the most enjoyment and the least stress.
    20. It is and I did and it's making me go bankrupt (lol). All my life I collected dolls, then I got a BJD... it took me a while, and in a matter of months I had six more. Now I stopped buying because my poor girls don't have a lot of stuff, but I plan to adopt some more when I finish their wardrobe and everything...