1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Leeel's LQ Line Discussion

Nov 23, 2013

    1. Oh wow! I definitely want to get one.
    2. Monday morning over here in Australia and still the site is down. Boohoo. Thankyou for those pics of the last release Bandersnatch. I love how in that photo his eyes are more slanted, the character I want for mine is very grumpy so that would fit nicely if they released one like that. Altho I do love that little pointed hat on the site photo. Gah! I hate decisions.
    3. Ohhhhhh my gosh, so much cute. Thanks so much for sharing!

      And I'm still avoiding homework and heartbreak by refreshing Leeel's page like a madwoman. >.>
    4. The website is working for me, they've put the Cowardly Lion up now too! ^0^ So cute!!
    5. I do wish we could see what the Lion looks like without the fluffy white fursuit. XD But hopefully that will be forthcoming.
    6. Ha, I see. I've been refreshing the time out screen instead of loading up the website address. Duh. But yay I can see the site again! LOL
    7. Has there been any word on when the Tinman is going on sale? So far, the sale pages don't show any prices or details on when they'll be on sale. Something tells me the site will crash when it does.
    8. Prices are listed! $190 for each of the tinies~~:aheartbea
      Not sure when they'll go up for sale, but it's gotta be sooon! :whee:
    9. I hope so Bandersnatch! SOoo excited :) Really hoping it will be today that they're released because I'm going to be in and out tomorrow. *crosses fingers and toes*
    10. i love the tinman!!! omg LordHelmet! yours is so cute.... i hope leeel will sell the first faceplate too.
      officially add this cute tiny to wishlist....i just hope they are not limited edition @,@
      are they??
    11. Oo thankyou crazyapple. Guess I'll be more in than out tomorrow then. LOL
    12. Thank you so much crazyapple!I can stop refreshing the page and go to sleep now lol! XD
      cewie - It says on the bottom of the pages "Do not worry about it. Not a limited edition." Tinmen and Lions and Dorothy's for everyone~! :whee:

      I keep thinking that the Lion without the mane would make a super-cute puppy dog too! :aheartbea
    13. Oh how awesome these won't be limited, I will need one of the Tins one day :)
    14. Just wanted to say thanks for sharing those, Bandersnatch :)
      How much fun it would be to have them all :D
    15. Ok not only do I need like 3-5 tinmen but I "might" have shown them to my boyfriend who also now wants a whole hoard to decorate his house with :fangirl:
    16. YESSS. So glad they're not limited! I'm still going to try and be awake when they go up though, though we'll see how that pans out since I only got two hours of sleep last night. @.@
    17. Yay! :D Reasonable price, and not limited!

      This is a fabulous Christmas present, indeed. X3
    18. *dies all over*

      Like the rest of you I really can't put into words my excitement. I found the Tinman far too late to get one and this time.. THIS TIME I will bankrupt myself to get him ASAP. I need him as a robot butler for my Puki's!!! (okay, that's an excuse to fit him in with my current dolls. I just REALLY REALLY REALLY want him).

      I hope instead of sets they just offer a bunch of options, because I want... everything.
    19. Exactly what I was thinking! Though I don't think I'll be buying him before Christmas (since this time of year really drains my funds!) but the fact he's available again is enough for me!

      Ha! I'm thinking of ways to put him into my story too. I think he'll be sort of a toy for my Littlefee Robot boy. :) And I agree on the options. I'd rather just buy all the extras! XD
    20. Ooh, all of this reading about plans is getting me thinking too. My dolls often come in pairs, and my robots seem to have a subtheme of being paired with odd, nature-like creatures (e.g. Domuya Drui, Dollchateau Alberta, Dollzone Anson). I've got a Doll Factory Lolo that I think will make a good pair for him, but since she's a Digimon character of mine I wonder if this guy should be one too. I think whatever I do his name will be "Hato" (or maybe Hatomon?) -- as in the Japanese pronunciation of "heart." :aheartbea Either way, I'm sure the robot army will be glad to have yet another new recruit, although I get the feeling this one's gonna drive 'em nuts. He's a spunky one, for sure!

      I, too, hope they offer all the parts as extras. Well, it DOES say they're having a Christmas event, so who knows...