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Leeke Wigs and Tinies

Sep 7, 2009

    1. I don't know of a thread like this, so I wanted to start a thread where we can list what Leeke wigs fit what tinies.

      Leeke just announced that they wlll be coming out with "So-type" 3 inch wigs on September 14. They also came out with "K-type" 3-4 inch mohair wigs a couple months ago.

      If you've got info on which of the smaller Leeke wigs fit your tinies, please post that info here so that this thread can be an on-going resource for Leeke wigs on tinies! I'll update this 1st post periodically with posted info.


      "D-Type" 6-6.5 inch (Heat-resistant and other fiber)

      Customhouse Angel Ai
      FairyLand LittleFee
      Leeke Sweet
      Minoruworld Juniors
      Soom Teeny Gem
      Volks Yo-SD/Yo-Tenshi

      "K-Type" 3-4 inch (Mohair)


      "So-Type" 3 inch (To be released September 14)

    2. My Littlefee wears the D-type wigs...I have to sit it far back on her head and I had to trim the bangs but I love it!

      Here's a photo:

    3. My Leeke-D Vanilla fits Leeke D-type wigs very well. Both are Dollga Heat-Resistant wigs.


    4. I wish we could know what the new So type would fit before the ordering period. Does anyone know which doll they have it photographed on? It looks like there is a little extra room there. I'm hoping they'll fit pukis. *fingers crossed* I'll order them and let everyone know, but if we could do a little guestimation work in the meantime, that might be fun!
    5. Rosella, I'm hoping for the same... my pukipuki baby is coming home and she needs a wig!
    6. Okay, they aren't Leeke wigs, but how about the Dollmore Banji wigs? They seem pretty small since the Banjis heads are more proportional than the various pukis and latis.
    7. I was going to say "Looks like a Pocket Fairy to me!" but :: squints :: I'm just not sure! I think it's the K-line by Leeke...but don't quote me on that! http://www.leekeworld.com/En/Product/p_list.asp?B_catalog_num=5

      3-4" fit Lati white...I do have a PukiPuki head, but my Puki wears the multi-head (which wouldn't fit the So wigs, unfortunately) so I've not tried any wig swapping.
    8. It's a smiling sculpt and k-line doesn't have a smiling sculpt like that...

      Thank goodness their new so-wigs doesn't come in a style i like...else i'll be so dead broke OAO;
    9. My Leeke 6-6.5 wig fits my Custom House Ange Ai perfectly.

    10. Minoruworld juniors can wear the Leeke D wigs, the elastic doesn't stretch at all but there's no gap. There's some space at the crown in the back. They may move if there's no wig stop of any kind on the headcap, and bangs/fringe may need a trim.
      Here are links to some photos in two leeke/dollga D wigs borrowed from my Resinsoul Mei. The both have had the bangs/fringe trimmed slightly.
    11. I have a Planet Doll mini riz and there are no lovely wigs that fit. The 4/5s are too small and the 5/6s are too big. She can wear a 5 IF there is an elasticized fit. And right now, only fur wigs are available. Let me know if anything else fits her. Thanks.

    12. maybe it's an Orientdoll? They sell those on the Leekeworld website and there are a few smiling guys.

      Okay - yes, I think it must be. I just went to the Tiny BJD sizes spreadsheet and it says "Orientdoll SO-type" and "Orientdoll Joong-type" I don't think that's just a coincidence :sweat
      that puts the doll in the photo at having a headsize of 3.9"
      Fairyland Puki is 3.93, so I'll definitely get a few and report back when they come in as to the fit :)
    13. I've been watching the Leeke website but have yet to see these So-type 3" wigs. Anyone have any new information on them?
    14. My OD So head seems to be just a bit smaller than my puki heads. I made my own wig that is tight on my so's head and it does not fit my pukis well. So if the Leekeworld wig fits tightly, it may not work. However, if I was Leekeworld, I would have taken the pukis into consideration, considering how large a portion of the tiny market they have become lately. I can't wait to hear how the Leeke wigs fit; they are very cute!
    15. Yes, the 3" wig model is an OrientDoll tiny. I'm really hoping they do fit snuggly on Sos, as I have been unable to find any wigs that fit properly on their heads; 3" headcaps seem to small, and Barbie or other 3/4s are always overwhelming. The tight hats I make that fit OrientDolls with wigs just barely fit bald pukis, so if they're well fitted I doubt they'll work for both dolls. I'm excited to see them!