1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Leeel's LQ Line Discussion

Nov 23, 2013


      Malaryush ask and ye shall receive ^_^ This is my Dollti cowardly lion... Bandersnatch, it's funny you said he looked like a dog because i originally bought my lion to be my best buddy dog - he is his spitting image: Dollti Cowardly Lion

      also, here's a photo story with my goofballs...i hope you don't get tired of me because seriously i'm killer killer excite that i can finally share them. i hope you guys like it xD

      RubyHee by Pretty_Little_Monsters, on Flickr
    2. Eeee, thank you so much! :D He looks awesome and adorable! And I can definitely dig him as a cute doggie. X3

      I can say that I will certainly never get tired of your spam. <3 (Moooooore!)
    3. Well I have to say I, for one, am NOT enjoying the spam! Nope, not at all. Up until now, I thought I'd be perfectly happy with one little tinman.....had no interest in the cowardly lion. Now seeing him without the furry coat and the mane piece......I might have to have him too! And maybe a pair of tinmen. :roll: *sigh* And there goes the budget again.

      (with all that said.....the damage is already done.....so keep the spam coming! ;) )
    4. The headgear is his mane. XD
    5. Thanks, Rinoa! I was actually just editing my post as you replied.....after looking at the pics again, it's more obvious from the side. At first I thought it looked like a pharoah's headgear/crown! (Hmmmm, maybe time to have my eyes checked? :) )
    6. So glad these little guys are on topic now.
    7. A popup on the Leeel website:

      I am quite relieved.
    8. I'm also relieved that it's not a limited edition. With the X-mas period, I might have to wait 'til January to order this little guy. I'm curious about all the extra options they're giving : Face A and face B, googles A or B, etc. Would be nice if we could see pics of it.
    9. I'm having a little chuckle over the word 'fainting' instead of 'painting'. hehehe
    10. Wow!! I can't believe they're selling him with all the bits too! :D :aheartbea Option parts galore!
    11. I'm struggling to understand all the different options... so if you want the doll himself painted it's an additional $280 on top of $190?! Um..ouch?

      A basic set is body, head, axe, sump and red heart (according to the writing beneath the last photo). I'm guessing that's the base price of $190.

      Then the full set would include face A & B, wizard hat & helmet, goggles A & B, Axe and headsets A & B and they're offering that for an extra $150 instead of paying $195 if you added all the extras up separately.

      I think that's right? I'd love to see pics of the other options :)
    12. AHHHHH OMG THE WIZARD HAT ONE I'M DIE. That's the one i wanted next XD I'm gettttttttttttinnnggggggg iiiitttttt.
    13. Am I stupid and can't decipher the diffrent faces or aren't there any pictures of em? (same goes for goggles)
    14. Yay!! Ordered and paid! I didn't get all the option parts, just face B, both headsets and both goggles. I'm glad the shipping isn't expensive! *happy dance* \^_^/
    15. Oh my goodness, they're up! :D

      Realistically, I should probably wait a little while before I order, but it's still so tempting. And so many options! I've already got names picked out and I know how they work into my story. XD Waiting is going to be way too hard.

      ChocoDecadence - The pictures have been added to the bottom. If they're not loading for you, the default is the "sad-eye" face shown in the main pictures. Face A is the human face, with a more rounded eye, and Face B is the "angry-eye" face. And Goggles A have the rounded eye holes, whereas Goggles B have a more rectangular hole.
    16. Loading for me now. Now I've gotta calculate hard. We need 4. 2 grumpy, 2 cute versions. Question is now which sets <.<
    17. The full set contains everything but the extra head pieces right? I was thinking of getting him with everything but the human face (the grumpy face is ADORABLE!). I'll have to start saving. x_x;

      And the 20% off for the full set isn't just a limited only thing is it? I hope not.

      I know they do layaway but I'm paying off another doll (which should be paid off this week) so I don't want to start anything until that's sorted. :sweat
    18. Ugghhhhh

      My option choices came out to be: Face B, Helmet (although the wizaarrdddd haatt tempts me!), Goggles A + B, Axe + Headset A.

      I want to order him right. now. But logic dictates I wait and see how school shakes out for spring semester before I spend any money :(
    19. Does anyone think they'll go for the painted option? I guess I'll have a go at doing that myself, but the photos look so good... I can't decide if I want my little robot bronze or sliver.
    20. I counted up the pieces and I counted wrong, so I think you're correct!

      Helmet, Wizard Hat, Goggles A, Goggles B, Heart Axe, Headset A, Headset B and the two faces is 9 pieces.