1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Leeel's LQ Line Discussion

Nov 23, 2013

    1. Ahhh, they're up and they've got all the parts! Fullset HERE I COME! I think I'll be getting just one tinman with all the pieces for now (I'm not a huge fan of the human face, but the fullset is discounted anyway so why not) but I can foresee later on getting at least another one of these guys. :D


      Really shouldn't be ordering right now with Christmas and textbook fees for next semester coming up, but I'm willing to pay a little bit of interest just to get this guy here ASAP!
      EDIT: Order's in!
    2. I'm so happy that 1. The tiny tinman is not an LE, and 2. They brought back all those precious option parts!
    3. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :whee: One Tinman, blank with all the bits is coming my way! Woop! Woop! :dance:cheer:celebrate
      Ahh! So exited!! Wonder what their waiting period is like~
    4. Yeah, me too. They might get hit hard with a rush of orders for these guys, haha.

      I'm wondering if I should start up a waiting room for Leeel dolls?

      EDIT: Well, I went ahead and made a waiting room!
    5. umuuugs. i got my robits XD! now there will be 4 here...i was so glad they brought back all the option parts, because i really REALLY WANTED THAT WIZARD HAT. i can't wait. man we need to post some giant (not so giant) collage picture when we get them all. these guys are too cute.

      *rolls around in cute*
    6. Okee dokee, one Dorothy and one Tinman w/both heads and B goggles is ordered :D

      I didn't spend the money to paint him, I'd be surprised if anyone does. It was way spendy.

      Mitya, did you order your Dorothy yet? I hope we won't be the only two...
    7. Yee! I'm so thrilled for you, Clochette! <3 And I'm so glad there is someone else here getting a Dorothy!!

      I haven't ordered her just yet but I plan to! I hope we won't be the only ones either. She's such a precious little thing with such gorgeous little hands! I always fall for the face, hands and feet on a doll, haha:D
    8. I am so excited, I put my order in. WOOHOOOOO! Basic tinman, face B and goggles A & B. No to ze painting.
    9. yaaah bro that painting. is mad spensive. i got a Ringdoll Frankenstein recently, and faceup and body blushing for THOSE badboys was about 150...and that's for a 70 cm doll with lots of option parts...i mean this is really cool and all and man did the little robots look super cute in silver but..yah no.
    10. Glad to see some Dorothy's being ordered! :whee: Has anyone ordered the Lion yet?

      Well maybe Tinman's painting is expensive because they're so tiny? It's pretty detailed stuff, and he's got like micro rust spots and tarnish marks and stuff. It is expensive, but think it's a fair enough, considering someone has to sit there and paint it all and it'll probably take them over a days work to do it. And it's not amateur work either, Leeel says they've got some top artists working for them!
      Buuut at the end of the day, I didn't really want to pay for it either! XD I just hope someone does so we can all see owner-photos of a nice shiny silver tinman! :3

      I'm kinda leaning towards a tarnished bronze/copper for my little guy... Better learn how to paint a patina! XD
    11. Yes but painting something that small is actually a hell of a lot harder. People who paint miniatures charge a lot for quality painting. Size doesn't matter, as it doesn't taken less time just because it's smaller. *_* It's the difficulty, unfortunately.

      I'm not really wanting my tinman to be painted metallic so I'm lucky. :sweat
    12. i really don't need any more dolls.... no i don't.....well, these are only small...... AND SO CUTE!!!!!
      one lion and one tin man please, thank you, paid.

      i wonder if rub and buff would work, i must dig out some junk resin and check.
    13. oh, i didn't say it wasn't WORTH IT, i said it was EXPENSIVE XD fortunately for me, I have an airbrush to mess with.
    14. So who all will be ordering this cutie as soon as possible? I'm trying to decide between getting the fullset with all the option parts or just what I want. The only option parts I really want are the helmet, face B, and the heart axe, but having a fullset means he'll have more value in the future... But it's almost $100 extra to get parts I might never even use! Like I know I'd never use the human face but the others I probably still wouldn't use...

      UGH. Decisions, decisions.
    15. Penguin!! hey there!! GLAD TO SEE YOU ABOARD THE ROBOT SHIP.

      yeah, i think if you want just the extra helmet, face and heart, you should go for the parts separately...i mean that's just mho...i am ordering a lot of extra parts, but i don't fancy the human face or the extra ax and stuff...100 bucks will buy you more Wanda Frogs 8 B
    16. Oh I know that's not what you were saying, but it was the comment on that a bigger doll was cheaper for blushing and painting that I was trying to explain why the price would be so different. :sweat

      I'd personally just get what you want. I'm getting all the pieces when I eventually order because I know I would use them all except the human face and for the price discount I might as well (It's $15 more for me for not getting the human face XD). Funnily enough I'm actually not fond of the realistic axe and cone hat he comes with by default but I don't have a choice with getting them replaced by something else. :P If I could choose to have the heart axe instead and forego the cone hat for the helmet I'd probably just add the extras separately.
    17. Even though I know I'll probably only ever use the grumpy B face and the heart axe, I'll probably end up going ahead and ordering all the pieces because I get absolutely obsessed with having all the option parts. I went on a crusade to find every single Chibi Unoa face despite the fact I have only painted half of them and I only even use maybe two of them, but once I get my mind set to do something, I can't rest until it's been done. I might ought to just save myself the headache of getting the idea of having all the pieces later by just ordering them all at once. I don't know. x_x; I can't buy the little guy right away anyway so I have some time to think about it. I just know myself and that I'll go crazy knowing there's parts out there for him that I don't have even if I never use them.

      I'm SOOO looking forward to painting this little guy though! I'm going to make him really rusty and worn down and covered in dirt since he's going to be a little metal guy with a human soul (very Fullmetal Alchemist, I know). He's so tiny but just so darn charming. Considering I haven't seen a doll in a LONG time that struck me at all, I'm surprised that I even want this guy. He and Dollzone Coral both struck me as too dadgum cute to pass up.
    18. That was my thought exactly. Not sure how it would seal on the resin, but it's worth a shot.
    19. I get you there. I love getting all the pieces for things. x_x; And DZ Coral is gorgeous also!
    20. Hi guys! I am totally in love with the tin man, but have no idea what the additional 9 parts 20% discount + $150 means on the order page. Can someone please explain this to me? Thanks in advance!