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Jeans for MNF

Nov 27, 2007

    1. Hi!
      Anybody know where can I buy jeans for MNF girl Shushu?
    2. I don't know, but you might want to edit your thread title to be more specific - it's easier to get answers that way. You could edit your first post, pick Advanced, and change the title to something like:
      Jeans for Minifee girl? (or Jeans for Minifee boy?)

    3. Carolyn.S
      You are entirely right -)
      Thank you

    4. I believe the 43 cm Narin/Narae and Unoa doll clothes should fit the MNF. I know that they are listed that way on eBay often enough.
    5. No problem. I just wish I knew of some European sources for you. I had trouble finding jeans too--other places that sold them were always out of stock when I was looking, like Dollmore (oh, yeah, try them, too: http://www.dollmore.net/shop/step0.php?b_code=B20050505091647&c_code=C20050506095719 :doh ), and of course Luts doesn't sell them anymore, if they ever did. My boy insisted he had to have jeans, though, so I kept looking and eventually decided to spend the big bucks at Volks. Another idea: if you can sew, go to the Workshop area of the forum and ask about jeans and/or pants patterns at the "Sewing, Wigs and Jewelrymaking" section. Good luck!

      EDIT: Minifee Shushu! She's cute! Anjelchan's right, Narae probably would fit; once again, compare the measurements just to be safe, or ask the seller.
    6. It depends on the fit that you want. Normal MSD-sized clothes will be baggy on Mini Fee, so I would not recommend the ones from Volks. 43cm Narae or Unoa clothes have a much better fit.

      If you want to spend a lot of money, Mio is THE person to go to for jeans.
    7. I've tried my Narae/Unoa sized jeans/pants/skirts on a MNF before and they worked fine. ;)
    8. If Narae jeans work on MNF, there are a lot of seamstresses that sew jeans. Atelier Momoni (Flonne), Brennil's Threads (Brennil), bperry042 in the Marketplace, and many others.

      Here are Narae's measurements (right column) - check Shushu's hips and waist against those. Some of the jeans made for Narae are skintight.

      Here is the Narae clothes thread:

    9. Thanks for the mention! Just a quick note that my line is actually called "Her Delicate Strength." :)
    10. Brennil - when I save the Her Delicate Strength home page as a Favorite or Bookmark, the name automatically filled in is "Brennil's Threads" so there must be some web page statement that controls that - I would guess this one (I put quotes around it to make sure it shows up here):

      "<title>Brennil's Threads</title>"

    11. I bought jeans for my Shushu darling at Dollmore and they fit just fine. Although, keep in mind that although MNFs are slim MSDs, their hips are HUGE. Big hips, big butts. X33; So whatever you get, make sure they'll fit over those babies. Like I said, Dollmore jeans fit fairly well. A little tugging over the hip cups and they're fine.

      P.S. Congrats on owning a Shushu! XD I'm so biased...
    12. You can also find jeans from Zozolala and Flonne here on the board.

      Mio from m2kdolls.com has the amazing jeans too but they take a while to make so you must be patient.
    13. On m2kdolls- And they're very, VERY expensive. 75 bucks for some jeans for MSD size. I was looking at outfits for my girl from there, but because they're good quality handcraft, they cost a bit. But if you've got the coin- and are willing to spend that much for doll clothing- they look gorgeous. ^^
    14. Thanks for all. I just wait my first doll, so I worry and ask stupid questions -)

      I can sew and knitting. Theoretically. -) In practice I can not yet finishing sweeter that I start 2 yeas ago -) But it was my size. Shushu more smaller than me -)

      I don&#8217;t like Mio jeans, I can&#8217;t say why. Not only for mony, simply dislike.

      The time when I can go to Marketplace will be after 32 posts -)

      Shushu fanclub -) -) -)