1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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K-doll discussion

Dec 1, 2013

    1. Thank you both for the compliments on my girl. She's one of my oldest dolls and an even older character in my story, and I love her lots! I found it hard to decide between Karon and Kill_U (Karon was the latest K-Doll mold at that time), but Kill_U looked so lovably grumpy … just like Lil.

      chubi, I think I remember Cerberus from back then. There were a few more K-Dolls around in the gallery then …

      I hope, Keikei will be available for a while … I am still quite occupied playing with my Khan, Yurij. ;)

      In hopes of some of you wanting to share more pictures their K-Dolls I've made a thread here
    2. Yay, I'll try to get down to taking more photos of Key so I can post there!

      Sent from my iPhone
    3. Yes, I've bought him on 2008 ^_^ I'm surprised you remember him. They were only selling Kill_U Special at the time, so I had to look here. I opened a hopeful WTB thread then and took me about three months to find a Kill_U 2nd in WS! He was also my first SD doll and the reason I love this scale so much! Now I only got eyes for them~ (: A few years later, I decided to make the adult version of Cerberus, so I got myself a Kill_U 1st. And then a few months ago a friend of mine decided to sell her Kill_U 1st in NS... I claimed him right away XDD Still have to figure out what to do with that guy exactly, but will most likely try to make him as different as possible from my two Cerberus.

      That's a great idea! I'm glad you thought about it (: I'll make sure to contribute later with my k-llection~
    4. chubi & blackpaperbag, Kayan is listed there but without a photo, right under Kill_U 2nd.
    5. Hum.. I'm pretty sure it wasn't there last time I checked o_O Well, thanks for looking it up! I'm glad Ku Jeong Eun didn't forget about him~ (:
    6. Looks like heads are on the way! Got my tracking number yesterday.
    7. Wow I got it today! I didn't receive the email so it came like a surprise for me. Then I just checked again, the shipping email went into my spam folder.
      He's lovely! I love how Blood added personal touch to the certificate and packaging. I really appreciate it, very happy with the purchase :)
    8. Congratulations on your boy! Will you post pictures?:fangirl:

      lunar marsh, how about your head? Has it arrived yet?
    9. Yes, I got him yesterday! I don't have any face-up skills so I'll be sending him right back out (I hope, if I'm lucky enough to get an opening.). Keikei really is a beautiful sculpt. I'm still debating which body would suit him best.
    10. OMG pleaso do post blank pics of him, if you don't mind! (:
    11. Here's a photo I took when I open the package, not v good photo but it gives you the idea of what comes alot with it :) The head is beautiful.

    12. Classy! I love how K-Doll put a real wax seal on their certiicates. Is that a black bag under your head? The head itself looks lovely, I really like K-Dolls consistent style.
    13. Thanks a lot, meeve! He looks so adorable I can't wait to see mine >_< Didn't get a shipping notice yet, unfortunately.
    14. Once I get my modem working again at home, I'll try to get shots up of different angles.
    15. Hi! I'm akiumie, a complete newbie to k-doll dollies..& also to most of bjds in general.
      Heh. ^^

      Anyway, I was ecstatic when I received my KeiKei head a few days ago..
      Its the 2nd head I have ever purchased...
      The first from the store directly, as I got my first head 4th-handed.. lol.

      It's really gorgeous!

      But there's was this little flaw I had a problem with it...
      & I was wondering if any of you guys have something similar as well..
      plus I wanted to ask if this was normal in k-dolls sculpts/bjd sculpts in general...


      Basically, there was this gap between its head cap and some sort of sanding marks at its forehead?
      ...& being the particular me...its really bothering me. =.=" Ahhhh ~


      Am I over-reacting? Lol.
      Mentally prepares self. ><

      Anyway, I emailed k-doll about it and recently got a reply saying its normal. 0.0
      But I just wanted to double check with you guys...& also ask for fixes if there's any...

    16. Hi, akiumie! Congratulations on getting Keikei and don't worry, the head I got also has the gap and sanding marks so that is normal. I'm not sure about "fixing" it. Once you put a wig on him, those things won't be seen.
    17. @lunar marsh Haha.. Thanks for assuring me. ^^

      I guess I am just worried that the head cap might get loose with age? Cause of the gap.. Getting a wig cap for him... Would I do more harm that good if I want ahead and sanded that mark to smoothen it out? 0.0 *noob here*
    18. Here it is, a little late. More comparison photos will be found in this thread.

    19. Woah..
      The difference in size.. 0.0

      Does anyone have any recommendations for bodies suited for KeiKei's head?
      Other than the Volks 13 boy..
